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The Mel Robbins Podcast / – Beautiful, Healing Words When the World Feels Overwhelming: An Inspiring Episode for Right Now

The Mel Robbins Podcast – Beautiful, Healing Words When the World Feels Overwhelming: An Inspiring Episode for Right Now

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel Robbins interviews Dr. Tama Bryant, a psychologist, minister, and tenured professor at Pepperdine University. Dr. Tama is the first black female president of the American Psychological Association and the author of the book “Homecoming,” which focuses on overcoming fear and trauma to reclaim your authentic self. In this inspiring episode, Dr. Tama shares valuable insights and practical tips on staying connected to ourselves, finding hope, and supporting each other during challenging times.

Main Takeaways

Overcoming Fear and Trauma

  • Dr. Tama’s book, “Homecoming,” offers guidance on overcoming fear and trauma to reclaim your authentic self.
  • Dr. Tama teaches that even in dark times, there is light inside of ourselves and others.
  • Journaling, artistry, therapy, and making connections between your individual story and the larger story can help with healing and liberation.

Staying Connected to Ourselves

  • Being in touch with our own feelings and bodily awareness can help us navigate difficult times.
  • Pay attention to changes in appetite, mood, and behavior to understand how you’re feeling.
  • Mindfulness and soulfulness can help us be present and release overwhelm.

Creating a Soft Place to Land

  • Creating a soft place to land for ourselves is important during times of stress and overwhelm.
  • Ways to become a soft place to land include releasing judgment about how you should feel or act and looking for community and connection.
  • Nourishing oneself and one’s community can involve small acts of care even in the midst of difficult situations.

Maintaining Hope and Connection

  • It’s important to stay informed about what’s happening in the world, but overexposure to news can be harmful.
  • Remember that there is still life, love, and goodness in the world.
  • Seek out ways to be a part of the solution and offer support through time, resources, heart, or prayers.

The Journey of Homecoming

  • Homecoming can happen in different ways, including after trauma or while living in a hostile environment.
  • Spiritual practices and narrative therapy can help us heal and reconnect with ourselves and others.
  • This moment does not have the final say on our lives or communities.


Overcoming Fear and Trauma

Dr. Tama Bryant’s book, “Homecoming,” provides a roadmap for overcoming fear and trauma and reclaiming our authentic selves. Through journaling, artistry, therapy, and connecting our individual stories to the larger narrative, we can find healing and liberation even in the darkest times.

Staying Connected to Ourselves

Being in touch with our emotions and bodily awareness is crucial for navigating challenging times. By paying attention to changes in appetite, mood, and behavior, we can better understand and address our feelings. Practicing mindfulness and soulfulness helps us stay present and release overwhelm.

Creating a Soft Place to Land

During times of stress and overwhelm, it’s essential to create a soft place to land for ourselves. This involves releasing judgment about how we should feel or act and seeking community and connection. Nourishing ourselves and our communities through small acts of care brings comfort and resilience.

Maintaining Hope and Connection

While it’s important to stay informed about global issues, overexposure to violent news can be harmful. It’s crucial to remember that there is still life, love, and goodness in the world. By seeking ways to be part of the solution and offering support to others, we can maintain hope and connection.

The Journey of Homecoming

Homecoming can occur after experiencing trauma or while living in a hostile environment. Dr. Tama emphasizes the importance of spiritual practices and narrative therapy in healing and reconnecting with ourselves and others. This journey reminds us that the current moment does not define our lives or communities.


In this episode, Dr. Tama Bryant shares powerful insights and practical strategies for staying connected to ourselves, finding hope, and supporting each other during challenging times. By embracing our authentic selves, creating soft places to land, and maintaining hope and connection, we can navigate the world with resilience and compassion.

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