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The Mel Robbins Podcast / – If You Only Listen to One Podcast Today, Make It This One

The Mel Robbins Podcast – If You Only Listen to One Podcast Today, Make It This One

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast”, Mel Robbins encourages listeners to stop waiting for the perfect time, money, or permission to pursue their dreams. She discusses the impact of self-doubt and imposter syndrome on goal pursuit and emphasizes the importance of taking action towards one’s dreams starting today. Mel shares practical advice on setting goals, overcoming procrastination, and redirecting time and energy towards what truly matters.

Main Takeaways

Overcoming Self-Doubt

  • Imposter syndrome is just self-doubt that holds you back from pursuing your goals.
  • The most powerful awareness is realizing that self-doubt is holding you back.
  • Don’t let self-doubt keep you from picking up the pen and pursuing your passions.
  • Don’t let self-doubt hold you back from achieving your goals.
  • Acknowledge the thing that’s on your list and take responsibility for doing whatever you can to move towards it.

Taking Action and Setting Goals

  • Commit to taking action towards your dreams today.
  • Set goals and dreams every year and write them down.
  • Start small and chip away at your dream over time.
  • Find 5-15 minutes every day to take action on what you want.
  • Redirect your time and energy towards the things you want, not the things you have.

Overcoming Procrastination

  • Excuses are endless, but time isn’t.
  • Procrastination can lead to missed opportunities and regrets.
  • Don’t waste your energy on people who drain you.
  • Find 5 minutes to work on what you want instead of keeping it a secret.
  • Working on your dreams is the greatest act of self-love.

Facing Fear and Embracing Beginnerhood

  • Embrace the fact that you’re a beginner, not an imposter.
  • Being a beginner is cool because you learn so much.
  • Fear can disguise itself as sameness and hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
  • Making a career change can be scary, but not as scary as spending years in a job you don’t like.
  • Take action towards your dreams starting today, or you will never arrive there.


Overcoming Self-Doubt and Taking Action

Mel Robbins highlights the impact of self-doubt and imposter syndrome on goal pursuit. She encourages listeners to acknowledge their self-doubt and take responsibility for moving towards their dreams. By setting goals, writing them down, and committing to taking action every day, individuals can overcome self-doubt and make progress towards their aspirations.

Overcoming Procrastination and Redirecting Energy

Mel emphasizes the importance of not wasting time on endless excuses and energy-draining people. Procrastination can lead to missed opportunities, so she urges listeners to find at least 5 minutes every day to work on what they want. By redirecting time and energy towards their dreams, individuals can experience a greater sense of fulfillment and meaning in their lives.

Facing Fear and Embracing Beginnerhood

Mel encourages listeners to embrace being a beginner and recognize that fear can disguise itself as sameness, holding them back from pursuing their dreams. Making a career change may be scary, but it is preferable to spending years in an unfulfilling job. Taking action towards dreams, even small steps, is essential for personal growth and progress.


Don’t let self-doubt and fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Take action today, set goals, and redirect your time and energy towards what truly matters. Embrace being a beginner and refuse to let procrastination and excuses dim your inner fire. By prioritizing your dreams and investing in yourself, you can create a life filled with meaning, joy, and fulfillment.

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