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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Barbie for 43 minutes

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Barbie for 43 minutes

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben Shapiro reviews the Barbie movie and shares his thoughts on its plot, characters, and underlying messages. He critiques the film’s execution and highlights the political agenda it promotes. Shapiro also discusses the marketing efforts behind the movie and predicts its success in the box office. Join him as he dissects the film and provides his unique perspective.

Main Takeaways

The Barbie Movie: A Critical Review

  • Ben Shapiro reviews the Barbie movie and calls it one of the worst movies he’s ever seen.
  • The only positive aspect of the movie is the production design and costumes.
  • The movie’s intended audience is moms and their eight-year-old daughters, but it’s not made for them.
  • The movie is predicted to make a lot of money in its first week due to excellent marketing efforts.

The Writers and Their Agenda

  • The writers of the movie, Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, have no audience for this film and seem to despise Barbie as a fascist.
  • The film’s premise is that men and women hate each other and the only way to have a happy world is for them to ignore each other.
  • The movie is a mess, making no sense plot-wise or character-wise.
  • The film is getting a 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes due to the right politics being inserted, even though it is a bad movie.

The Negative Portrayal of Barbie and High-Brow References

  • The movie has a very cynical take on Barbie, portraying her as bad for the world.
  • The film references various high-brow cultural touchstones, but it’s unclear who the intended audience is.
  • Barbie is supposed to be the independent woman who liberates all womanhood, but she fails for two reasons: she’s a tool of the patriarchal capitalist system, and the real world has rejected her message.

The Problematic Themes and Inappropriate Content

  • There are many jokes in the film that are not appropriate for children, including a series of Game Astrobation jokes on the beach scene.
  • The film tackles existential angst over mortality, which may not be suitable for children.
  • The film includes a trans Barbie, which is treated normally.

The Confusing Plot and Gender Dynamics

  • Barbie has to go to the real world to find the person who was playing with her and make them feel better to heal the problem in Barbie land.
  • The film portrays men as violent and threatening towards women.
  • The real world is not like Barbie land, where women are victims of the patriarchy.


Barbie Movie: A Political Mess Disguised as Entertainment

Ben Shapiro reviews the Barbie movie and criticizes its execution, plot, and underlying messages. He highlights the film’s cynical portrayal of Barbie and its attempt to insert political agenda. Shapiro points out the inappropriate content and confusing plot that make the movie unsuitable for its intended audience. He also discusses the film’s portrayal of gender dynamics and the negative depiction of men. Overall, Shapiro concludes that the Barbie movie fails to deliver an enjoyable and coherent cinematic experience.

The Marketing Hype and Box Office Predictions

Shapiro acknowledges the excellent marketing efforts behind the Barbie movie and predicts its financial success in the box office. Despite his negative review, he acknowledges that the film’s target audience of moms and their eight-year-old daughters may still be drawn to it due to the marketing hype. However, he believes that the movie’s negative messages and inappropriate content may hinder its success in the overseas market, particularly in China where the government is unlikely to allow their children to watch it.

The Barbie Brand and Its Ramifications

Shapiro discusses the potential ramifications of the Barbie movie for the Barbie brand. He suggests that Hollywood’s decision to turn the beloved IP into a politically-driven film may impact the brand’s reputation and consumer perception. Shapiro emphasizes the importance of maintaining the charm and positive values associated with the Barbie brand, rather than turning it into a divisive and cynical entity.


Ben Shapiro’s review of the Barbie movie reveals its flaws and political agenda. He highlights the film’s negative portrayal of Barbie, inappropriate content, and confusing plot. Shapiro predicts the movie’s financial success due to marketing efforts but questions its reception in the overseas market. Ultimately, Shapiro emphasizes the importance of maintaining the positive values associated with the Barbie brand and delivering an enjoyable cinematic experience.

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