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Founders / – #324 John D. Rockefeller (38 Letters Rockefeller Wrote to His Son)

Founders – #324 John D. Rockefeller (38 Letters Rockefeller Wrote to His Son)

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In episode #324 of the “Founders” podcast, the focus is on John D. Rockefeller and his strategic thinking and approach to competition. The episode delves into the 38 letters Rockefeller wrote to his son, showcasing his relentless self-belief, perseverance, and hard work that led him to establish an enviable oil kingdom. Listeners will gain valuable insights into Rockefeller’s mindset and learn how to apply his principles to their own entrepreneurial journeys.

Main Takeaways

Founders Notes: A Valuable Resource for Founders

  • Received a message from Tristan, co-founder of Readwise, in 2019 that changed the direction of the podcast
  • Became a super user of Readwise and added highlights and notes for over 300 books, totaling over 20,000 highlights and notes
  • People constantly asked for access to his Readwise, leading to the creation of a product called Founders Notes
  • Founders Notes is a subscription-based service that provides access to his notes and highlights, searchable by book and keyword, and includes a smart Twitter feed of short highlights and notes from different books
  • Founders Notes is designed for founders already running successful companies and is currently available at half the eventual price
  • Founders Notes is a valuable notebook for committed founders to reference the thoughts and ideas of history’s greatest founders
  • Subscribers should keep the product in their browser and reference it dozens of times a day

Rockefeller’s Strategic Thinking and Approach to Competition

  • Mr. Benson was an ambitious businessman who wanted to lay an oil pipeline to save independent oil producers from Rockefeller’s control
  • Rockefeller launched a multi-pronged attack on Benson to stop him, including buying land to prevent him from moving forward and using the power of his allies
  • Rockefeller’s letter to his son showcases his strategic thinking and approach to competition
  • Rockefeller faced tough competition from Benzin and wanted to prevent them from acquiring the supply line to New York
  • Rockefeller proposed to buy Benzin’s stock, but he refused
  • Rockefeller launched a series of offensives to make it difficult for Benzin to parry, including placing large orders to storage tank producers and drastically reducing the price of pipeline transportation
  • Rockefeller acquired several refineries in New York to prevent them from becoming a customer of Benzin’s and ultimately won the competition

Lessons from John D. Rockefeller’s Letters to His Son

  • The book is “38 Letters from John D. Rockefeller to His Son”
  • The letters are not in chronological order
  • Rockefeller wrote the letters over 30 years to his adult son
  • Rockefeller was a conqueror through and through
  • Parents’ status often determines the starting point of their child’s life
  • Rockefeller’s childhood experiences drove him to have relentless self-belief and a desire to achieve great things
  • Belief comes before ability
  • The status of parents often determines the starting point of their child’s life
  • Rockefeller believes that our destiny is determined by our actions, not our origins
  • Rockefeller’s perseverance and hard work led him to establish an enviable oil kingdom
  • Rockefeller and Alexander the Great shared a trait of utilizing talented defeated enemies in their organizations
  • Relentless self-belief is a common trait among successful entrepreneurs
  • Porous, an Indian king defeated by Alexander, showed greatness of spirit even in adversity
  • Rockefeller built a company of partners, defeating and then making talented individuals partners in his empire
  • Successful people in history, including Rockefeller and other titans mentioned in the book, started from scratch despite unequal opportunities.
  • Past struggles can lead to a unique set of skills that can be an advantage in life.
  • Rich children who are privileged can also fail in life, and Rockefeller wants to help his son avoid this fate.
  • The glory and success of a family cannot guarantee the future success of its children and grandchildren.
  • The pattern of “shirt sleeves to sleeves in three generations” is a common phenomenon where a family goes from poor to wealthy and back to poor within three generations.
  • People of poor backgrounds actively develop their creativity and abilities while cherishing and seizing opportunities due to their urgent need to rescue themselves.
  • The skills needed for survival are possessed by those who have experienced poverty and struggled to achieve success.
  • Building something to be proud of brings true contentment, not just accumulating wealth.
  • Factors such as ability, attitude, character, ambition, method, experience, and luck play important roles in life and business success.
  • Determination and readiness are crucial for achieving victory in life.
  • Cyrus McCormick invented harvesting machines that liberated American farmers and made him one of the richest people in the US
  • Rockefeller interprets McCormick’s saying “luck is the remnant of design” as meaning we create our own luck and no action can eliminate it
  • Rockefeller believes everyone is the designer and architect of their own destiny
  • Napoleon believed that if you do everything, you will win and the clever man takes advantage of everything
  • Rockefeller’s credo is to not wait for luck, but to take action to make a difference
  • Rockefeller’s credo is to not live by God-given luck, but to plan luck.
  • He turned competition into cooperation in the oil industry.
  • He conquered over 20 competitors and established a new order.
  • Visionary businessmen find opportunities in every disaster.
  • An enterprise is like a battlefield, and strategic goals create the most beneficial state for oneself.
  • Rockefeller strategically chose to conquer the strongest opponent, Clark Pain, to gain the upper hand in the oil industry
  • He used a trick to acquire Clark Pain for $400,000, even though he knew it wasn’t worth that amount, and this gave him unstoppable momentum
  • Rockefeller believed in cause and effect, not luck, and planned his luck by carefully planning his goals and resources
  • The two basic prerequisites for planning luck are knowing your goals and knowing your resources
  • You can mix these two prerequisites together to form a foundation and conceive a design structure, and then wait for luck to come
  • Designing luck is designing life, guide your luck while you wait for it
  • Work is a privilege, the foundation of all businesses, the source of prosperity, and the shape of genius
  • People who climb up in any industry are fully committed to what they are doing and sincerely love the work that they do
  • The importance and impact of self-belief and having an optimistic positive mindset
  • If you give meaning to your work, you will feel happy regardless of its size, and you will feel fulfilled.
  • Opportunity comes from another opportunity
  • Positive action is necessary for success
  • Action solves everything
  • Fear is normal, but one must act anyways
  • Smart people learn from work with positive results and concentrate on what works
  • Munger’s fundamental algorithm of life: find what works (speaker at private conference)
  • Passive people wait for perfect conditions, leading to mediocre life (speaker)
  • Life is an opportunity at a time, there is no absolute perfection (speaker)
  • Sentences like “tomorrow” and “future” mean “never” (speaker)
  • Everyone has periods of doubt, but perseverance and learning from failure is key (speaker)
  • The importance of taking action and adapting to change to become a leader (speaker)
  • Habits are like ropes, they can lead us to success or failure (speaker)
  • Cultivating the habit of action is key to success (speaker)
  • Borrowing money can be a tool to seize opportunities (speaker)
  • Overcoming fear of failure is necessary for success (speaker)
  • Fear of failure can restrain you from attaining great achievements
  • Money should be treated as a powerful tool to create opportunities, not just a lifeboat
  • Honesty is a method and a strategy that can lead to enormous rewards
  • Failure is a part of life and can be used as a source of vitality
  • Problems can be viewed as opportunities in work clothes
  • Failure can be turned into an opportunity for success
  • Advertising unique offerings can differentiate a business and attract more customers
  • Optimism can help see opportunities in suffering
  • Failure is a learning experience that can be turned into a stepping stone for success
  • Persistence is key to achieving brilliant results, as demonstrated by the life of Abraham Lincoln and successful figures throughout history.
  • Lincoln had steel-like perseverance and believed in the saying “you cannot sharpen your razor on velvet”
  • Self-belief and strong self-confidence are important for achieving success
  • Disbelief is a negative force that can lead to failure
  • The level of confidence determines the level of achievement
  • Those who reach the pinnacle in their pursuits do so through persistent self-development and growth
  • Personal interest is a shadow that illuminates all of human nature
  • In this world, there is no one who does not pursue profit
  • Fighting back at an enemy who is shooting at me will never disturb my conscience
  • In profit-making games, today’s friends will become tomorrow’s enemies
  • Guarding ourselves is an indispensable survival skill
  • Guarding ourselves is an indispensable survival skill
  • Rockefeller had a cynical and darker view on human nature and markets
  • Rockefeller had a ruthless competitive drive that would be scary to a normal person
  • Rockefeller loved the feeling of victory and defeating his opponents
  • Rockefeller’s belief was to reach the goal before others
  • Rockefeller sets up a new company to compete with Mr. Pots’ company
  • Rockefeller believes in finding or creating the ideal environment to succeed
  • Rockefeller terminates all business dealings with Pennsylvania Railroad Company and instructs subordinates to transfer transportation business to competitors
  • Pennsylvania Railroad Company cuts wages, leading to angry workers burning tankers and locomotives and forcing the company to ask for an emergency loan
  • Speculation that Rockefeller stoked the anger of the workers to create the conditions for Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s downfall
  • Having an optimistic, positive, and cooperative attitude leads to more success and respect than talent alone.
  • Importance of not underestimating one’s own talent or overestimating others’.
  • Have a strong desire to establish an “I will win” attitude and use intellect to actively find ways to succeed.
  • Luck is carefully prepared plans and actions, not chance.
  • Wealth is directly proportional to the goal, as seen with Henry Ford’s ambition to make cars accessible to everyone.
  • Great life is the process of conquering excellence
  • Trajectory of my life is a rich adventure
  • Entering the oil industry was the most decisive moment of Rockefeller’s life
  • Investing in oil refining earned more profit than agricultural products
  • Breaking up with partner Mr. Clark was a risky adventure
  • Breaking up with partner Mr. Clark was a risky adventure
  • “Plan boldly and implement carefully” is a key lesson from Rockefeller
  • Importance of self-belief and confidence in oneself
  • Cooperation is a core value in Rockefeller’s company
  • Patience and high tolerance for pain are important traits for success
  • Rockefeller was a ruthless competitor, but also a loving father and generous philanthropist
  • He had self-control and discipline, and never lost his temper or said an unkind word to his employees
  • Enduring what others can’t bear is necessary for achieving what others cannot do
  • Andrew Carnegie’s mantra was “the end is just the beginning”, meaning success is a process of continuous reproduction
  • Most people and companies fail not because they make mistakes, but because they are not fully committed
  • Surround yourself with people who never give in and avoid negative people who try to block your way up
  • Leaders should listen more than they speak and create an environment where people feel comfortable being open
  • Listening attentively can lead to a more thorough understanding of underlying issues and positively impact relationships with colleagues
  • Effective leadership involves matching people’s strengths and enthusiasm to their work to achieve excellent productivity
  • Devote time to the things you love to create value and feel self-satisfied
  • Losing passion for life leads to loss of motivation
  • Matching people by enthusiasm is effective for leadership and management
  • Respect is an underutilized but effective tool for motivating employees
  • Everyone aspires to be valued and respected by others
  • Adopting a positive attitude can help deal with complex ups and downs of life
  • “Everybody goes to life with an invisible sign on their neck that says, make me feel important.” – Mary Kaye
  • “What I provide my employees is warmth, equality, and tolerance. All these combined into one word is called respect.” – Rockefeller
  • “Remember, everything can change or be changed.” – Rockefeller
  • Founders Podcast has several episodes on John D. Rockefeller and other family dynasties
  • Episode 254 is the best biography on Rockefeller
  • Episode 148 features John D. Rockefeller’s autobiography
  • Episode 247 provides insights on Rockefeller’s partner, Henry Flagler
  • Episode 307 covers the world’s great family dynasties
  • Founders is a tool to search highlights and insights from successful entrepreneurs’ biographies.
  • is a tool to search highlights and insights from successful entrepreneurs’ biographies.
  • The highlights feed is the most used feature, containing tweet-sized highlights from different books, including quotes from famous entrepreneurs.
  • The books feature allows users to search for specific books and read through their highlights.
  • The favorites feature allows users to save and highlight their favorite insights and create a specialized feed of ideas.
  • The tool is highly valuable for founders and entrepreneurs looking for insights and ideas to improve their businesses.


Founders Notes: A Valuable Resource for Founders

The episode begins with the host sharing how a message from Tristan, co-founder of Readwise, changed the direction of the podcast. The host became a super user of Readwise and added highlights and notes for over 300 books, leading to the creation of a subscription-based service called Founders Notes. Founders Notes provides access to the host’s notes and highlights, searchable by book and keyword, and includes a smart Twitter feed of short highlights and notes from different books. It is designed for founders already running successful companies and is currently available at half the eventual price. Founders Notes serves as a valuable notebook for committed founders to reference the thoughts and ideas of history’s greatest founders, and subscribers are encouraged to keep the product in their browser and reference it dozens of times a day.

Rockefeller’s Strategic Thinking and Approach to Competition

The episode explores John D. Rockefeller’s strategic thinking and approach to competition through the lens of his letters to his son. One example is Rockefeller’s multi-pronged attack on Mr. Benson, an ambitious businessman who wanted to lay an oil pipeline to save independent oil producers from Rockefeller’s control. Rockefeller used various tactics, such as buying land and leveraging his allies, to stop Benson. Another example is Rockefeller’s competition with Benzin, where he launched offensives to make it difficult for them to parry and ultimately acquired several refineries in New York to prevent them from becoming a customer of Benzin’s. These letters showcase Rockefeller’s strategic mindset and determination to win.

Lessons from John D. Rockefeller’s Letters to His Son

The episode delves into the lessons gleaned from John D. Rockefeller’s letters to his son. Rockefeller’s childhood experiences drove him to have relentless self-belief and a desire to achieve great things, emphasizing the importance of belief before ability. He believed that our destiny is determined by our actions, not our origins. Rockefeller’s perseverance and hard work led him to establish an enviable oil kingdom, and he shared traits with Alexander the Great in utilizing talented defeated enemies in his organization. The letters also highlight the struggles faced by successful individuals who started from scratch despite unequal opportunities. Rockefeller’s insights on planning luck, the importance of action, and the role of perseverance in achieving success are also explored.


The “Founders” podcast episode on John D. Rockefeller and his letters to his son provides valuable insights into Rockefeller’s strategic thinking, approach to competition, and lessons for success. Listeners gain a deeper understanding of Rockefeller’s mindset, including his relentless self-belief, perseverance, and hard work. The episode also introduces Founders Notes, a subscription-based service that offers access to the host’s notes and highlights from over 300 books, serving as a valuable resource for committed founders. Overall, this episode serves as a source of inspiration and practical wisdom for entrepreneurs looking to learn from history’s greatest founders.

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