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The Daily Stoic / Don’t Let Them Turn You Into This | Ask DS | The Daily Stoic

Don’t Let Them Turn You Into This | Ask DS | The Daily Stoic

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“The Daily Stoic” podcast offers ancient wisdom for everyday life. In this episode, the hosts answer listener questions and discuss topics related to Marcus Aurelius’ book “Meditations.” They delve into the importance of remaining true to oneself and balancing personal and professional pursuits. Additionally, they introduce their new podcast, “Over the Top,” which covers sports and pop culture using Royal Rumble rules.

Main Takeaways

Stoic Wisdom and Personal Integrity

  • Marcus Aurelius’ book “Meditations” is discussed, emphasizing the essence of not letting others change you.
  • The importance of remaining kind, patient, helpful, understanding, generous, courageous, just, and wise is highlighted.
  • Investing in a quality edition of “Meditations” is emphasized for a deeper understanding of Stoic principles.

Balancing a 9 to 5 Job and Creative Pursuits

  • A listener question about balancing a 9 to 5 job with creative pursuits is addressed.
  • Advice is given to continue side businesses that fund the “wealth buckets” while pursuing creative endeavors.
  • Suggestions are made to scale down or automate side businesses to free up more time.
  • The importance of balancing systematic reasoning and creative workflow is highlighted.
  • The concept of adaptability and flexibility in achieving success is discussed.

Consuming and Creating Creative Content

  • The importance of balancing consuming other people’s creative content with creating one’s own is emphasized.
  • Striving to consume timeless and great work to create timeless and great work is encouraged.
  • Immersing oneself in consuming and immersing in really great stuff or things that are different from one’s own work is suggested for inspiration.
  • Choosing to consume contemporary stuff that is very different from one’s own work helps avoid comparison and find inspiration.

Personal Growth and Investment

  • The value of investing in oneself as a person versus investing in a trade or skill is discussed.
  • Getting clarity about one’s goals and life preferences is crucial and preferable to other types of investment.
  • Being in a good headspace and aligning oneself personally contributes to better focus and mindset for professional work.
  • The impact of personal well-being on professional performance and the trade-off between personal and professional investment is explored.

Detaching Value as a Creator from Earnings

  • Insulating oneself from audience feedback and focusing on personal motivation and values as a creator is suggested.
  • Creating a buffer between oneself and audience feedback can help maintain focus on what’s important and prevent getting swayed by others’ opinions.
  • Using systems to stay aware of financial and business performance without being constantly consumed by the numbers can lead to better decision-making and creativity.
  • Constantly thinking about money may not lead to wealth; setting up systems to be aware but not constantly consumed by financial data can lead to better outcomes.

Introduction to “Over the Top” Podcast

  • The podcast hosts discuss their new podcast, “Over the Top,” which covers sports and pop culture using Royal Rumble rules.
  • “Over the Top” explores various stories with ruthless aggression, diving into different topics every 90 seconds.
  • The show is not a wrestling podcast but is inspired by wrestling, focusing on the most important thing on Earth each week.
  • Listeners can access “Over the Top” early and ad-free by joining Wondry Plus and can listen on the Wondry app or other podcast platforms.


Stoic Wisdom and Personal Integrity

In this episode, the hosts discuss Marcus Aurelius’ book “Meditations” and the importance of not letting others change one’s core values. They emphasize the virtues of kindness, patience, helpfulness, understanding, generosity, courage, justice, and wisdom. Investing in a quality edition of “Meditations” is recommended to gain a deeper understanding of Stoic principles.

Balancing a 9 to 5 Job and Creative Pursuits

A listener seeks advice on balancing a 9 to 5 job with creative pursuits. The hosts suggest continuing side businesses that fund the “wealth buckets” while pursuing creative endeavors. They also recommend scaling down or automating side businesses to create more time for creativity. Balancing systematic reasoning and creative workflow is emphasized, along with the importance of adaptability and flexibility in achieving success.

Consuming and Creating Creative Content

The hosts discuss the importance of finding a balance between consuming other people’s creative content and creating one’s own. They encourage seeking out timeless and great work to inspire one’s own creations. Immersing oneself in consuming diverse content that differs from one’s own work is recommended to avoid comparison and find fresh inspiration.

Personal Growth and Investment

The value of investing in personal growth and self-improvement is explored. The hosts emphasize the importance of gaining clarity about one’s goals and life preferences, as it contributes to better focus and mindset for professional work. They discuss the trade-off between personal and professional investment, highlighting the impact of personal well-being on professional performance.

Detaching Value as a Creator from Earnings

The hosts address a listener’s struggle with detaching their value as a creator from their earnings. They suggest insulating oneself from audience feedback and focusing on personal motivation and values. Creating a buffer between oneself and audience feedback can help maintain focus and prevent being swayed by others’ opinions. They also discuss the importance of using systems to stay aware of financial and business performance without being consumed by the numbers.

Introduction to “Over the Top” Podcast

The hosts introduce their new podcast, “Over the Top,” which covers sports and pop culture using Royal Rumble rules. They explain that the show is not a wrestling podcast but is inspired by wrestling and explores various stories with ruthless aggression. Each episode dives into different topics every 90 seconds, focusing on the most important thing on Earth each week. Listeners can access “Over the Top” early and ad-free by joining Wondry Plus.


This episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast offers valuable insights on maintaining personal integrity, balancing work and creativity, consuming and creating creative content, investing in personal growth, and detaching value as a creator from earnings. The hosts also introduce their exciting new podcast, “Over the Top,” which promises to entertain and engage listeners with its unique approach to covering sports and pop culture.

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