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The Daily / Should You Rent or Buy? The New Math. | The Daily

Should You Rent or Buy? The New Math. | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the podcast team, consisting of millennials, explores the challenges faced by their generation when it comes to purchasing a home. They consult with David Leonardo, an expert in economics and housing, to discuss the wisdom of buying versus renting. The team questions the stigma associated with renting and explores the financial implications of both options.

Main Takeaways

Challenges Faced by Millennials

  • Many millennials find it challenging to purchase a home due to high interest rates and home prices.
  • Millennials face challenges due to limited savings and lower average income, making it difficult to afford homes.

The Wisdom of Renting

  • For most people, giving up on the idea of buying a home is the answer due to high prices and interest rates.
  • Renting is often viewed as throwing money away, but it may be a good alternative to home ownership.
  • When buying a home, you’re throwing away money more quickly than when you rent.

Considerations When Buying a Home

  • The comparison when buying a house should consider the opportunity cost of not being able to invest the down payment in other ways that could make a return.
  • Over time, the stock market has risen substantially faster than house prices.
  • Buying can still make sense in certain times, but the question for each person is whether it’s the right time for them.

Renting vs. Buying: Personal Experiences

  • The speaker, a New York Times reporter, shares personal experience of buying a house in their mid-30s, despite advocating for renting in their articles.
  • They admit that buying a house wasn’t the best financial decision, as renting would have been more financially beneficial due to fees and interests.
  • The key question when deciding to rent or buy is how long one plans to live in the house. Renting usually makes sense for shorter periods, while buying is more favorable for longer-term stays.

Financial Considerations of Buying a Home

  • The concept of leverage is highlighted, showing the potential for gains and losses in house value based on the down payment and mortgage amount.
  • The speaker acknowledges the impact of fees, interest, and house repairs when calculating the actual returns from buying a house.
  • Despite the potential for gains from house appreciation, investing in the stock market could be a more financially sound decision in some cases.

Additional Factors to Consider

  • Owning a home provides a space for personalization and creating memories, making it a form of consumption rather than just an investment.
  • Homeownership can create intergenerational wealth as a place where multiple generations end up living.
  • The concept of the rent ratio can help determine when might be a good time to buy a house by comparing the cost of buying to the cost of renting.


Challenges Faced by Millennials

Many millennials struggle to purchase a home due to high interest rates and home prices. Limited savings and lower average income further complicate their ability to afford homes.

The Wisdom of Renting

For most people, giving up on the idea of buying a home is the answer due to high prices and interest rates. Renting is often viewed as throwing money away, but it can be a good alternative to home ownership, especially in today’s housing market.

Considerations When Buying a Home

When buying a house, it’s essential to consider the opportunity cost of not being able to invest the down payment in other ways that could generate a return. Over time, the stock market has historically outperformed housing prices. Buying can still make sense in certain times, but it depends on individual circumstances.

Renting vs. Buying: Personal Experiences

A New York Times reporter shares their personal experience of buying a house, despite advocating for renting in their articles. They admit that renting would have been more financially beneficial due to fees and interest. The decision to rent or buy depends on how long one plans to live in the house.

Financial Considerations of Buying a Home

Buying a home involves leveraging with a down payment and mortgage amount, which can lead to gains or losses in house value. However, fees, interest, and house repairs should be taken into account when calculating the actual returns. In some cases, investing in the stock market may be a more financially sound decision.

Additional Factors to Consider

Owning a home provides personalization and the creation of memories, making it a form of consumption beyond just an investment. Homeownership can also lead to intergenerational wealth. The rent ratio, comparing the cost of buying to renting, can help determine the financial sense of buying a home.


The decision to rent or buy a home is a complex one, especially for millennials facing high prices and interest rates. Renting can be a smart financial decision, providing flexibility and the potential to invest in other opportunities. However, buying a home with a long-term perspective and considering factors like leverage and personalization can still make sense in certain situations. Ultimately, individuals must carefully evaluate their own circumstances and financial goals to make the right choice.

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