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Ted Talks Daily / – Why rivals are working together to transform shipping | Bo CerupSimonsen

Ted Talks Daily – Why rivals are working together to transform shipping | Bo Cerup-Simonsen

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Bo Cerup-Simonsen discusses the importance of collaboration in transforming the shipping industry towards a greener future. He highlights the efforts of the Merse McKinney-Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping and the need for organizations to work together to accelerate the transition.

Main Takeaways

Collaboration for a Green Transition

  • Collaboration is necessary for a green transition in global supply chains.
  • The Merse McKinney-Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping focuses on collaboration across the ecosystem to accelerate the transition.
  • The center has over 100 organizations across the globe joining, including competitors sitting side by side to develop solutions.

Transitioning to Alternative Fuels

  • Over the next 1-2 years, container ships, tank vessels, bulk carriers, cruise ships, and car carriers will run on new types of fuels like methanol, methane, and ammonia.

Upscaling Opportunities

  • There are two categories of drivers and areas of focus for upscaling opportunities: market-driven and regulatory-driven.

Global Framework for Shipping

  • The International Maritime Organization has agreed on a global framework for shipping, including a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and the use of economic measures like carbon pricing.

Addressing Uncertainties and Risks

  • Uncertainty and hesitancy are major obstacles for companies and countries looking to make changes in their supply chains and transportation methods.
  • The center is working to address uncertainties and risks to help decision-makers move forward.

Reimagining Future Supply Chains

  • The center is working with Green Corridors to reimagine future supply chains and transport systems, including zero carbon transportation for the Chilean mining industry.


Collaboration for a Green Transition

Bo Cerup-Simonsen emphasizes the need for collaboration in achieving a green transition in global supply chains. The Merse McKinney-Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping is leading the way by bringing together over 100 organizations, including competitors, to work towards sustainable solutions. By working together, these organizations can accelerate the transition and drive innovation in the shipping industry.

Transitioning to Alternative Fuels

In the next 1-2 years, significant changes are expected in the types of fuels used in shipping. Container ships, tank vessels, bulk carriers, cruise ships, and car carriers will shift to using new types of fuels like methanol, methane, and ammonia. This transition is crucial in reducing carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality in the shipping sector.

Upscaling Opportunities

There are two main drivers and areas of focus for upscaling opportunities in the shipping industry: market-driven and regulatory-driven. Market-driven opportunities involve meeting the increasing demand for sustainable shipping solutions, while regulatory-driven opportunities are driven by global frameworks and regulations that aim to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability.

Global Framework for Shipping

The International Maritime Organization has established a global framework for shipping, which includes the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This framework also emphasizes the use of economic measures like carbon pricing to incentivize sustainable practices in the industry. By adopting this framework, the shipping industry can align its efforts towards a greener future.

Addressing Uncertainties and Risks

Uncertainty and hesitancy are significant obstacles for companies and countries looking to make changes in their supply chains and transportation methods. The Merse McKinney-Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping recognizes these challenges and is working to address uncertainties and risks. By providing support and guidance, the center aims to help decision-makers overcome these obstacles and move forward towards sustainable solutions.

Reimagining Future Supply Chains

The center is collaborating with Green Corridors to reimagine future supply chains and transport systems. This includes exploring zero carbon transportation options for the Chilean mining industry. By rethinking traditional supply chains and embracing sustainable practices, the industry can reduce its environmental impact and contribute to a greener and more efficient future.


The transformation of the shipping industry towards sustainability requires collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to change. The Merse McKinney-Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping is leading the way by bringing together organizations from around the world, including competitors, to develop sustainable solutions. Through the use of alternative fuels, global frameworks, and addressing uncertainties, the industry can achieve a greener future and contribute to the fight against climate change.

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