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The Daily / – Italy’s Giorgia Meloni Charts a Path for the Far Right

The Daily – Italy’s Giorgia Meloni Charts a Path for the Far Right

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In this episode of “The Daily”, the focus is on Giorgia Meloni, the leader of Italy’s far-right Brothers of Italy party. Italy is on the brink of having its most right-wing government since World War II, with Meloni as the potential prime minister. This podcast explores Meloni’s rise to power, her political ideologies, and the controversies surrounding her. It also delves into the impact of her leadership on Italy and the international stage.

Main Takeaways

Italy’s Far-Right Government

  • Italy is about to see its most right-wing government since World War II with Giorgia Meloni as prime minister of the Brothers of Italy party.
  • President Biden initially expressed concerns about Meloni’s election, seeing it as a warning sign for the rise of the far-right globally.
  • Italy banned support for fascism after World War II, but fascist individuals were allowed to form parties and became influential in Italian society.

Giorgia Meloni’s Background

  • Meloni became a youth activist for a post-fascist far-right political party in the early 1990s.
  • Her upbringing was in a working-class neighborhood, raised by a single mother who wrote romance novels to make ends meet.
  • Lord of the Rings became a powerful document for the far-right youth, providing archetypes of warriors defending individual cultures.

Political Career and Controversies

  • Meloni gained attention by tearing down leftist posters and was noticed by Silvio Berlusconi, who groomed her for politics.
  • She left Berlusconi’s party in 2012 to form her own political party, Brothers of Italy.
  • Meloni’s party advocates for anti-immigration policies, opposes the European Union, and challenges banking interests.
  • Her energetic and passionate speeches emphasize her identity as an Italian and a Christian.
  • A controversial speech against gay adoption and surrogacy led to a dance track that spread her message.

Normalization and Governance

  • Meloni’s party has been normalized, and she governs like a center-right conservative, gaining legitimacy internationally.
  • Critics accuse her of pushing for harsh policies to crack down on asylum seekers’ rights and erasing same-sex couples’ names from birth certificates.
  • Her priority is to raise the Italian birth rate, raising concerns among liberal critics.


Rise of Giorgia Meloni and Italy’s Far-Right

Giorgia Meloni’s ascent to potentially becoming Italy’s prime minister marks a significant shift towards right-wing politics in the country. Italy’s ban on support for fascism after World War II did not prevent fascist individuals from forming parties and gaining influence. Meloni’s background as a youth activist in a post-fascist far-right party, combined with her working-class upbringing, shaped her political ideologies. The Lord of the Rings became a powerful symbol for the far-right youth, providing archetypes that resonated with their desire to defend their cultures.

Controversial Speeches and Political Career

Meloni’s political career gained momentum when she caught the attention of Silvio Berlusconi, who mentored her. She eventually formed her own political party, Brothers of Italy, advocating for anti-immigration policies, opposing the European Union, and challenging banking interests. Her speeches, characterized by energy and passion, emphasize her Italian and Christian identity. However, her controversial stance on issues like gay adoption and surrogacy has garnered attention and spread her message through a dance track.

Normalization and Governance

Despite initial concerns, Meloni’s party has been normalized, and she governs like a center-right conservative, gaining legitimacy on the international stage. However, critics accuse her of pushing for harsh policies against asylum seekers and erasing same-sex couples’ names from birth certificates. Her focus on raising the Italian birth rate raises alarm bells for liberal critics. Nevertheless, she maintains credibility with her core voters who witnessed her rise through the ranks.


Giorgia Meloni’s rise to power represents a significant shift towards right-wing politics in Italy. Her leadership and policies have sparked debate and controversy both domestically and internationally. As Italy’s potential first female prime minister from the far-right, Meloni’s impact on the country and its future direction cannot be underestimated.

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