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The Daily / – The Republican Attempt to Impeach President Biden

The Daily – The Republican Attempt to Impeach President Biden

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the Speaker of the House orders an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, marking the third formal attempt to remove a president in four years. Kevin McCarthy alleges that President Biden lied about his knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings, but lacks concrete evidence. McCarthy’s decision to open an impeachment investigation is seen as a response to pressure from the hard right of his party. This move has significant political implications and could impact the upcoming elections.

Main Takeaways

Allegations against President Biden and Hunter Biden

  • Kevin McCarthy alleges that President Biden lied about his knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings.
  • McCarthy links Hunter Biden’s conduct to President Biden, but lacks concrete evidence.
  • McCarthy suggests that Biden got his son millions of dollars and fancy cars, but no evidence of direct involvement.

Impeachment Inquiry and Political Pressure

  • Speaker of the House orders impeachment inquiry into President Biden, the third formal attempt to remove a president in four years.
  • McCarthy believes an impeachment investigation is necessary to get to the bottom of the allegations.
  • McCarthy is under pressure from the hard right of his party, who are angry about the spending deal he struck with Joe Biden and are threatening to withhold their votes to fund the government unless he agrees to impeach Biden.

McCarthy’s Position and Gaetz’s Speech

  • Congressman Matt Gaetz plans to give a blistering floor speech against Kevin McCarthy demanding that he come into compliance with the far right or face removal from the speakership.
  • McCarthy is faced with a choice to either keep his position that an impeachment inquiry should only be opened with a full vote of the House or change his position and unilaterally order the impeachment inquiry to keep his job.
  • McCarthy changes his position and announces the impeachment inquiry before Gaetz can give his speech.

Implications of the Impeachment Inquiry

  • This inquiry doesn’t change much for House Republicans investigating Biden, but it gives them greater legal footing.
  • House Republicans can now aggressively investigate Hunter and Joe Biden without needing an excuse.
  • Impeachment inquiry gives Republicans more legal confidence in investigations and political advantages.
  • Republicans hope to muddy the waters in the minds of voters and find a smoking gun against Joe and Hunter Biden.

Political Consequences

  • Launching an impeachment inquiry against President Biden is a recipe for losing the house, particularly among moderate Republicans trying to hold on to their seats.
  • Democrats on the Hill believe that this impeachment inquiry will help them with moderate voters in 2024.
  • There’s not a lot of enthusiasm for this impeachment inquiry being anything other than a gesture to appease the Matt Gaetzes of the world.
  • Impeachment is now viewed much more than we ever imagined it would be as an everyday tool of political life.


Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden and Hunter Biden Allegations

Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, has ordered an impeachment inquiry into President Biden following allegations that he lied about his knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings. McCarthy links Hunter Biden’s conduct to President Biden, but lacks concrete evidence of direct involvement. The impeachment inquiry is seen as a response to pressure from the hard right of the Republican party, who are unhappy with McCarthy’s spending deal with Biden. This move has significant political implications and could impact the upcoming elections.

Political Pressure and McCarthy’s Position

Congressman Matt Gaetz plans to give a speech demanding that Kevin McCarthy comply with the far right or face removal from the speakership. McCarthy, faced with the choice of maintaining his position or ordering the impeachment inquiry unilaterally, changes his stance and announces the inquiry before Gaetz’s speech. This decision is aimed at appeasing the hard-right faction of the party and avoiding a potential government shutdown.

Implications of the Impeachment Inquiry

The impeachment inquiry provides House Republicans with greater legal footing to aggressively investigate Hunter and Joe Biden without needing an excuse. Republicans hope to find evidence that could sway voters and tarnish the reputation of the Bidens. However, launching an impeachment inquiry against President Biden may have political consequences, particularly among moderate Republicans who are trying to hold onto their seats. Democrats, on the other hand, believe that the inquiry could help them with moderate voters in the 2024 elections.


The impeachment inquiry into President Biden and the allegations against Hunter Biden has sparked a political firestorm. Kevin McCarthy’s decision to order the inquiry is a strategic move to appease the hard right of his party and avoid a government shutdown. However, the implications of this inquiry are far-reaching, with potential consequences for both Republicans and Democrats in future elections. The outcome of this investigation will shape the political landscape and the perception of impeachment as a tool in political life.

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