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PBD Podcast / – The Lincoln Project Founder – Steve Schmidt | PBD Podcast | Ep. 308

PBD Podcast – The Lincoln Project Founder – Steve Schmidt | PBD Podcast | Ep. 308

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Patrick Bet-David interviews Steve Schmidt, a political and corporate strategist known for his work with President Bush and Senator John McCain. Schmidt gained attention for his critical stance on Donald Trump and the Republican Party, eventually renouncing the GOP and becoming a Democrat. He co-founded the Lincoln Project, a super PAC aimed at opposing Trump’s 2020 reelection, but left the group in February 2021. Schmidt is also the founder of Warning Newsletter, a YouTube channel and podcast. In this interview, he discusses his political career, the state of American politics, and the January 6th attack on the Capitol.

Main Takeaways

Steve Schmidt’s Political Career

  • Steve Schmidt is a political and corporate strategist with experience in campaigns with President Bush and Senator John McCain.
  • He rebelled in his college years and worked as a tenorant campaign worker for a decade.
  • He eventually worked with President Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Senator McCain after years of campaign work.

The Lincoln Project and Political Strategy

  • In 2019, Steve Schmidt co-founded the Lincoln Project, a super PAC aimed at opposing Trump’s 2020 reelection, but left the group in February 2021.
  • Schmidt believes that people often focus on strategy rather than policies in political debates.
  • The Lincoln Project’s ads were an assertion of opinion and belief, not untasteful or untrue.

The State of American Politics

  • Schmidt believes that there is a real lack of tolerance in the country today and that people struggle to handle hearing something they disagree with.
  • Politics is detached from real people’s lives in the country.
  • The ability to unite the American people is an important quality in a presidential candidate.
  • The language of politics is not relatable to the average person, who speaks a different language.
  • Trust in institutions has collapsed, leading to an absence of anyone’s ability to communicate the inherent morality of the American free enterprise system.

The January 6th Attack on the Capitol

  • The January 6th attack on the Capitol was a desecration of acts of sacrifice and a testament to the rising violence and extremism in American politics.
  • It was an attack incited by a president on the peaceful transfer of power and could result in more casualties.
  • Comparing January 6th to 9/11 is absurd, but the severity of the attack is measured differently.
  • The attack on January 6th was carried out by people who have walked away from the elemental idea of the country, which is elections.

The Trump Presidency and American Democracy

  • Trump is a world-class demagogue who has risen in a time of corruption and collapsed trust and has put forward a dangerous proposition about who gets to lead the country.
  • The Trump administration is one of the most corrupt in American history, shattering norms and threatening democracy.
  • All Republicans except for six got in line behind Trump, despite previously opposing him, due to moral cowardice and putting their ambitions ahead of their convictions.
  • January 6th was a more dangerous event than 9/11 because it was an attack on the peaceful transfer of power and could result in more casualties.


Steve Schmidt’s Political Career

Steve Schmidt’s political career started as a tenorant campaign worker, eventually leading him to work with President Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Senator McCain. His experience in various campaigns shaped his understanding of political strategy.

The Lincoln Project and Political Strategy

Schmidt co-founded the Lincoln Project, a super PAC aimed at opposing Trump’s reelection, but later left the group. He believes that political strategy should focus on policies rather than just winning elections. The Lincoln Project’s ads were intended to assert opinions and beliefs rather than spread misinformation.

The State of American Politics

Schmidt highlights the lack of tolerance in today’s political climate and the detachment of politics from real people’s lives. He emphasizes the importance of a presidential candidate’s ability to unite the American people and communicate in relatable language. Trust in institutions has collapsed, leading to a failure in communicating the morality of the American free enterprise system.

The January 6th Attack on the Capitol

The January 6th attack on the Capitol was a desecration of acts of sacrifice and a manifestation of rising violence and extremism in American politics. Schmidt argues that comparing it to 9/11 is inappropriate, but the severity of the attack should not be underestimated. It was an attack on the elemental idea of the country, which is elections.

The Trump Presidency and American Democracy

Schmidt criticizes the Trump administration for its corruption and disregard for democratic norms. He condemns Republicans who supported Trump despite previously opposing him, citing moral cowardice. He believes that the January 6th attack was a more dangerous event than 9/11 as it threatened the peaceful transfer of power.


In this episode, Steve Schmidt provides insights into his political career, the state of American politics, and the January 6th attack on the Capitol. He emphasizes the need for tolerance, unity, and effective communication in politics. Schmidt criticizes the Trump administration and calls for a restoration of trust in democratic institutions.

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