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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #339 — The Infernal Logic of Jihad | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#339 — The Infernal Logic of Jihad | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris,” Sam is joined by Graham Wood, a writer for the Atlantic, to delve into the complex and gruesome topic of Jihad. They discuss the recent October 7th attacks, the moral logic behind them, and the support they receive in the Muslim world. The conversation also touches on the current conflict in Israel, the failure of the Israeli government to protect its citizens, and the role of Hamas in the region.

Main Takeaways

The Complexity of Jihad

  • Jihadism is not a unified front, contrary to what some in Israel claim about Hamas.
  • Wood highlights the complicated nature of Jihad and the diverse interpretations within the Muslim world.
  • There is a need to understand the nuances and complexities of the ideology to effectively address the issue.

The Failure of the Israeli Government

  • The Israeli government’s failure to protect its citizens on October 7th has caused shock and horror.
  • Many Israelis feel betrayed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership.
  • The diversion of resources to the settler project in the West Bank has made Gaza more vulnerable.
  • Covert encouragement of Jewish religious extremism by Netanyahu’s government has contributed to the problem.

The Atrocities of the October 7th Attacks

  • The attacks on October 7th were characterized by sadism and a deliberate attempt to inflict maximum pain and suffering.
  • Specific atrocities include decapitation, dismemberment, and the gouging of eyes.
  • The events were an atrocity with an aim to kill as many people as possible in the most painful way.

Hamas and the Conflict in Gaza

  • Hamas breached the border wall between Gaza and Israeli communities, attacking military outposts and taking hostages.
  • Ordinary citizens were seen participating in the conflict, looting, and taking hostages.
  • Hamas may have been surprised by their own success and did not anticipate the extent of Israeli retaliation.
  • Hamas is unpopular in Gaza but still has support in the West Bank, despite its corrupt and incompetent governance.

The Ideological Differences between Hamas and ISIS

  • Hamas and ISIS have different approaches to ideological conformity.
  • Hamas fighters use religious slogans and phrasing associated with jihadism.
  • Hamas is willing to collaborate across the Shia-Sunni divide, unlike the Islamic State.
  • Hamas is more flexible theologically and accepts individuals who are essentially nationalists.


The Complexity of Jihad and the Failure of the Israeli Government

Graham Wood joins Sam Harris to discuss the complexities of Jihad and the diverse interpretations within the Muslim world. They emphasize the need to understand these nuances to effectively address the issue. The conversation also highlights the failure of the Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to protect its citizens. The diversion of resources to the settler project in the West Bank and the covert encouragement of Jewish religious extremism have contributed to the vulnerability of Gaza.

The Atrocities of the October 7th Attacks and the Role of Hamas

The October 7th attacks were characterized by sadism and a deliberate attempt to inflict maximum pain and suffering. Specific atrocities, such as decapitation and dismemberment, were committed in an effort to kill as many people as possible. Hamas played a significant role in the conflict, breaching the border wall between Gaza and Israeli communities, attacking military outposts, and taking hostages. Despite being unpopular in Gaza, Hamas still receives support in the West Bank, where its corrupt and incompetent governance has created unrest.

The Ideological Differences between Hamas and ISIS

Wood and Harris explore the ideological differences between Hamas and ISIS. While both groups engage in jihadism, Hamas is more flexible theologically and willing to collaborate across the Shia-Sunni divide. Hamas fighters use religious slogans associated with jihadism, and some engage in looting and dehumanization of Israelis. The conversation highlights the complexity of Hamas as an organization, which stands for an eventual worldwide Muslim government but also accepts individuals who are essentially nationalists.


This episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris” provides a deep dive into the complex and gruesome topic of Jihad. The conversation sheds light on the failures of the Israeli government, the atrocities committed during the October 7th attacks, and the ideological differences between Hamas and ISIS. Understanding these complexities is crucial for addressing the issue effectively and promoting peace in the region.

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