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The Positive Mindset Podcast / – How to find positive energy and uplift yourself in the face of adversity.

The Positive Mindset Podcast – How to find positive energy and uplift yourself in the face of adversity.

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host explores the concept of finding positive energy and uplifting oneself in the face of adversity. Through deep healing meditative breaths and insightful discussions, listeners are encouraged to build a positive mindset and raise their vibration.

Main Takeaways

Why Adversity is Necessary

  • The existence of evil and negativity is necessary for love and positivity to exist.
  • Being surrounded by only positivity and love would not give life value.
  • Pain and adversity allow us to understand and create healing energy.
  • Struggle and adversity are opportunities for growth and understanding.

The Power of Choosing Positivity

  • Choosing to be positive and uplifting in difficult situations is freeing and powerful.
  • True love and healing require consciously choosing love and healing frequencies even in the face of negative energy.
  • Forgiveness is choosing to forgive even when it doesn’t benefit you.
  • Hardships and adversity are opportunities for growth and expansion of internal energy.

Harnessing Energetic Power

  • We have the power to manipulate the world with our energy and choose love in difficult situations.
  • We are powerful energetic beings here for a purpose, and choosing love, patience, and forgiveness can lift all ships.

Connecting with the Mindset Coach

  • The speaker is a mindset coach who helps people adjust their minds to perceive and receive the world differently.
  • The coach invites listeners to level up and learn how to navigate life’s waters with a positive mindset.
  • Instagram is the best way to contact the coach for more information about their program.
  • The program can be tailored to fit the needs of each individual.


Why Adversity is Necessary

In this episode, the host delves into the idea that the existence of evil and negativity is necessary for love and positivity to exist. By being surrounded by only positivity and love, life would lack value and depth. Adversity, pain, and struggle allow us to understand and create healing energy, leading to growth and understanding.

The Power of Choosing Positivity

The host emphasizes the power of choosing to be positive and uplifting in difficult situations. It is through this conscious decision that true love and healing can be achieved, even in the face of negative energy. Forgiveness, regardless of personal benefit, is a significant aspect of cultivating a positive mindset. Hardships and adversity present opportunities for personal growth and the expansion of internal energy.

Harnessing Energetic Power

By acknowledging our power to manipulate the world with our energy, we can choose love and positivity even in challenging situations. The host highlights the importance of recognizing ourselves as powerful energetic beings with a purpose. By consciously choosing love, patience, and forgiveness, we can uplift not only ourselves but also those around us.

Connecting with the Mindset Coach

Listeners are introduced to the mindset coach, who offers guidance in adjusting their minds to perceive and receive the world differently. The coach invites individuals to level up and embrace a positive mindset to navigate life’s challenges. For more information about the coach’s program, listeners can reach out via Instagram, where personalized programs are available to suit individual needs.


Through deep healing meditative breaths and thought-provoking discussions, this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast” encourages listeners to find positive energy and uplift themselves in the face of adversity. By embracing the power of positivity, forgiveness, and conscious choices, individuals can cultivate a positive mindset and navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

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