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Science vs / #669: Kevin Kelly — Excellent Advice for Living | Science vs

#669: Kevin Kelly — Excellent Advice for Living | Science vs

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In this episode of the “Science vs” podcast, host Wendy Zukerman interviews Kevin Kelly, author of “Excellent Advice for Living.” Kevin Kelly is a renowned writer and thinker who co-founded Wired magazine and has a diverse range of interests and accomplishments. In this episode, he shares his wisdom and advice on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, creativity, and spirituality. He emphasizes the importance of embracing change and uncertainty, and offers insights into the future of technology and artificial intelligence.

Main Takeaways

Wisdom for Living

  • Kevin Kelly’s book, “Excellent Advice for Living,” is a collection of wisdom and advice he wishes he had known earlier in life.
  • The book covers a wide range of topics, including relationships, career, creativity, and spirituality.
  • Kevin Kelly emphasizes the importance of embracing change and uncertainty in life.

Kevin Kelly’s Accomplishments

  • Kevin Kelly helped launch and edit Wired magazine.
  • He has a diverse range of interests and accomplishments, including writing books, graphic novels, and articles.
  • Kevin Kelly co-founded the hackers conference in 1984.

The Long Now Foundation and Long Bets

  • Kevin Kelly is currently co-chair of the Long Now Foundation, which is building a clock in a mountain that will tick for 10,000 years.
  • He made a long bet in 2003 on the collapse of the global human population by 2060.
  • Long Bets is a service that encourages long-term thinking with public accountability and money involved in the wager.

Aging Populations and Declining Birth Rates

  • Falling birth rates are happening worldwide, including in the US, and attempts to counter it have not been successful.
  • Aging populations in countries like Japan, South Korea, China, and Mexico will lead to significant changes in the future.
  • Immigration is not a global solution to declining populations.

The Santa Fe Institute and Complex Adaptive Systems

  • The Santa Fe Institute has been a pioneer in complex adaptive systems research, which can be applied to technology and AI development.
  • Mechanical systems have the same dynamics as biological systems, and this understanding can inform AI development.

The Power of AI and Technology

  • AI will alter how we design and create things, but not necessarily replace human artists.
  • AI will replace tasks, not necessarily jobs.
  • Technology provides us with choices and options, which is the main benefit of development.

Optimism and the Future

  • Being optimistic is important to make good, complicated things work and envision a better future.
  • Progress means that overall and average, this is a better place to live than at any time in the past.
  • AI is currently underhyped, and in 30 years we won’t even call it AI anymore.

Travel and Personal Growth

  • Traveling, especially with children, can be a powerful learning experience.
  • Trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected adventures and personal growth.
  • Treating your own neighborhood as a tourist can lead to discovering new things.

Advice for Living

  • Encapsulating advice into memorable handles can help bring it forth when needed.
  • Modeling behavior can be more effective than giving advice.
  • Regular meals together without screens can be great for families.


Kevin Kelly’s Wisdom and Accomplishments

Kevin Kelly, author of “Excellent Advice for Living,” shares his wisdom and advice on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, creativity, and spirituality. He emphasizes the importance of embracing change and uncertainty. Kevin Kelly has a diverse range of interests and accomplishments, including co-founding Wired magazine and the hackers conference in 1984.

The Long Now Foundation and Long Bets

Kevin Kelly is currently co-chair of the Long Now Foundation, which is building a clock that will tick for 10,000 years. He made a long bet in 2003 on the collapse of the global human population by 2060. Long Bets is a service that encourages long-term thinking with public accountability and money involved in the wager.

Aging Populations and Declining Birth Rates

Falling birth rates are happening worldwide, including in the US. Aging populations in countries like Japan, South Korea, China, and Mexico will lead to significant changes in the future. Immigration is not a global solution to declining populations.

The Santa Fe Institute and Complex Adaptive Systems

The Santa Fe Institute has been a pioneer in complex adaptive systems research, which can be applied to technology and AI development. Mechanical systems have the same dynamics as biological systems, and this understanding can inform AI development.

The Power of AI and Technology

AI will alter how we design and create things, but not necessarily replace human artists. It will replace tasks, not necessarily jobs. Technology provides us with choices and options, which is the main benefit of development.

Optimism and the Future

Being optimistic is important to make good, complicated things work and envision a better future. Progress means that overall and average, this is a better place to live than at any time in the past. AI is currently underhyped, and in 30 years we won’t even call it AI anymore.

Travel and Personal Growth

Traveling, especially with children, can be a powerful learning experience. Trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected adventures and personal growth. Treating your own neighborhood as a tourist can lead to discovering new things.

Advice for Living

Encapsulating advice into memorable handles can help bring it forth when needed. Modeling behavior can be more effective than giving advice. Regular meals together without screens can be great for families.


Kevin Kelly’s “Excellent Advice for Living” offers a collection of wisdom and advice on various aspects of life. From embracing change and uncertainty to exploring the future of technology and AI, Kelly provides insights that can help improve our lives and shape our future. Whether it’s through travel, personal growth, or modeling behavior, his advice encourages us to live more fully and make the most of our unique opportunities.

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