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How I Built This with Guy Raz / – When your headphones listen to you with Ramses Alcaide of Neurable

How I Built This with Guy Raz – When your headphones listen to you with Ramses Alcaide of Neurable

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In this episode of “How I Built This with Guy Raz,” Ramses Alcaide, co-founder of Neurable, shares his journey of building natural prosthetic systems and brain computer interfaces. He discusses the potential applications of Neurable’s non-invasive wearable technology, which goes beyond preventing burnout and fatigue. Join Guy Raz as he dives into the fascinating world of neuroscience and technology.

Main Takeaways

Building Natural Prosthetic Systems

  • Neurable’s N10 headphones adapt to natural working rhythms to prevent burnout.
  • Neurable’s technology is based on neuroscience research conducted by Alcaide while getting his Ph.D.
  • Founder Ramses Alcaide was motivated to create natural prosthetic systems after seeing his uncle struggle with unnatural ones.
  • Alcaide’s work with brain computer interfaces was aimed at helping children with severe cerebral palsy communicate.
  • Traditional brain computer interfaces required extensive setup time and calibration, but Alcaide’s machine learning classification reduced response time to 30 seconds to a minute.

Potential Applications of Neurable’s Technology

  • Neurable’s non-invasive wearable tech has potential applications beyond just preventing burnout.
  • Brainwaves can tell us a lot about a person such as focus, stress levels, and sleep responses.
  • Neurable’s IP increases the fidelity of brainwaves, making it possible to bring brain computer interfaces to everyday devices.
  • Brain computer interfaces can help detect cognitive decline early on, which is crucial for treatment.
  • Brain detecting devices are the ultimate wearable and can potentially provide insights into Parkinson’s disease and other health conditions.

Neurable’s Non-Invasive Wearable Technology

  • Neurable’s AI increases signal-to-noise ratio to better interpret brain data and improve classifications.
  • Traditional EEG systems require a lot of setup and are not practical for everyday use.
  • Hilton and Marriott’s corporate rivalry is explored in the podcast Business Wars.
  • Brain-based wearables will replace all other wearables and consolidate all data and value into one device.
  • Brain-based wearables can detect certain medical conditions that cannot be detected by other wearables.

The Future of Brain Computer Interfaces

  • Neurable is focused on creating an everyday brain computer interface to unlock its value for billions of people.
  • Neurable’s technology can prevent burnout and injuries due to fatigue, saving billions of dollars.
  • Neurable is one of the best-funded companies in the non-invasive space, allowing them to stay ahead of competitors.
  • Neurable’s commercial product will initially be headphones and will be available in Q4 of this year or Q1 of next year.
  • The technology can be used for enterprise products, such as tracking mental health and fatigue for pilots or high-risk workers.


Building Natural Prosthetic Systems

Ramses Alcaide, co-founder of Neurable, was inspired to create natural prosthetic systems after witnessing his uncle struggle with unnatural ones. Through his research and work with brain computer interfaces, Alcaide aimed to help children with severe cerebral palsy communicate. Traditional brain computer interfaces required extensive setup time, but Alcaide’s machine learning classification reduced response time to just 30 seconds to a minute.

Potential Applications of Neurable’s Technology

Neurable’s non-invasive wearable technology has the potential to go beyond preventing burnout. By analyzing brainwaves, this technology can provide insights into a person’s focus, stress levels, and sleep responses. The increased fidelity of brainwaves with Neurable’s IP allows for brain computer interfaces to be integrated into everyday devices. This opens up possibilities for early detection of cognitive decline and insights into various health conditions.

Neurable’s Non-Invasive Wearable Technology

Neurable’s AI technology enhances the interpretation of brain data by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. This makes it more practical for everyday use compared to traditional EEG systems that require extensive setup. Furthermore, brain-based wearables have the potential to replace other wearables and consolidate data and value into one device. They can also detect medical conditions that are not detectable by other wearables.

The Future of Brain Computer Interfaces

Neurable aims to create an everyday brain computer interface that can benefit billions of people. This technology has the potential to prevent burnout, injuries due to fatigue, and save billions of dollars. Neurable’s well-funded position in the non-invasive space allows them to stay ahead of competitors. Their initial commercial product, headphones, will be available soon, with plans to expand into enterprise products for tracking mental health and fatigue in high-risk industries.


Neurable’s innovative non-invasive wearable technology opens up exciting possibilities in the field of brain computer interfaces. From preventing burnout to detecting cognitive decline and improving overall well-being, this technology has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with devices and understand our own brains. As Neurable continues to push boundaries, the future of brain computer interfaces looks promising, offering seamless integration between humans and computers.

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