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The Daily / A Historic Strike (And Win) For Auto Workers | The Daily

A Historic Strike (And Win) For Auto Workers | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” we delve into the historic strike by auto workers against three major car manufacturers and their subsequent win with a tentative deal. The strike, led by the United Auto Workers (UAW), resulted in significant gains for the workers, including a substantial pay increase and improved benefits. We explore the strategies employed by the union and the impact this victory could have on the broader labor movement.

Main Takeaways

Improved Wages and Benefits

  • UAW secures its biggest pay increase in a single contract, with top wages increasing by 25% to over $40/hour.
  • Lower wage workers will reach top wage levels in just 3 years, doubling their wages in 4.5 years instead of the previous 5-7 year timeline.
  • The union successfully negotiates cost of living adjustments to wages, richer contributions to pension plans and 401k, and the right to strike if automakers close any plants.

Increased Worker Power

  • The deal grants workers more say in their workplace and greater influence over company decisions.
  • Traditional strike tactics are replaced with a new targeted approach, keeping companies off balance and creating anxiety.
  • The UAW’s strategy proves effective as the union gains ground quickly and reaches deals with Ford, Stellantis, and General Motors.

Impact and Potential

  • The strike costs auto companies significant sums, with GM reporting losses of $800 million, but it does not cripple the companies.
  • UAW’s confrontational approach, led by union leader Sean Fane, turns the union’s fortunes around and opens up possibilities for organizing in the South and lower Midwest.
  • UAW workers will now earn significantly more than non-union workers in the South and lower Midwest, potentially expanding the union’s territory and organizing non-union plants.
  • The victory could embolden other unions to pursue similar strategies and lead to preemptive wage increases in non-union jobs.
  • The new contract for auto workers has the potential to improve quality of life, including the ability to live comfortably and send children to college.
  • The victory of the auto workers’ union could have a ripple effect throughout various industries, building the middle class and restoring the American dream.


Auto Workers’ Historic Victory

The recent strike by auto workers against major car manufacturers resulted in a historic victory for the United Auto Workers (UAW). The union secured significant improvements in wages and benefits, including the largest pay increase in a single contract and accelerated wage progression for lower wage workers. The deal also grants workers more power and influence in their workplaces, marking a shift in the traditional tactics employed by the UAW. The strike’s success has the potential to impact the broader labor movement and inspire other unions to adopt similar strategies. Additionally, the victory could lead to wage increases in non-union jobs and contribute to the revitalization of the middle class.

Impact on Auto Companies and Potential for Expansion

The strike had a significant financial impact on auto companies, with General Motors alone reporting losses of $800 million. However, the companies were able to absorb these costs without being crippled. The confrontational approach taken by UAW leader Sean Fane has turned the union’s fortunes around, providing an opportunity for expansion and organizing in the traditionally anti-union regions of the South and lower Midwest. UAW workers now earn significantly more than their non-union counterparts in these areas, potentially attracting new members and organizing non-union plants. The victory also has the potential to embolden other unions and lead to improved working conditions and wages across various industries.


The auto workers’ historic strike and subsequent victory represent a significant milestone for the United Auto Workers and the broader labor movement. The improved wages, benefits, and increased worker power achieved through this deal have the potential to improve the lives of auto workers and their families. Furthermore, the strike’s success could inspire other unions to adopt similar strategies and lead to positive changes in working conditions and wages across various industries. The UAW now has the opportunity to expand its territory and play a crucial role in building the middle class and restoring the American dream.

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