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Ted Talks Daily / – Does more freedom at work mean more fulfillment? | Sarah Aviram

Ted Talks Daily – Does more freedom at work mean more fulfillment? | Sarah Aviram

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Sarah Aviram explores the relationship between freedom at work and fulfillment. She discusses the growing trend of remote work, the importance of focusing on growth, impact, and joy, and how fulfillment comes from doing work that truly lights you up.

Main Takeaways

The Changing Landscape of Work

  • Remote work is becoming more common, with companies like Spotify and Dropbox offering work from anywhere policies.
  • Working remotely provides the opportunity to travel and work from different locations.
  • Remote work can offer a win-win situation for both employees and companies.
  • However, remote work is often seen as a band-aid solution to work-related problems.

Fulfillment at Work

  • More freedom at work doesn’t necessarily mean more fulfillment.
  • Workplace flexibility wasn’t even one of the top five reasons people quit their jobs in the past year.
  • The key to a fulfilling career is to focus on growth, impact, and joy.
  • Progress towards meaningful work is a key driver of fulfillment.
  • Fulfillment comes from doing work that truly lights you up.

Challenges and Reflections

  • The pandemic forced people to face underlying work-related issues.
  • Many people quit their jobs in 2021 but found that their new jobs didn’t live up to their expectations.
  • Happiness is temporary, fulfillment is long-term.
  • Fulfillment is internally driven.


The Changing Landscape of Work

Remote work is on the rise, with companies like Spotify and Dropbox embracing work-from-anywhere policies. This shift offers employees the flexibility to travel and work from different locations. However, it’s important to recognize that remote work is not a cure-all solution for work-related problems. While it can provide benefits for both employees and companies, it’s crucial to address underlying issues rather than relying solely on remote work as a band-aid solution.

Fulfillment at Work

Contrary to popular belief, more freedom at work doesn’t automatically lead to more fulfillment. Workplace flexibility wasn’t even a top reason for people quitting their jobs in the past year. Instead, the key to a fulfilling career lies in focusing on growth, impact, and joy. Progress towards meaningful work and doing work that truly lights you up are crucial drivers of fulfillment. It’s important to prioritize these aspects rather than solely seeking external freedom.

Challenges and Reflections

The pandemic has forced individuals to confront underlying work-related issues. Many people quit their jobs in search of greater fulfillment, only to find that their new positions didn’t meet their expectations. This highlights the importance of understanding that happiness is temporary, while fulfillment is a long-term pursuit. Fulfillment is an internally driven process, and individuals must reflect on their own needs and desires to find true fulfillment in their careers.


While remote work offers flexibility and the opportunity for new experiences, it’s essential to recognize that true fulfillment at work goes beyond external freedom. By focusing on growth, impact, and joy, individuals can find greater satisfaction in their careers. It’s important to reflect on personal needs and desires and prioritize progress towards meaningful work that truly lights you up.

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