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PBD Podcast / – Nouriel Roubini | PBD Podcast | Ep. 319

PBD Podcast – Nouriel Roubini | PBD Podcast | Ep. 319

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Patrick Bet-David interviews Dr. Nouriel Roubini, a renowned economist and writer, known for his accurate predictions of the 2007-2008 subprime mortgage crisis and subsequent global financial crisis. Dr. Roubini shares his insights on the current economic situation, global risks, and potential solutions to address these challenges.

Main Takeaways

Economic Predictions and Risks

  • Dr. Nouriel Roubini accurately predicted the 2007-2008 subprime mortgage crisis and subsequent global financial crisis.
  • He warns about various economic risks, including a European debt crisis, Chinese economic slowdown, and the potential for a stagflationary environment.
  • The current economic situation is unique and unprecedented, with factors like massive money printing, low interest rates, and remote work all happening at once.
  • There are concerns about defaults in commercial and subprime auto payments, although the real estate market may not crash.
  • The threats to the world today, including social, political, geopolitical, environmental, health, technological, and military risks, are more severe than in the past.

Global Challenges and Uncertainties

  • There is an increased risk of military conflict, with ongoing hot wars between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel and Iran.
  • Global climate change and the rise of AI are major concerns, with the potential for a slow-motion train wreck and the obsolescence of the human species.
  • Multiple global pandemics have occurred, and there is a likelihood of more virulent ones in the future.
  • The economy is unpredictable, and there are various “knobs” that can affect it, such as interest rates and quantitative easing/tightening.
  • There are concerns about the behavior of certain assets, such as gold and bitcoin, and their response to typical market movements.

US Economy and Political Impact

  • The Federal Reserve is aiming for a “soft landing” by bringing inflation back to 2% without causing a recession or financial crisis.
  • There are three scenarios for achieving this goal: a soft landing, a hard landing (causing both an economic and financial crisis), or a bumpy landing (a short and shallow recession).
  • Interest rates are historically low, making it a good time to secure a mortgage and potentially save money in the long run.
  • Owning a house can provide stability, security, and a sense of pride and accomplishment, although caution is advised.
  • The Middle East conflict between Israel, Palestine, and Hamas has financial implications and could potentially affect the 2024 election.

Immigration and Social Security

  • Immigration is a topic of debate, with the need for a rational approach to regulate migration and address issues such as job displacement and unfunded liabilities in healthcare and social security systems.
  • Skilled workers in AI and data science are in demand, and the US needs to compete with other countries in producing graduates in these fields.
  • Entitlement and social security reforms are crucial, and a crisis may be needed to push for bipartisan reform.
  • Income and wealth inequality is rising, and addressing this issue requires economic opportunity through rescaling, education, and investment in manufacturing, infrastructure, and AI.


Risk and Uncertainty in the Global Economy

Dr. Nouriel Roubini, a renowned economist, warns about various economic risks, including a European debt crisis, Chinese economic slowdown, and the potential for a stagflationary environment. The current economic situation is unique and unprecedented, with factors like massive money printing, low interest rates, and remote work all happening simultaneously. There are concerns about defaults in commercial and subprime auto payments, although the real estate market may not crash. Additionally, global challenges such as climate change, AI, and pandemics pose significant threats to the world today.

US Economy and Political Impact

The Federal Reserve aims for a “soft landing” by bringing inflation back to 2% without causing a recession or financial crisis. Interest rates are historically low, making it an opportune time to secure a mortgage. Owning a house can provide stability and security, although caution is advised. The Middle East conflict between Israel, Palestine, and Hamas has financial implications and could potentially impact the 2024 election.

Immigration and Social Security

The US needs a rational approach to regulate immigration and address issues such as job displacement and unfunded liabilities in healthcare and social security systems. Skilled workers in AI and data science are in demand, and the US needs to compete with other countries in producing graduates in these fields. Entitlement and social security reforms are crucial, and income and wealth inequality must be addressed through rescaling, education, and investment in manufacturing, infrastructure, and AI.


Dr. Nouriel Roubini’s insights shed light on the risks and challenges facing the global economy. From economic predictions and uncertainties to the impact of conflicts and the need for immigration and social security reforms, there are various factors that require attention and proactive solutions. Addressing these issues will require collective action, less partisanship, and a focus on the common good to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

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