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Founders / Notes from my dinner with Charlie Munger | Founders

Notes from my dinner with Charlie Munger | Founders

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In this episode of the “Founders” podcast, the host shares his previously undisclosed experience of having dinner with the legendary investor Charlie Munger. Reflecting on Munger’s recent passing, the host discusses the valuable lessons he learned from their conversation and the impact Munger had on his life and business. From Munger’s emphasis on lifelong learning to his unique perspective on success and wealth, this episode offers insights into the mind of a remarkable individual.

Main Takeaways

Charlie Munger’s Wisdom and Character

  • Charlie Munger is exactly as advertised, living what he preaches and emphasizing the importance of becoming friends with the eminent dead.
  • Munger’s ideas interact and combine to become more powerful, known as the “lala palooza effect.”
  • Learning is not about memorizing information but changing behavior.
  • Munger’s perspective includes an almost complete indifference to problems, expecting troubles as an inescapable part of life.
  • He looks at nearly everything through the lens of history, understanding that human nature repeats over time.

The Pursuit of Greatness

  • The key to success is to go for great, find a great business, and surround yourself with great people.
  • Most people struggle with staying in a great business due to boredom or lack of patience.
  • Patience and aggressiveness are the unusual combination for success, as mentioned by Charlie Munger.
  • Great businesses and people are rare but worth the time to find, as they cause fewer problems.
  • Wisdom is prevention, and going for great makes life easier by avoiding problems.

Charlie Munger’s Approach to Learning and Relationships

  • Charlie Munger’s exceptional recall and deep knowledge about historical figures and events is a result of extensive reading and thought.
  • Munger emphasizes the power of knowledge compounding and the value of being a learning machine.
  • He admires Ben Franklin and emulates his approach of seeking out impressive people throughout life.
  • Building oneself up into an impressive and formidable person is crucial for finding like-minded individuals and building lasting relationships.
  • Charlie Munger continues to seek out interesting and smart people, remaining curious and engaged in business.

Munger’s Philosophy on Wealth and Success

  • Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett believe they get too much credit for their wealth and success.
  • They find it odd to be so wealthy and loved, contrary to normal human reactions.
  • Their dedication to teaching and sharing lessons through letters and meetings has educated millions.
  • Envy, not greed, runs the world, and it’s important to focus on living a good life and not be bothered by others’ success.
  • The wealthiest individuals like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger are unique in that they don’t face public criticism or backlash for their financial success.

Charlie Munger’s Advice on Business and Personal Growth

  • Charlie Munger’s approach to entrepreneurship emphasizes creating businesses that provide value to others and focusing on them for the long term.
  • One of Munger’s key pieces of advice is to engage in a business that one is intensely interested in, as it will drive continuous improvement and prevent quitting.
  • Munger’s personal library reflects his deep knowledge and interest in a variety of subjects, showcasing the importance of continuous learning and intellectual curiosity.
  • Munger believes that the best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more, emphasizing the importance of sharing knowledge and wisdom.


Charlie Munger: A Wise and Authentic Mentor

The host begins by sharing his experience of having dinner with Charlie Munger, highlighting the authenticity and wisdom Munger exuded throughout their conversation. Munger’s emphasis on becoming friends with the eminent dead and his consistent application of his own principles serve as a testament to his character. The host also notes Munger’s concept of the “lala palooza effect,” where his ideas synergize and amplify each other, leading to powerful insights.

Learning, Greatness, and Relationships

The host discusses Munger’s perspective on learning and personal growth, emphasizing that true learning goes beyond memorizing information and requires behavioral change. Munger’s advice to go for greatness in both business and personal relationships resonates with the host, who highlights the rarity and value of great businesses and people. Munger’s love for reading and his admiration for Ben Franklin’s approach to seeking out impressive individuals further emphasize the importance of continuous learning and building meaningful connections.

The Paradox of Wealth and Success

Munger’s humility and his belief that he and Warren Buffett receive too much credit for their wealth and success are explored. The host delves into Munger’s unique perspective on wealth, where he finds it odd to be so wealthy and loved, contrary to societal expectations. Munger’s dedication to teaching and sharing knowledge through letters and meetings demonstrates his commitment to helping others and dispelling envy as a driving force in the world.

Entrepreneurship and Personal Growth

The host highlights Munger’s approach to entrepreneurship, which emphasizes creating businesses that provide value and focusing on long-term success. Munger’s advice to engage in a business one is intensely interested in speaks to the importance of passion and continuous improvement. The host also underscores Munger’s love for reading and his belief that sharing knowledge is the best way to help others.

Charlie Munger: A Wealth of Wisdom

The host concludes by summarizing Munger’s exceptional recall and deep knowledge, which stem from his extensive reading and thought. Munger’s philosophy on wealth, success, and personal growth serves as an inspiration to listeners. The host encourages pre-ordering Munger’s book, “Poor Charlie’s Almanack,” which contains a wealth of knowledge accumulated over Munger’s lifetime.


The episode provides a rare glimpse into the mind of Charlie Munger, a remarkable individual whose wisdom and authenticity have influenced countless individuals. From his emphasis on lifelong learning to his unique perspective on wealth and success, Munger’s insights serve as valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and individuals seeking personal growth. By sharing his experience of having dinner with Munger, the host pays tribute to a mentor who left an indelible mark on his life and business.

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