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Startalk Radio / Relativity Roundup: StarTalk Live! With Janna Levin | Startalk Radio

Relativity Round-up: StarTalk Live! With Janna Levin | Startalk Radio

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In this episode of Startalk Radio, host Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Jana Levin explore the fascinating world of relativity and its implications for the universe. Recorded live at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn, they dive into Einstein’s theory of relativity, the concept of a beginning to the universe, and the possibility of time travel. Special guest Jana Levin, a physicist and author, provides valuable insights into these complex topics.

Main Takeaways

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the Expanding Universe

  • Einstein’s cosmological constant was introduced to balance the universe, but it was unstable.
  • The universe is expanding, and Einstein’s own equations revealed this unsettling truth.
  • Hubble discovered galaxies moving away from each other, proving the universe is expanding.
  • Einstein introduced the cosmological constant to try to stop the universe from expanding.
  • Einstein later called it his biggest blunder, but it was later found to be necessary for the universe’s acceleration.

The Concept of a Beginning to the Universe

  • The concept of a beginning to the universe was a scientific first.
  • A Catholic monk, who was also a physicist, studied a universe where everything is smooth and uniform and realized that in response to universal stuff, it wants to expand or contract.
  • The expanding universe implies a beginning and raises questions about the universe’s edge.
  • The human ego can lead to resistance towards new scientific discoveries.
  • The idea of the infinite universe falls into the category of debates that have no clear winner.

Time Travel and Wormholes

  • Time travel requires consideration of both time and space, as the solar system moves and the Earth is in orbit.
  • Wormholes can be used to travel through time and space, but their stability requires a new form of energy.
  • Traveling to the future is possible, but we cannot stop it.
  • Quantum mechanics is a curveball, but not one that saves us a lot.
  • Deja vu is a fascinating concept that could be tied to all of this.

The Spirit of Exploration and Progress

  • The space race to the moon was ego-driven, fueled by the Cold War, but our survival instincts and need for exploration are also important factors.
  • Wormholes and warp drives could revolutionize transportation across the galaxy, but we need a new form of energy to make them stable.
  • The universe has a way of finding solutions, just like how we found fuel to reach the moon.
  • Teleportation of molecules has been achieved, but it’s not yet possible for humans due to the amount of information needed.
  • The spirit of the book is about imagining beyond what we can build today and striving for progress.


Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the Expanding Universe

Einstein’s theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of the universe. His cosmological constant, introduced to balance the universe, turned out to be unstable. Hubble’s discovery of galaxies moving away from each other confirmed the expansion of the universe, contradicting Einstein’s initial resistance to the idea. The expanding universe implies a beginning and raises questions about the universe’s edge. While the concept of a beginning challenges our ego-driven beliefs, it also opens up new possibilities for exploration and understanding.

Time Travel and Wormholes

Time travel, a fascinating concept, requires consideration of both time and space. The solar system’s movement and Earth’s orbit play crucial roles in understanding time travel. Wormholes, theoretical shortcuts through space-time, could potentially enable time travel, but their stability remains a challenge. While traveling to the future is possible, altering it by going back in time is not permitted by the laws of physics. Quantum mechanics adds further complexity to the concept, and phenomena like déjà vu spark intriguing connections to the nature of time.

The Spirit of Exploration and Progress

Humanity’s drive for exploration and progress has led to remarkable achievements. The space race to the moon, initially fueled by ego and the Cold War, also encompassed our survival instincts and the need to expand our horizons. Concepts like wormholes and warp drives hold the potential to revolutionize transportation across the galaxy, but we require new forms of energy to make them stable. The spirit of imagining beyond our current capabilities and striving for progress is essential for unlocking the mysteries of the universe.


In this captivating episode of Startalk Radio, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Jana Levin, and their guests explore the intricacies of relativity, the expanding universe, time travel, and the spirit of exploration. They challenge our preconceived notions, encourage curiosity over ego, and emphasize the importance of progress. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the universe, it is our collective curiosity and determination that will propel us forward into new frontiers.

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