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Rich Habits Podcast / Q&A: $350K Salary, Paying Rent Upfront, and Our Favorite Books | Rich Habits Podcast

Q&A: $350K Salary, Paying Rent Upfront, and Our Favorite Books | Rich Habits Podcast

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In this episode of the Rich Habits Podcast, the hosts discuss various topics related to personal finance and wealth-building. They cover recommendations for financial literacy books, the importance of not trying to keep up with others financially, and advice on student loans and saving for a house. They also delve into real estate investment strategies, retirement accounts, international ETFs, and cryptocurrency. The hosts address concerns about paying rent in advance and offer alternative solutions. Additionally, they highlight the power of compounding and the importance of optimizing money for future generations. The podcast has gained a significant following and encourages listeners to leave reviews and share the podcast.

Main Takeaways

Financial Literacy and Wealth-Building

  • Favorite financial literacy books recommended
  • Emphasizes the importance of not trying to keep up with others financially
  • High-income earners with underperforming 401ks should consider rolling over their money into traditional IRAs for more autonomy over investments
  • Consider diversifying portfolio with international ETFs like EWY, but be aware of PFIC tax
  • Self-employed individuals should seek advice on how to allocate their investments
  • Consider investing in crypto as a diversification strategy

Real Estate Investment Strategies

  • Consider investing in property that cash flows rather than a primary home to build wealth
  • House hacking involves buying a multi-unit property, living in one unit, and renting out the others to cover most of the mortgage and expenses
  • Buying a duplex, triplex, or fourplex before getting married can create rental income and set the foundation for future wealth
  • Buying separate properties using FHA or Fannie Mae loans allows each person to benefit from rental income and mortgage payments before moving in together
  • Rushing to buy a primary home after getting married may limit the ability to explore real estate investment strategies

Retirement Accounts and Investments

  • High-income earners may benefit from maxing out the 401k to save on taxes, but underperformance should be considered
  • Roth IRA integration and backdoor Roth IRA may be beneficial for high earners
  • Consider approaching HR about underperforming 401k options and advocating for better investment choices
  • Consider rolling over existing 401k into a traditional IRA for autonomy over retirement accounts
  • Consider the market performance and risk-adjusted returns when deciding whether to roll over 401k funds into IRAs

Paying Rent and Future Generations

  • Nate M raises the concern of paying rent in advance, suggesting that renters should not pay rent in advance as the money could be earning interest in their own high-yield savings account
  • Robert agrees with Nate, emphasizing the time value of money and the potential for extra income by not paying rent in advance
  • Robert proposes a blockchain-based platform where landlords’ deposits are invested in high-yield savings accounts, and tenants and landlords split the profits at the end of the term
  • The hosts advise against paying rent in advance as a general practice, highlighting the importance of having control over your money to ensure it is working for you
  • Optimizing the use of money for future generations through high-yield savings accounts, 529 accounts, or custodial Roth IRAs is crucial


Financial Literacy and Wealth-Building

The hosts recommend financial literacy books that can provide valuable insights into managing personal finances and building wealth. They stress the importance of not comparing one’s financial situation to others and focusing on individual goals and priorities. High-income earners with underperforming 401ks are advised to consider rolling over their funds into traditional IRAs for more control over investments. Diversifying investment portfolios with international ETFs like EWY is encouraged, but investors should be aware of the PFIC tax implications. Self-employed individuals should seek advice on how to allocate their investments effectively. Additionally, investing in cryptocurrency is suggested as a diversification strategy.

Real Estate Investment Strategies

The hosts discuss the benefits of investing in properties that generate cash flow rather than purchasing a primary home. They explain the concept of house hacking, which involves buying a multi-unit property and renting out the additional units to cover mortgage and expenses. This strategy allows for capital appreciation, depreciation, and lower living expenses, contributing to long-term wealth building. They also advise considering buying a duplex, triplex, or fourplex before getting married to create rental income and establish a foundation for future wealth. Buying separate properties using FHA or Fannie Mae loans allows each person to benefit from rental income and mortgage payments before moving in together. Rushing to buy a primary home after getting married may limit the ability to explore other real estate investment opportunities.

Retirement Accounts and Investments

The hosts provide insights into optimizing retirement accounts for high-income earners. They suggest maxing out the 401k contributions to save on taxes, but caution against underperformance. Roth IRA integration and backdoor Roth IRA strategies are discussed as potential options for high earners. They also advise approaching HR about underperforming 401k options and advocating for better investment choices. Rolling over existing 401k funds into a traditional IRA is recommended for individuals seeking more autonomy over their retirement accounts. The hosts emphasize the importance of considering market performance and risk-adjusted returns when making decisions about rollovers.

Paying Rent and Future Generations

The hosts address concerns about paying rent in advance. While it may be popular for some high earners with bad credit or lower credit criteria, they advise against it as a general practice. They highlight the time value of money and the potential for extra income by not paying rent in advance. One host proposes a blockchain-based platform where landlords’ deposits are invested in high-yield savings accounts, with profits split between tenants and landlords at the end of the term. The hosts stress the importance of having control over one’s money to ensure it is working for them, rather than sitting in someone else’s account. They discuss the power of compounding and suggest alternative options like high-yield savings accounts, 529 accounts, or custodial Roth IRAs for optimizing money for future generations.


In this episode of the Rich Habits Podcast, the hosts provide valuable insights into various aspects of personal finance and wealth-building. They emphasize the importance of financial literacy, not comparing oneself to others financially, and making informed decisions about investments and retirement accounts. The hosts also address concerns about paying rent in advance and propose alternative solutions. They highlight the power of compounding and the significance of optimizing money for future generations. The podcast has gained a significant following and encourages listeners to leave reviews and share the podcast to continue the journey toward financial freedom and enjoyment.

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