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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1840 –  What I Learned At Oxford | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1840 –  What I Learned At Oxford | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses his recent experience speaking at Oxford University and the moral arguments made in support of Hamas. He explores the biased media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and highlights the importance of defending Western values against aggressive forms of Islam.

Main Takeaways

Oxford University and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • Oxford University, a thousand-year-old institution, represents the greatness of the West.
  • Despite its history, the University has individuals who support Islamic terrorism.
  • Students at the event offered morally obfuscatory arguments in support of Hamas.
  • The real goal of these arguments was the destruction of the state of Israel.
  • The conflict between Israel and Palestine affects people on both sides and requires a two-state solution.

The Media Bias and Lack of Context

  • The media often establishes a moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas.
  • Anti-Semitism runs rampant in Western institutions, with little pushback or consequences.
  • The media fails to provide context for the suffering in Gaza and the role of Hamas.
  • Hamas receives support from the international community, while Israel is blamed for the suffering of Gaza’s civilians.
  • The media’s bias and lack of context are harmful and dangerous.

Hamas’ Atrocities and Tactics

  • Hamas uses human shields, including children, to protect themselves from airstrikes.
  • Hamas holds hostages and uses them for propaganda purposes.
  • Hamas is responsible for creating an open-air prison in Gaza and committing crimes against humanity.
  • The atrocities committed by Hamas are similar to those of the Nazis towards Jews.
  • The media’s attempt to establish a moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas is unjustifiable.

The Role of the International Community

  • The international community supports Hamas while expecting Israel to make humanitarian provisions.
  • China and Russia take sides in the conflict, further complicating the situation.
  • The UN is responsible for protecting the refugees in Gaza, but Hamas controls the area.
  • The rest of the world needs to take action to stop Hamas’ actions and protect innocent lives.
  • Western media coverage lacks factual accuracy and often spreads false information.


Oxford University and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Oxford University, known for its rich history and contribution to Western civilization, is not immune to individuals who support Islamic terrorism. During a recent speaking engagement, Ben Shapiro encountered morally obfuscatory arguments in support of Hamas, with the underlying goal of destroying the state of Israel. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not just a national issue but affects people on both sides, emphasizing the need for a two-state solution.

The Media Bias and Lack of Context

The media’s biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict undermines the truth and perpetuates anti-Semitism. Western institutions often fail to address and condemn anti-Semitism, allowing it to run rampant. The media’s lack of context for the suffering in Gaza and the role of Hamas leads to a distorted narrative, blaming Israel while ignoring Hamas’ responsibility. The biased coverage not only harms the perception of Israel but also endangers Western values.

Hamas’ Atrocities and Tactics

Hamas employs despicable tactics, including using human shields, holding hostages, and committing crimes against humanity. Their actions resemble the atrocities committed by the Nazis towards Jews. Despite these heinous acts, the media attempts to establish a moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas, which is unjustifiable. The international community must recognize and condemn Hamas’ actions to protect innocent lives.

The Role of the International Community

The international community’s support for Hamas and their blame on Israel for the suffering in Gaza is a concerning trend. China and Russia further complicate the situation by taking sides in the conflict. The UN, responsible for protecting refugees in Gaza, faces challenges due to Hamas’ control of the area. It is crucial for the rest of the world to take action and hold Hamas accountable for their actions, protecting innocent lives and promoting peace.


Ben Shapiro’s experience at Oxford University sheds light on the moral arguments made in support of Hamas and the biased media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is essential for Western institutions to address and condemn anti-Semitism and defend their values against aggressive forms of Islam. The international community must recognize Hamas’ atrocities and take action to protect innocent lives. Only through understanding and factual reporting can a path towards peace and justice be achieved.

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