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Huberman Lab / AMA #1: Leveraging Ultradian Cycles, How to Protect Your Brain, Seed Oils Examined and More | Huberman Lab

AMA #1: Leveraging Ultradian Cycles, How to Protect Your Brain, Seed Oils Examined and More | Huberman Lab

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In this episode of the Huberman Lab podcast, Dr. Andrew Huberman explores the fascinating topic of ultradian cycles and how they can be leveraged to enhance learning, protect the brain, and improve overall performance. He shares valuable insights and practical tips for optimizing cognitive growth and neuroplasticity. Additionally, Dr. Huberman discusses the premium channel subscription model, which supports groundbreaking research on mental health, physical health, and performance.

Main Takeaways

Leveraging Ultradian Cycles for Learning

  • Altradian rhythms are any rhythms that are shorter than 24 hours, typically referring to 90-minute rhythms.
  • Leveraging altradian rhythms can greatly accelerate learning of cognitive and physical skills.
  • Focused bouts of mental work once or twice or sometimes three times per day can capture neuroplasticity and enhance learning.
  • Including at least one 90-minute focus block per day can be beneficial for cognitive growth.
  • Most people can only handle 1-2 altradian rhythm learning sessions per day, with a maximum of 3.
  • Ultra-dian rhythms offer valuable opportunities for focused learning twice a day.
  • Learning to detect and utilize these moments can help improve learning and performance.

Understanding Ultradian Cycles and Cortisol

  • Ultra-dian cycles are triggered by fluctuations in the glucocorticoid system, which regulates cortisol release and is essential for health.
  • Getting sunlight in your eyes as close to waking as possible enhances the peak level of cortisol and sets in motion a number of these altradian cycles.
  • Changes in cortisol throughout the day involve a big peak early in the day, but typically the baseline jitters a little bit, which corresponds to a shift in these altradian cycles.
  • Neuroplasticity fluctuates according to these ultradian cycles, so it’s valuable to know when your peak in alertness and focus occurs to start your first ultradian cycle for learning.

Optimizing Work Blocks and Deep Rest

  • Most people take about 10 or 15 minutes to break into a really deep trench of focus, and then periodically throughout the next hour, they’ll pop out of that focus, so it’s important to eliminate distractions if possible.
  • Early morning work block can be triggered by waking up early, using stimulants, and doing brief high-intensity exercise.
  • Cortisol pulse can be shifted earlier by doing exercise first thing in the morning.
  • Non-sleep deep rest can accelerate learning as it strengthens connections between neurons.
  • One or two alternating work blocks per day is typical, three would be exceptional, and four would be extraordinary.
  • Focus during the 90-minute work block may be hard at first, but it’s important to refocus and trigger learning.
  • All-trading work blocks require intense focus for cognitive work, physical skill learning, and physical exercise.
  • These work blocks can trigger neuroplasticity for motor skill-based learning.

Premium Channel Subscription and Research Support

  • The premium channel subscription model supports exciting research being done at major universities like Stanford and elsewhere.
  • The Huberman Lab podcast premium channel is a way to raise support for the standard human lab podcast channel and fund research done on human beings.
  • The premium channel will specifically fund research to develop protocols for mental health, physical health, and performance, which will be distributed through all channels.
  • The Tiny Foundation will match all funds raised for research through the premium channel, amplifying the impact of donations.
  • Signing up for the premium channel gives access to all AMAs, premium content, and supports research for mental health, physical health, and performance.
  • To sign up for the premium channel, go to


Leveraging Ultradian Cycles for Optimal Learning

Altradian rhythms, which are 90-minute cycles, can be harnessed to accelerate learning and enhance cognitive and physical skills. By incorporating focused bouts of mental work during these cycles, individuals can capture neuroplasticity and promote cognitive growth. It is recommended to include at least one 90-minute focus block per day. However, most people can handle only 1-2 altradian rhythm learning sessions per day, with a maximum of 3. Recognizing and utilizing the opportunities offered by ultradian rhythms can significantly improve learning and performance.

The Role of Ultradian Cycles and Cortisol

Ultradian cycles are influenced by fluctuations in the glucocorticoid system, which regulates cortisol release. Cortisol plays a crucial role in health and impacts neuroplasticity. By exposing oneself to sunlight upon waking, cortisol levels can be enhanced, triggering a cascade of ultradian cycles. Understanding the timing of peak alertness and focus can help individuals optimize their learning by aligning it with the fluctuations in neuroplasticity driven by ultradian cycles.

Optimizing Work Blocks and Deep Rest

Effective work blocks involve eliminating distractions and focusing intensely for a 90-minute period. It may take some time to enter a deep state of focus, but periodic refocusing is essential to trigger learning. Early morning work blocks can be facilitated by waking up early, using stimulants, and engaging in brief high-intensity exercise. Shifting the cortisol pulse earlier through morning exercise can optimize cognitive performance. Non-sleep deep rest, which strengthens neural connections, can accelerate learning. One or two alternating work blocks per day is typical, while three would be exceptional and four would be extraordinary. These work blocks can activate neuroplasticity, particularly for motor skill-based learning.

The Premium Channel Subscription and Research Support

The premium channel subscription model supports groundbreaking research conducted at esteemed institutions like Stanford. By subscribing to the premium channel, listeners can contribute to the funding of research on mental health, physical health, and performance. The premium channel will specifically finance the development of protocols that will benefit individuals across various channels. The Tiny Foundation matches all funds raised through the premium channel, amplifying the impact of donations. Subscribers gain access to exclusive content, including AMAs, while supporting research in crucial areas of human well-being.


Understanding and leveraging ultradian cycles can revolutionize the way we learn and optimize our cognitive abilities. By aligning our work blocks with these cycles, we can tap into neuroplasticity and enhance our cognitive and physical skills. Additionally, supporting research through the premium channel subscription model allows for the development of protocols that promote mental health, physical health, and performance. Join the Huberman Lab community and take advantage of these valuable insights and resources for personal growth and well-being.

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