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The Daily Stoic / – Good Leaders Give This | 10 Rules For Life From The Stoics

The Daily Stoic – Good Leaders Give This | 10 Rules For Life From The Stoics

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast, the hosts discuss the qualities and principles that make a good leader according to Stoic philosophy. They share insights from the Stoics and provide practical advice for leadership development.

Main Takeaways

Qualities of a Good Leader

  • Good leaders must complement strictness with grace and tolerance.
  • Forgiveness and thinking the best of others are important qualities of a leader.
  • Best employees and allies need a pick-me-up, not yelling.

The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge

  • The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge is a great resource for leadership development.
  • The challenge offers tangible advice from a two-star general in the Air Force.

Stoic Rules for Personal Growth

  • 10 stoic rules that can make you a better, wiser, healthier, and happier person.
  • Stoicism is about focusing on what you control and seeking out challenges.
  • Own the morning to have a good day and a good life.
  • Every situation has two handles, choose the one that empowers you.
  • Put your day up for review and ask yourself if what you’re doing is essential.

The Philosophy of Embracing Everything

  • The idea of a more faati is to love and embrace everything that happens.
  • Embracing everything means that everything becomes fuel for the fire.
  • Stoic people know that everything that happens is what destiny had in mind for them.

Memento Mori and the Importance of Mortality

  • Memento Mori reminds us to meditate on our mortality and not to waste time on things that don’t matter.
  • Having a clear sense of our mortality is essential for going through life.


Qualities of a Good Leader

Good leaders understand the importance of balancing strictness with grace and tolerance. They exhibit forgiveness and always think the best of others. Instead of yelling, they uplift their employees and allies, providing support and encouragement.

The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge

The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to develop their leadership skills. It offers practical advice from a two-star general in the Air Force, providing actionable insights for effective leadership.

Stoic Rules for Personal Growth

Stoicism provides a set of rules that can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. By focusing on what is within our control and embracing challenges, we can become better, wiser, healthier, and happier individuals. Owning the morning sets the tone for a successful day and life. Choosing the empowering handle in every situation and evaluating the essentiality of our actions contribute to a well-lived life.

The Philosophy of Embracing Everything

The Stoic philosophy encourages individuals to embrace everything that happens in life. By adopting a mindset of love and acceptance, every experience becomes fuel for personal growth and development. Stoic people understand that everything that happens is part of their destiny.

Memento Mori and the Importance of Mortality

Memento Mori serves as a reminder to contemplate our mortality and avoid wasting time on trivial matters. Recognizing our limited time on Earth allows us to prioritize what truly matters and live a more meaningful and purposeful life.


By incorporating Stoic principles into their leadership approach, individuals can become better leaders and lead more fulfilling lives. Balancing strictness with grace, embracing challenges, and contemplating our mortality are key aspects of Stoic philosophy that can contribute to personal and professional growth.

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