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The Daily Stoic / – This Is a Bad Way To Drive (and Live) | A Garden Is Not For Show

The Daily Stoic – This Is a Bad Way To Drive (and Live) | A Garden Is Not For Show

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the host explores the concept of stoicism and its application in everyday life. Through a relatable analogy of driving, he highlights the importance of maintaining composure, focusing on personal growth, and avoiding impulsive emotional reactions. Join the conversation as we delve into the wisdom of the stoics and their timeless teachings.

Main Takeaways

Driving with Stoicism

  • Life on the road is dangerous, and impulsive emotional decisions can cause trouble.
  • Slow drivers can be frustrating, but it’s not worth risking your life or others’ lives to get around them.
  • Anger is an ugly emotion, and it’s silly to scream at people you will never meet again.

Cultivating Stoic Principles

  • The seeds of stoicism are long underground, and it takes work to nurture and tend to them.
  • The doing is important, and talking and doing fight for the same resources.
  • Cultivate the idea of quietly working on your goals.
  • Don’t seek approval or recognition from others.

Humility and Recognition

  • Avoid talking about being a stoic and instead focus on quietly working on becoming one (Ryan Holiday).
  • “If you want to improve, you can tend to be misunderstood, and I appreciate it. You can tend to be foolish.” (Epictetus)
  • Focus on doing the work and leave recognition to someone or something else.


Driving with Stoicism

In our daily lives, we often encounter situations that test our patience and self-control. Driving is a perfect example of this. Stoicism teaches us to approach such situations with composure and rationality. While it may be tempting to react impulsively to slow drivers or frustrating road conditions, it is crucial to prioritize our safety and the safety of others. By refraining from anger and maintaining a calm demeanor, we can navigate the roads with a stoic mindset.

Cultivating Stoic Principles

Stoicism is not a passive philosophy; it requires active effort and dedication. Just as a garden needs consistent care and attention, so do the principles of stoicism. We must constantly work on nurturing and tending to the seeds of stoicism within us. This involves focusing on our goals, avoiding excessive talk, and seeking internal fulfillment rather than external validation. By quietly working on ourselves, we can embody the true essence of stoicism.

Humility and Recognition

In a world driven by social media and the need for validation, stoicism reminds us of the importance of humility and self-improvement. Seeking recognition and approval from others can be a never-ending pursuit that distracts us from our true goals. Instead, we should embrace the idea of quietly working on ourselves, even if it means being misunderstood or appearing foolish to others. By relinquishing the desire for recognition, we can focus on personal growth and let our actions speak for themselves.


The wisdom of stoicism offers valuable insights into navigating the challenges of life. By applying stoic principles to everyday situations, such as driving, we can cultivate composure, personal growth, and a sense of inner peace. Remember, it’s not about seeking recognition or reacting impulsively; it’s about quietly working on ourselves and embracing the stoic mindset. Let us embark on this journey of self-improvement and find solace in the teachings of the stoics.

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