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The Daily Stoic / – Who Do You See?

The Daily Stoic – Who Do You See?

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the host explores the mindset of Marcus Aurelius, a Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher. The host delves into the idea of self-reflection and the conversations we have with ourselves in the morning.

Main Takeaways

Ancient Romans and Modern Life

  • The ancient Romans lived in many ways like us.

Marcus Aurelius and Self-Reflection

  • Marcus Aurelius likely looked at himself in the mirror in the morning.
  • Deeper than physical form, what did Marcus see? Did he like himself? Was he self-conscious?

Reminding Yourself of Your Purpose

  • Marcus could have taken time to remind himself of what his job was: to be good.

The Power of Morning Conversations

  • What conversations do you have with yourself in the morning? This little opportunity is a timeless one.


Ancient Romans and Modern Life

The ancient Romans, despite living in a different time period, had many similarities to our modern lives. They faced similar challenges, experienced similar emotions, and grappled with questions of self-identity. This connection serves as a reminder that the human experience transcends time and culture.

Marcus Aurelius and Self-Reflection

Marcus Aurelius, as a Stoic philosopher, understood the importance of self-reflection. It is likely that he took the time to look at himself in the mirror in the morning, not just to assess his physical appearance, but to delve deeper into his own thoughts and emotions. This introspection allowed him to confront any self-doubt or negative self-perception and strive for self-improvement.

Reminding Yourself of Your Purpose

Marcus Aurelius recognized that his purpose was to be good. In the midst of his busy life as an emperor, he could have taken a moment each morning to remind himself of this purpose. This act of intentional reflection helped him stay focused on his values and guided his actions throughout the day.

The Power of Morning Conversations

The conversations we have with ourselves in the morning set the tone for our day. Taking the time to engage in positive self-talk, affirmations, or goal-setting can have a profound impact on our mindset and productivity. This small but significant opportunity for self-reflection is timeless and can contribute to personal growth and fulfillment.


By exploring the mindset of Marcus Aurelius and his morning self-reflection, we can gain valuable insights into our own lives. Embracing the power of self-reflection and positive morning conversations can help us navigate the challenges of modern life and strive for personal growth and fulfillment.

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