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How I Built This with Guy Raz / – Vuori: Joe Kudla

How I Built This with Guy Raz – Vuori: Joe Kudla

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In this episode of “How I Built This with Guy Raz,” Joe Kudla, the founder of Viori, shares his journey of building a successful activewear brand for men. From facing rejection to finding success through perseverance and community building, Joe’s story is inspiring and insightful.

Main Takeaways

Challenges and Rejection

  • Joe Kudla faced rejection when trying to raise capital for Viori, an activewear brand designed for men.
  • The founders faced a lot of rejection in the early days while trying to raise money.

Background and Previous Ventures

  • Joe grew up in an alternative community with parents who practiced natural medicine and led guided meditation retreats.
  • Joe’s modeling career began after being approached on a beach in La Jolla, leading him to travel to Milan.
  • Joe and his girlfriend started a women’s contemporary brand called Sammy Joe, inspired by their love for fashion and their visits to manufacturing facilities.

Transition to Viori

  • Joe left his consulting firm to start an activewear brand for men with a new partner, Chris.
  • Viori was launched as a yoga and activewear brand designed initially for men.
  • Observing the lack of apparel for the yoga and studio fitness community, Joe and Chris saw an opportunity to build a community around the brand.

Building the Brand and Overcoming Challenges

  • The founders had trouble raising money from private equity or VCs, so they turned to friends and family for funding.
  • They faced skepticism from buyers and industry insiders about their unique design choices.
  • Viori faced a major challenge during the pandemic when their wholesale partners asked them not to ship inventory, but as people started shopping online, they realized they weren’t making enough.

Success and Growth

  • Viori launched in 2015 with a focus on selling men’s premium activewear through gyms and yoga studios.
  • The company found success with social advertising through a trusted digital agency, starting with static ads and gradually building up investment and returns.
  • Building a direct community online helped change buyers’ minds and led to a successful partnership with REI.


From Rejection to Success: Joe Kudla’s Journey

Joe Kudla, the founder of Viori, faced rejection when trying to raise capital for his activewear brand designed for men. However, he didn’t let that deter him. With a background in fashion and a passion for creating a community around his brand, Joe transitioned from a consulting career to launching Viori. Along the way, he faced challenges, skepticism, and even a major setback during the pandemic. But through perseverance, building a direct community online, and finding unique marketing strategies, Viori found success and growth. Today, Viori is a thriving activewear brand that resonates with men who want premium, functional, and versatile athletic wear.


Joe Kudla’s journey with Viori is a testament to the power of perseverance, community building, and staying true to your vision. Despite facing rejection and challenges, Joe’s passion for creating a brand that resonated with men in the activewear space led to Viori’s success. Through strategic marketing, partnerships, and a focus on quality and functionality, Viori has become a go-to brand for men seeking premium activewear. Joe’s story serves as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and highlights the importance of believing in your vision and pushing through obstacles to achieve success.

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