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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1833 – Will Biden’s Weakness Blow Up The World?

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1833 – Will Biden’s Weakness Blow Up The World?

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the growing concerns over American weakness under President Biden’s leadership and its impact on the Middle East. He analyzes the escalating conflict between Israel and Iranian-backed terrorist groups, the implications of Biden’s foreign policy decisions, and the urgent need for strong American leadership in the region.

Main Takeaways

American Weakness and Iran’s Influence

  • American weakness under Biden’s presidency has led to emboldened Iran and its proxies.
  • Biden’s decision to seek a deal with Iran and marginalize Saudi Arabia has worsened the situation.
  • Iranian-backed terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah have launched attacks on Israel.
  • The Houthis, delisted as a terrorist group by Biden’s administration, have seized control of much of Yemen’s north and fired missiles at Israel.
  • Iranian-backed forces have launched drone attacks on military bases in Syria where US troops have a presence.
  • Iranian-backed forces are testing the United States by launching drone attacks on military bases in Syria where US troops have a presence.

Israel’s Concerns and Potential Escalation

  • Israel is growing increasingly concerned about a potential second front opening up to the north as Hezbollah mobilizes and exchanges fire with Israeli forces.
  • Hamas must be destroyed wholesale to prevent an existential threat to the state of Israel and further violence in the region.
  • If Israel is prompted into a three-front war, it could prompt the entry of Syria and Iran into any sort of war, which would prompt American intervention.
  • Israel is making it clear to the region that if they get involved, they too will be destroyed.

The Humanitarian Crisis and International Response

  • The situation in Gaza is disastrous for Israelis, with up to 200 people still unaccounted for.
  • Hamas issues false statistics, with Israel still discovering bodies.
  • At least 30 children are among the confirmed Gaza hostages, with small children and women likely being raped.
  • The international left is ignoring the crisis, while some governments are acknowledging Israel’s actions.

Biden’s Speech and US Aid

  • Joe Biden’s speech aims to project support for Israel and deterrence to Iran’s proxies.
  • Joe Biden’s speech linked Israel aid and Ukraine aid, which makes no sense geopolitically.
  • Biden’s $100 billion package through Congress will mostly go to Ukraine, not Israel.
  • Joe Biden proposes a $105 billion funding request for urgent aid, including $60 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel, and $10 billion for humanitarian efforts.
  • Biden pledged $100 million in aid to innocent civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.


Escalating Conflict and American Weakness

The episode explores the consequences of American weakness under President Biden’s leadership, particularly in relation to Iran and its proxies. Biden’s decision to seek a deal with Iran and marginalize Saudi Arabia has emboldened Iranian-backed terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. These groups have launched attacks on Israel, including missile strikes, drone attacks, and terrorist activities. The lack of a strong American presence and response has allowed Iran and its proxies to test the United States and threaten stability in the Middle East.

Israel’s Concerns and Potential Escalation

Israel is facing growing concerns over a potential second front opening up to the north as Hezbollah mobilizes and exchanges fire with Israeli forces. The episode emphasizes the need for Israel to destroy Hamas completely to prevent an existential threat and further violence in the region. If Israel is provoked into a three-front war, it could prompt the entry of Syria and Iran, potentially leading to American intervention. Israel is sending a clear message to the region that any involvement will result in their destruction.

The Humanitarian Crisis and International Response

The situation in Gaza is dire, with many Israelis unaccounted for and Hamas spreading false statistics. The episode highlights the alarming plight of innocent civilians, including women and children who may be subjected to violence and abuse. While some governments acknowledge Israel’s actions, the international left largely ignores the crisis. The humanitarian crisis requires urgent attention and assistance to ensure the well-being and safety of innocent civilians.

Biden’s Speech and US Aid

Joe Biden’s speech aimed to project support for Israel and deterrence to Iran’s proxies. However, his linking of Israel aid and Ukraine aid in the same package raised concerns about the geopolitical sensibility of the decision. The episode discusses the proposed $105 billion funding request for urgent aid, with a significant portion allocated to Ukraine rather than Israel. Biden pledged $100 million in aid to innocent civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, but there are concerns about the diversion of aid by Hamas and the lack of a distributive mechanism to ensure it reaches civilians.


The escalating conflict between Israel and Iranian-backed terrorist groups highlights the urgent need for strong American leadership in the Middle East. American weakness under President Biden’s leadership has emboldened Iran and its proxies, posing a threat to regional stability. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza demands immediate attention and assistance. Biden’s speech and proposed aid package raise questions about the geopolitical sensibility and effectiveness of the approach. It is crucial for the United States to address the challenges in the region and project strength to deter further aggression.

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