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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – Reduce Your Biological Age, and Live A Longer & Better life | Kara Fitzgerald (Replay)

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – Reduce Your Biological Age, and Live A Longer & Better life | Kara Fitzgerald (Replay)

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Tom interviews Kara Fitzgerald, a naturopathic doctor and expert in the field of epigenetics and methylation. They discuss the impact of lifestyle on biological age, the role of methylation in gene expression, and how to optimize health and longevity through nutrition and mindfulness practices.

Main Takeaways

Methylation and Gene Expression

  • Methylation controls how genetics express themselves.
  • Epigenetics regulates gene expression through wrapping and unwrapping DNA.
  • Methylation markers are placed on DNA using DNA methyl transferase enzymes.
  • Without methylation, genes would be turned on randomly, leading to a breakdown in the epigenome and aging.
  • Lifestyle can influence methylation during cell division, and lifestyle interventions can help prevent and rewind breakdowns in the epigenome.

Impact of Lifestyle on Methylation

  • Regular meditation can reduce biological age.
  • A combination of exercise, additional greens powder, probiotics, good sleep hygiene, and meditation can reverse biological age by up to three years in just eight weeks.
  • Stress can have a negative impact on biological age and sleep is a good indicator of stress levels.
  • Stressful environments can lead to shorter lifespans and impact future generations.
  • Trauma can be passed down through generations via epigenetics.

Nutrition and Methylation

  • Methyl donors are exquisitely important in our diet.
  • Polyphenols from plants may influence DNA methyl transferase enzymes and support the placement of methyl groups where we want them.
  • Nutrients given to pregnant mice can influence gene expression in their offspring for up to five generations.
  • The use of micronutrients in pregnancy has led to extraordinary birth outcomes with minimal complications.
  • Whole food matrix is the foundation of a healthy diet.

Mindfulness and Epigenetics

  • Sleep is essential for good epigenetic expression and insomnia ages people.
  • Stress is potently pro-aging and influences morbidity and mortality, but meditation, Tai Chi, and yoga can have favorable changes on the body.
  • Regular meditation can make people biologically younger, but even one session can have a favorable influence.
  • Yoga, practiced once a week, can show beneficial changes on the epigenome.
  • Exercise can turn back on previously inhibited tumor suppressor genes, especially in older individuals.

Nutritional Supplementation

  • Micronutrients are crucial for optimal performance, and whole foods should be prioritized in your diet.
  • Supplementation can be helpful for busy individuals, but traditional supplements may not be the best option.
  • Athletic Greens offers a convenient and cost-efficient way to get all the micronutrients you need through whole food sourced ingredients.


Methylation and Gene Expression

Methylation is a crucial process that regulates gene expression and prevents random activation of genes. Lifestyle factors, such as meditation and healthy habits, can influence methylation during cell division, helping to maintain a balanced epigenome and prevent aging-related breakdowns.

Impact of Lifestyle on Methylation

Regular meditation has been shown to reduce biological age, while a combination of exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness practices can reverse biological age by up to three years in just eight weeks. Stressful environments and trauma can negatively impact biological age and even affect future generations through epigenetic changes.

Nutrition and Methylation

Methyl donors, such as polyphenols found in plants, play a crucial role in supporting methylation and gene expression. Nutritional interventions, especially during pregnancy, can have long-lasting effects on gene expression in offspring. A whole food-based diet, including sources like leafy greens, beets, seeds, mushrooms, and fatty fish, provides essential nutrients for optimal methylation.

Mindfulness and Epigenetics

Sleep, stress management, and mindfulness practices like meditation, Tai Chi, and yoga have a positive impact on epigenetic expression. Regular meditation can make individuals biologically younger, while yoga and exercise can activate tumor suppressor genes and improve overall health and longevity.

Nutritional Supplementation

Micronutrients are essential for optimal performance, and a whole food-based diet should be prioritized. While supplementation can be beneficial for busy individuals, choosing whole food sourced options like Athletic Greens ensures a comprehensive intake of micronutrients.


Understanding the role of methylation and epigenetics in gene expression and aging provides valuable insights into how lifestyle choices and nutrition can optimize health and longevity. By incorporating practices like meditation, exercise, and a whole food-based diet, individuals can take control of their biological age and promote overall well-being.

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