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How to Talk to People / – #35 – Annie Miller: The Importance of Connection in Your Relationship

How to Talk to People – #35 – Annie Miller: The Importance of Connection in Your Relationship

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In this episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast, the hosts are joined by Annie Miller to discuss the importance of connection in relationships. They cover various topics such as navigating conflict, keeping romance alive, and the challenges of scheduling podcast recordings. Annie Miller shares her experiences traveling to Ireland, the impact of COVID-19 on her and her husband, and the value of thoughtfulness in planning. The episode also includes rapid-fire questions and insights on communication, gratitude, and personal growth in relationships.

Main Takeaways

The Importance of Connection in Relationships

  • Social connection is important for a healthy lifestyle
  • Expectations in relationships are often subconscious and we only realize them when they’re violated
  • Surprises are received differently by different people
  • It’s important to communicate expectations to avoid disappointment
  • Planning in advance can help avoid dropping the ball on special occasions
  • Being flexible and adaptable is important when plans change
  • Celebrating even the smallest of things is important
  • Emphasizing success rather than only focusing on mistakes can improve self-criticism
  • Marriage can help improve personal growth and development
  • Celebrating differences in a relationship is important for personal growth and development
  • Families can have different ways of celebrating events and milestones
  • Gift-giving can be a way to show love and appreciation in a relationship
  • People have different ways of expressing emotions and that’s okay
  • Understanding and appreciating each other’s perspectives can lead to better communication and a stronger relationship
  • Expectation violation theory can cause tension in relationships when expectations are not met
  • Gratitude and being thankful for gifts is an important lesson to learn and can be taught in a gentle and impactful way
  • Donating unused gifts to under-served populations can be a way to show gratitude and teach a valuable lesson
  • Asking unexpected questions can be a fun and engaging way to learn more about each other and deepen relationships
  • Making the most of the time together by doing mundane activities can build quality time in a relationship

Annie Miller’s Adventures and Personal Growth

  • Annie Miller is a smart and funny guest on the podcast
  • Topics covered include how they met, navigating conflict, and keeping romance alive
  • Rapid fire questions include favorite childhood TV show and preferred time of day
  • The hosts play a rapid-fire question game, including questions about time periods, ice cream flavors, and what makes a person happy
  • They discuss the challenges of scheduling podcast recordings around their busy lives
  • The host’s spouse helps with behind-the-scenes work for the podcast and is a frequent guest
  • The host solicited questions and topics from social media followers for this episode
  • It has been three months since the last time the guest was on the podcast
  • The guest has attended and been in multiple weddings over the summer
  • The guest recently traveled to Ireland with her mom and had a great experience
  • Irish hospitality and social connection is unique and impressive
  • The guest made a friend named Andrew in Ireland who showed them kindness and hospitality
  • The guest and her husband had trouble with phone service while traveling, but still managed to keep in touch with each other
  • The guest and her husband faced rough waters while cruising through Gail Force winds
  • The guest’s mother was a calming presence during the ordeal
  • The guest and her mother both contracted COVID-19 after the trip
  • The couple celebrated their second anniversary by visiting their wedding venue and playing mini golf
  • The guest values thoughtfulness in planning and appreciates handwritten notes as a form of thoughtfulness


The Importance of Connection in Relationships

In this episode, Annie Miller and the hosts delve into the significance of social connection in relationships. They explore the role of expectations, communication, and planning in maintaining a healthy connection. The discussion highlights the importance of celebrating differences, expressing gratitude, and understanding each other’s perspectives. They also touch upon the concept of expectation violation theory and how it can impact relationships. The episode emphasizes the value of thoughtfulness in planning and the power of surprises in strengthening relationships.

Annie Miller’s Adventures and Personal Growth

Annie Miller shares her recent experiences, including her travels to Ireland and the challenges she faced along the way. She recounts the unique Irish hospitality and social connection she experienced, as well as the kindness shown to her by a newfound friend. The episode also delves into the couple’s celebration of their second anniversary and their reflections on personal growth in marriage. Annie emphasizes the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and finding joy in mundane activities. The conversation highlights the impact of travel on relationships and the need for intentional relational maintenance.


This episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast with Annie Miller offers valuable insights into the importance of connection in relationships. The discussions on expectations, communication, and thoughtfulness provide practical advice for fostering a strong and thriving connection. Annie’s personal stories and adventures add a touch of humor and relatability to the episode. Listeners are encouraged to celebrate differences, express gratitude, and embrace the joy of unexpected moments in their own relationships.

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