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Ted Talks Daily / – How to meet your child’s difficult behavior with compassion | Yvonne Newbold

Ted Talks Daily – How to meet your child’s difficult behavior with compassion | Yvonne Newbold

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Yvonne Newbold shares personal and universal lessons about how we treat those with disabilities and their loved ones. She emphasizes the importance of meeting difficult behavior with compassion and challenges parents to rethink their definition of success.

Main Takeaways

Redefining Success and Achievement

  • Newbold challenges parents to rethink their definition of success and whether it aligns with their children’s definition of success.
  • Parents often prioritize achievement over learning, leading to a focus on grades rather than intellectual curiosity.
  • The pressure to achieve can lead to cheating and a fear of failure, which can hinder long-term success.
  • Parents can help their children develop a growth mindset by emphasizing the value of effort and learning from mistakes.
  • Rather than focusing on achievement, parents can encourage their children to find their passions and pursue them with enthusiasm.

Positive Parenting and its Impact

  • Yvonne Newbold shares her personal journey of parenting her son, Toby, who is one of the millions of young people living with a disability.
  • By changing her parenting approach to be more loving, understanding, collaborative, and kinder, Newbold saw a positive impact on Toby’s behavior and well-being.
  • Toby responded brilliantly to the change, and at 28 years old, he is incredibly happy and doing well.
  • The change in parenting made all the difference in Toby’s life, highlighting the importance of compassion and understanding in raising children with disabilities.

Cultural and Social Perspectives

  • The speaker expresses gratitude towards the NHS for their work in providing healthcare for all, highlighting its significance in society.
  • The Welsh language is discussed as an important aspect of preserving culture, with education playing a role in promoting Welsh language and culture.


Redefining Success and Achievement

Yvonne Newbold challenges parents to reconsider their definition of success and shift the focus from achievement to learning and personal growth. By prioritizing effort, embracing mistakes, and encouraging passion-driven pursuits, parents can foster a growth mindset in their children. This approach helps children develop resilience, curiosity, and a love for learning, setting them up for long-term success.

Positive Parenting and its Impact

Newbold shares her personal experience of adopting a more compassionate and understanding approach to parenting her son with a disability. By prioritizing love, collaboration, and kindness, she saw a positive transformation in her son’s behavior and overall well-being. This highlights the importance of empathy and support in raising children with disabilities, emphasizing that it is not about their “bad luck” but rather the impact of parenting on their lives.

Cultural and Social Perspectives

The speaker expresses gratitude towards the NHS for its role in providing healthcare for all, underscoring its significance in society. Additionally, the Welsh language is discussed as a means of preserving culture, with education playing a vital role in promoting Welsh language and culture. These perspectives highlight the importance of cultural preservation and the value of accessible healthcare.


Yvonne Newbold’s Ted Talk reminds us of the power of compassion, understanding, and redefining success in parenting. By shifting our focus from achievement to personal growth, embracing empathy, and supporting children with disabilities, we can create a more inclusive and nurturing environment for all.

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