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Ted Talks Daily / – Climate action is on the cusp of exponential growth | Simon Stiell

Ted Talks Daily – Climate action is on the cusp of exponential growth | Simon Stiell

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Simon Stiell, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, delivers a powerful talk at the Ted Countdown Summit in Detroit. He highlights the exponential growth in global climate action and emphasizes the need for urgent action to avoid catastrophic impacts. Joining the conversation is the Ted Audio Collective’s podcast, Ted Climate, hosted by Dan Courtler, which offers expert insights on the climate crisis and solutions for a livable planet.

Main Takeaways

Exponential Growth in Climate Action

  • Simon Stiell compares the exponential growth of climate action to the transformative impact of mobile phone text messaging in 1992.
  • Electric vehicle sales are projected to reach 70% by 2030.
  • Solar energy installation has increased from 20 gigawatts in 2010 to 150 gigawatts in 2020.
  • By 2030, the annual installation of solar energy is expected to reach 350 gigawatts and further increase to 1000 gigawatts per year.

Leading the Way in Renewable Energy

  • Wales is setting an example by taking significant strides in renewable energy.

Exponential Change through Action

  • Participating in the fight against apartheid demonstrates how action can lead to exponential change in challenging systems.
  • Urgent action is crucial in addressing the climate crisis and bringing about exponential change.
  • “If you act, the exponential change that is needed will happen.” – Unspecified Speaker


Exponential Growth in Climate Action

Simon Stiell highlights the exponential growth in global climate action, drawing parallels to the transformative impact of mobile phone text messaging. The increasing adoption of electric vehicles and the rapid expansion of solar energy installation are clear indicators of this growth. By 2030, solar energy installation is projected to reach 1000 gigawatts per year, further driving the transition to renewable energy.

Leading the Way in Renewable Energy

Wales serves as an inspiring example of a region leading the way in renewable energy. Through strategic initiatives and investments, Wales is making significant progress in transitioning to clean and sustainable energy sources, setting a positive precedent for other communities and nations.

Exponential Change through Action

The fight against apartheid exemplifies the power of taking action to bring about exponential change. Similarly, urgent action is needed to address the climate crisis. By actively participating in sustainable practices, advocating for policy changes, and supporting renewable energy initiatives, individuals and communities can contribute to the exponential change required to mitigate the effects of climate change.


Simon Stiell’s talk emphasizes the exponential growth in global climate action and the need for urgent action to combat the climate crisis. By understanding the potential for exponential change and taking proactive steps, we can collectively create a sustainable and livable planet for future generations.

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