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The Daily / The Doctors of Gaza | The Daily

The Doctors of Gaza | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the focus is on the doctors in Gaza who are working tirelessly to save lives amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed with patients, and the doctors are stretched thin, facing shortages of supplies and staff. The situation is dire, and the world must do more to support the people of Gaza and stop the ongoing violence.

Main Takeaways

Hospitals in Gaza under immense pressure

  • Hospitals in Gaza are on the front lines of Israel’s war on Hamas, providing refuge for growing numbers of civilians fleeing the violence.
  • Doctors are working more than 18 hours per day and are stretched thin, with many patients waiting in the waiting room.
  • The war is pushing hospitals to the brink of collapse, with doctors struggling to keep up with the flood of patients.
  • Alshifa Hospital in Gaza City is currently housing around 60,000 people, with a capacity of only 620.
  • The hospital is a public health catastrophe waiting to happen, with a high risk of disease outbreaks.

Challenges faced by doctors in Gaza

  • Patients with severe burns, including children, are being treated at the hospital.
  • Many patients have experienced trauma from losing family members in the conflict.
  • Communication to Gaza was cut off during the conflict, making it difficult to reach people.
  • International law prohibits the attack of hospitals during war, regardless of who is inside.
  • Hospitals were running out of supplies, including disinfectants, medicine, and fuel for generators.

The emotional toll on doctors

  • Doctors in Gaza are emotionally and physically exhausted from treating casualties without a break.
  • Some doctors feel like they are deciding on the souls of people.
  • Limited resources force doctors to make difficult decisions about which cases can benefit from treatment.

The need for international support

  • The world must do more to support the people of Gaza and stop the ongoing genocide.
  • Ceasefires are necessary to protect innocent lives.
  • People in conflict zones long for normalcy and the ability to enjoy everyday activities.


Hospitals in Gaza under immense pressure

Hospitals in Gaza are facing an overwhelming number of patients as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalates. Doctors are working long hours and struggling to keep up with the influx of patients. Alshifa Hospital, with a capacity of only 620, is currently housing around 60,000 people, posing a high risk of disease outbreaks. The situation is dire, and urgent support is needed to prevent a public health catastrophe.

Challenges faced by doctors in Gaza

Doctors in Gaza are treating patients with severe burns, including children, who have been affected by the conflict. Many patients have experienced trauma from losing family members. The communication blackout during the conflict has made it difficult to reach people in need. International law prohibits the attack of hospitals during war, but hospitals in Gaza are running out of essential supplies, putting patients at risk.

The emotional toll on doctors

Doctors in Gaza are emotionally and physically exhausted from treating casualties without a break. The limited resources force them to make difficult decisions about which cases can benefit from treatment. The ongoing violence takes a toll on their mental well-being as they feel the weight of deciding on the lives of people.

The need for international support

The world must do more to support the people of Gaza and put an end to the ongoing genocide. Ceasefires are necessary to protect innocent lives and allow people in conflict zones to have a sense of normalcy. International assistance is crucial in providing the necessary resources to the hospitals in Gaza and ensuring the well-being of the people affected by the conflict.


The doctors in Gaza are facing immense challenges as they work tirelessly to save lives amidst the ongoing conflict. The hospitals are overwhelmed, and the shortage of supplies and staff is putting patients at risk. The world must come together to support the people of Gaza and put an end to the violence, ensuring that innocent lives are protected and that the necessary resources are provided to the medical facilities. The situation in Gaza is dire, and immediate action is needed to prevent further suffering and loss of life.

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