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Financial Feminist / 125. The Power of Curiosity in Finances, Relationships, and More with Scott Shigeoka | Financial Feminist

125. The Power of Curiosity in Finances, Relationships, and More with Scott Shigeoka | Financial Feminist

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In episode 125 of the “Financial Feminist” podcast, host Tori Dunlap interviews Scott Shigeoka, an internationally recognized curiosity expert and author of “Seek.” They discuss the power of curiosity in various aspects of life, including finances and relationships. Shigeoka emphasizes the importance of curiosity in fostering understanding, connection, and personal growth.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Curiosity in Relationships

  • Curiosity is the search to understand and helps people feel seen, heard, and valued.
  • Lack of curiosity can fracture relationships and make people feel devalued.
  • Embracing curiosity in relationships can lead to positive well-being and connectedness, while still holding boundaries around vulnerability.
  • Positive relationships can develop through shared interests and curiosity.
  • Boundaries around vulnerability can coexist with curiosity in relationships.

The Power of Curiosity in Finances

  • Money can be used as a tool of protest against oppressive systems.
  • Money conversations are about feelings and values, not just math and numbers.
  • Financial red flags in partners can be missed without constant curiosity and self-reflection.
  • Norming the conversation and actively listening to understand each other’s values and emotions about money can make financial conversations less daunting.
  • Having scripts or prompts, such as “tell me more,” can facilitate open and honest communication about money.

The Power of Curiosity in Society

  • Curiosity is a gateway for connection and helps us to connect with others in a deep way.
  • Incuriosity can lead to people feeling devalued, not seen, and can fracture relationships.
  • Curiosity is a way to help people feel seen, heard, and valued in a deep way, and is a connective force.
  • Turning towards others with curiosity is necessary to be in solidarity with people and care for them, and dehumanizing people makes it easier to inflict hate on them.
  • Spaces designed for dialogue should not be split 50-50, as those with less power often feel drained and unheard.


The Power of Curiosity in Relationships

Curiosity plays a vital role in fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships. It allows individuals to feel seen, heard, and valued. By embracing curiosity, people can deepen their connections with others while still maintaining boundaries around vulnerability. Shared interests and curiosity can lead to the development of positive relationships. It is essential to strike a balance between curiosity and respecting boundaries, as this ensures healthy and respectful interactions.

The Power of Curiosity in Finances

Curiosity is not limited to personal relationships; it also has a significant impact on financial well-being. Money can be used as a tool of protest against oppressive systems. Engaging in open and curious conversations about money helps individuals understand their own values and emotions surrounding finances. It also enables partners to navigate potential financial red flags and establish a norm for discussing money. Using prompts and scripts facilitates open and honest communication about financial matters.

The Power of Curiosity in Society

Curiosity is a powerful force that can bridge divides and foster connection in society. Incuriosity can lead to people feeling devalued and can fracture relationships. By turning towards others with curiosity, individuals can demonstrate solidarity and care. Dehumanizing others makes it easier to inflict hate on them, highlighting the importance of approaching others with curiosity instead of judgment. It is crucial to create spaces for dialogue that prioritize listening to those with less social power to ensure inclusivity and understanding.


Curiosity is a superpower that has the potential to transform relationships, finances, and society as a whole. By embracing curiosity, individuals can foster understanding, connection, and personal growth. Curiosity allows us to see others in a deep and meaningful way, while still respecting boundaries. It is a force that can bridge divides and lead to positive change. So, let’s cultivate curiosity in our lives and embrace the power it holds.

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