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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / – BONUS: Silver Bullet Secret To Perfect Your Sleep (Replay)

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu – BONUS: Silver Bullet Secret To Perfect Your Sleep (Replay)

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Tom discusses the importance of finding your passion and perfecting your sleep with his guest, Dr. Michael Breus. They explore strategies for discovering your true calling and optimizing your sleep to enhance your overall well-being.

Main Takeaways

Finding Your Passion

  • Retirement is all about security, but tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us.
  • There are things you could do that you would love so much, you would never think of retiring.
  • Dedicate yourself to something that you absolutely love that lights you on fire.
  • Before jumping ship, find a way to engage in the day-to-day realities of what you’re thinking about doing.
  • Don’t spend your time living somebody else’s life.
  • Finding your passion is a process of experimentation and deep engagement.
  • Passion starts with interest, followed by gaining mastery.
  • Mastery is a two-way street, gaining usable skills and impacting others.
  • Push past the moments of practice that are boring and dull to get great at something.
  • Try many things to find your passion, it may even reenergize you.

Optimizing Sleep

  • Go to bed earlier to catch up on sleep deficit.
  • Set an intention to wake up naturally before the emergency alarm.
  • Use alarms that wake you up in a light part of your sleep cycle.
  • Try tweaking your diet or tracking your sleep with an aura ring.
  • Check if you’re consistently getting enough sleep.
  • Consider using an alarm that wakes you up gradually.
  • Try a ketogenic diet to see if it affects your energy levels.
  • Consider a neuro stimulation device like Modius Health for better sleep quality.
  • Audit how much you love your life and what you’re doing.
  • Find things that you’re passionate about and incorporate them into your life.
  • Don’t overcaffeinate, audit your caffeine intake.


Finding Your Passion

Retirement is often seen as a goal for security, but it’s essential to realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed. Instead of focusing solely on retirement, dedicate yourself to something that you absolutely love and that lights you on fire. Experiment and deeply engage in various activities to find your passion. Passion starts with interest, followed by gaining mastery and impacting others. Push past the moments of practice that may be boring and dull to truly excel in your chosen field. Don’t spend your time living someone else’s life; find what truly excites you and pursue it with all your heart.

Optimizing Sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in overall well-being. To optimize your sleep, consider going to bed earlier to catch up on any sleep deficit. Set an intention to wake up naturally before the emergency alarm, and use alarms that wake you up during a light part of your sleep cycle. Experiment with your diet and consider tracking your sleep with devices like an aura ring. Make sure you’re consistently getting enough sleep and explore different methods to improve sleep quality, such as using a neuro stimulation device like Modius Health. Additionally, audit how much you love your life and what you’re doing, and incorporate things that you’re passionate about into your daily routine. Be mindful of your caffeine intake and avoid overcaffeinating, as it can negatively impact your sleep.


Finding your passion and optimizing your sleep are crucial aspects of leading a fulfilling and healthy life. By dedicating yourself to what you love and experimenting with different activities, you can discover your true calling. Simultaneously, prioritizing good sleep hygiene and implementing strategies to improve sleep quality can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Remember, retirement is not the ultimate goal; living a life filled with passion and purpose is what truly matters.

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