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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – Do These 12 Things First If You Want a Bright Future | Bjorn Lomborg PT 2

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – Do These 12 Things First If You Want a Bright Future | Bjorn Lomborg PT 2

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Bjorn Lomborg shares his data-driven approach to solving the world’s biggest problems. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and investing in specific areas to achieve maximum impact. From poverty reduction to improving education and addressing climate change, Lomborg provides insights and solutions that can create a brighter future for all.

Main Takeaways

Poverty Reduction and its Impacts

  • The world has lifted 138,000 people out of poverty each day over the last 25 years, leading to longer-term decision making and improved quality of life.
  • Poverty reduction has knock-on effects such as education and better healthcare, preventing easily-curable diseases and reducing climate-related devastation deaths.
  • Investing in maternal and child health in poor countries can save thousands of lives and have a high social benefit-to-cost ratio.

Climate Change and Innovation

  • Reducing poverty is key to dealing with climate change, as it leads to a 99% reduction in climate-related devastation deaths.
  • Innovation, such as green energy technologies, is crucial for combating climate change and creating a sustainable future.
  • Investing in research and development for green energy can lead to cheaper and more accessible technologies, benefiting both rich and poor countries.

Improving Education

  • Using tablets with educational software can improve education outcomes in poor countries, allowing children to learn at their own pace.
  • Structured tablet use can lead to surprising results, with children teaching themselves advanced subjects like molecular biology.
  • Investing in education has a range of positive outcomes beyond income, including breaking the cycle of poverty and improving overall quality of life.

Free Trade and Global Issues

  • Free trade can make everyone richer, but it is important to address the negative impacts on certain industries and regions.
  • Global issues, such as healthcare, disease prevention, and agricultural research, should not be overshadowed by climate change discussions.
  • Prioritizing and investing in specific global issues can have a significant impact on poverty reduction and overall prosperity.


Bjorn Lomborg’s Approach to Problem-Solving

Bjorn Lomborg emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision making to solve the world’s most pressing problems. By prioritizing specific areas and aligning resources, it is possible to achieve maximum impact and create a brighter future. Lomborg highlights the significant progress in poverty reduction over the past 25 years, lifting millions out of poverty each day. This achievement has not only improved living conditions but also led to longer-term decision making and better healthcare outcomes. Furthermore, poverty reduction plays a crucial role in addressing climate change, with a 99% reduction in climate-related devastation deaths. Lomborg advocates for investing in green energy technologies and innovation to combat climate change effectively. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of improving education in poor countries through the use of tablets and educational software. This approach allows children to learn at their own pace and can lead to surprising results, such as self-teaching advanced subjects like molecular biology. Lomborg also highlights the need to prioritize global issues beyond climate change, such as healthcare, disease prevention, and agricultural research. By investing in these areas, it is possible to save lives, improve overall prosperity, and create a more sustainable future.


Bjorn Lomborg’s data-driven approach to problem-solving provides valuable insights and solutions for creating a brighter future. By prioritizing poverty reduction, investing in green energy technologies, improving education, and addressing global issues, it is possible to achieve significant positive impact. These solutions are not only cost-effective but also have high social benefit-to-cost ratios. It is crucial to recognize the progress made in poverty reduction and the potential for further advancements. By aligning resources and focusing on specific areas, we can create a world that is more prosperous, resilient, and sustainable for all.

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