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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ted Cruz | Defeating Cultural Marxism In America | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ted Cruz | Defeating Cultural Marxism In America | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Senator Ted Cruz discusses his new book, “Unwoke: How to defeat cultural Marxism in America.” Cruz examines how the radical left has taken control of major societal institutions and provides a battle plan to combat it.

Main Takeaways

Understanding Cultural Marxism

  • Senator Ted Cruz’s new book, “Unwoke,” explores how the radical left has seized control of key institutions in society.
  • Cruz explains that cultural Marxism has mutated into critical race theory, gender ideology, and other divisive ideologies.
  • The cultural Marxist solution is to promote violence and revolution against perceived oppressors.

Combating Cultural Marxism

  • “Unwoke” provides a battle plan to combat cultural Marxism and reclaim institutions.
  • Transparency and exposing radical left ideas are powerful tools in the fight against cultural Marxism.
  • Changing the cost-benefit analysis for players in the game, such as big businesses, is crucial in retaking institutions.
  • Conservatives and libertarians must invest in acquiring platforms to regain control of public discourse.

Engaging in the Fight

  • Many conservatives with resources prioritize personal gain over fighting for the country.
  • Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is seen as a significant step for free speech and combating woke culture.
  • “Unwoke: How to Resist Woke Culture and Its Ties to Corporate America” is currently a bestseller on Amazon and is highly recommended.
  • The book equips and empowers readers to effectively push back against woke culture.


Understanding Cultural Marxism and Its Effects

In his book, “Unwoke,” Senator Ted Cruz delves into the rise of cultural Marxism and its impact on society. He explains that cultural Marxism, which originated from Karl Marx’s worldview of oppressors and victims, has evolved into critical race theory, gender ideology, and other divisive ideologies. Cruz likens universities to the “Wuhan Lab of the woke virus,” where these ideas are propagated and institutionalized. He emphasizes the cultural Marxist solution of violent revolution against perceived oppressors, which goes against the principles of a free and democratic society.

Combating Cultural Marxism and Reclaiming Institutions

Cruz provides a battle plan in “Unwoke” to combat cultural Marxism and retake institutions. He highlights the importance of transparency and exposing radical left ideas to counter their influence. By shedding light on their tactics and agenda, conservatives and libertarians can effectively challenge and dismantle the cultural Marxist stronghold. Additionally, changing the cost-benefit analysis for players in the game, such as big businesses, is crucial. Cruz argues that conservatives and libertarians need to invest in acquiring platforms and organs of transmission to regain control of public discourse and challenge the dominant narrative.

Engaging in the Fight Against Woke Culture

Cruz addresses the need for conservatives and libertarians to actively engage in the fight against woke culture. He criticizes those who prioritize personal gain over fighting for the country’s values and principles. However, he highlights Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter as a significant step for free speech and combating woke culture. By acquiring influential platforms, individuals can have a greater impact in shaping public discourse and countering the cultural Marxist agenda. Cruz’s book, “Unwoke: How to Resist Woke Culture and Its Ties to Corporate America,” is highly recommended for its insightful analysis and practical strategies to resist and push back against woke culture.


Senator Ted Cruz’s book, “Unwoke: How to defeat cultural Marxism in America,” provides a comprehensive analysis of the rise of cultural Marxism and offers a battle plan to combat its influence. By understanding the origins and effects of cultural Marxism, exposing radical left ideas, and actively engaging in the fight, conservatives and libertarians can reclaim institutions and push back against woke culture. “Unwoke” equips readers with the knowledge and strategies needed to resist and defeat cultural Marxism in America.

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