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The Ramsey Show / If You Follow the Proven Plan, This Stuff WORKS | The Ramsey Show

If You Follow the Proven Plan, This Stuff WORKS | The Ramsey Show

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Ken Coleman and George Campbell provide advice on money and work-related questions to help listeners win in their life, money, work, and relationships. They address various financial situations, including managing finances after completing baby step two, dealing with layoffs, merging finances as a couple, handling a lawsuit settlement, and making long-term changes to improve financial stability.

Main Takeaways

Managing Finances and Increasing Income

  • Scrutinize the budget for money leaks and find ways to increase income to afford retirement contributions (00:01:35 – 00:02:30)
  • Consider seeking better job opportunities and networking to increase income (00:05:26 – 00:07:02)
  • Reevaluate the budget and find ways to increase income or decrease expenses (00:07:22 – 00:07:54)

Dealing with Layoffs and Job Transitions

  • Changes in the technology industry have resulted in layoffs (00:10:30 – 00:10:46)
  • Transferable HR and recruiting skills can be applied to various companies (00:11:14 – 00:11:42)
  • Focus on building cash reserves before making financial decisions after losing a job (00:11:47 – 00:12:36)

Overcoming Financial Hardship

  • Couple facing financial hardship despite a high income and significant debt (00:19:37 – 00:19:47)
  • Consider making sacrificial changes, selling assets, and reevaluating financial decisions (00:19:37 – 00:19:47)
  • Address debt and make long-term changes to lifestyle (00:19:37 – 00:19:47)

Merging Finances and Paying Off Debt

  • Merge finances to remove stress and create unity in a marriage (00:25:10 – 00:25:14)
  • Pay off debts and consider maximizing retirement contributions (00:25:47 – 00:25:56)
  • Consider seeking guidance from a financial professional to build wealth (00:25:47 – 00:25:56)

Handling a Lawsuit Settlement

  • Steward money wisely and manage debt effectively after receiving a lawsuit settlement (00:38:06 – 00:39:24)
  • Follow the baby steps plan to pay off debt, establish an emergency fund, and avoid getting into debt again (00:38:06 – 00:39:24)
  • Consider assembling a dream team of professionals to handle financial aspects (00:38:06 – 00:39:24)

Real Estate and Mortgage Considerations

  • Consider selling a rental property to pay off the primary mortgage and achieve financial stability (00:48:17 – 00:48:25)
  • Explore options to address loan and debt issues with banks (01:05:42 – 01:06:41)
  • Consider investing in real estate while following the baby steps plan (01:13:44 – 01:14:34)

Contentment and Financial Stability

  • Living off a lower salary can be feasible if it allows for contentment and financial stability (00:53:48 – 00:54:54)
  • Consider whether a lower-paying job aligns with long-term goals and passions (00:55:13 – 00:55:25)
  • Make lifestyle changes to accommodate a lower-paying job and pursue one’s calling (00:55:37 – 00:55:55)

Managing Debt and Making Financial Changes

  • Focus on paying off debt, working hard, and creating a budget to change financial situations (01:24:01 – 01:26:33)
  • Consider additional jobs and side hustles to increase income (01:26:04 – 01:26:11)
  • Take advantage of free financial coaching sessions to set a path forward (01:26:19 – 01:26:25)


Managing Finances and Increasing Income

A caller from Oklahoma City seeks advice on managing finances after completing baby step two and building an emergency fund. She is concerned about affording the 15% retirement contribution after paying off debt. Ken Coleman advises the caller to scrutinize the budget for money leaks and suggests increasing income. He acknowledges that a 15% retirement contribution can be tight for some people and emphasizes the importance of increasing income. The husband has valuable skills and experience that could be transferable to a higher-paying job in a different industry. Working for Uber is not a great return on time and may not be worth it financially. The wife’s part-time work is currently bringing in more money than the husband’s full-time job on an hourly basis. The husband should focus on networking and seeking better job opportunities to increase his income. The couple should consider reevaluating their budget and finding ways to increase their income or decrease expenses.

Dealing with Layoffs and Job Transitions

Changes in the technology industry have resulted in layoffs, with Spotify being a recent example. Losing a job can have a significant emotional impact, akin to losing a loved one. The individual had experience in recruiting for technology companies, and their transferable HR and recruiting skills can be applied to various companies. The individual received a severance but is concerned about debt and financial priorities. The advice is to focus on building cash reserves before making financial decisions. The immediate goal is to maintain essential expenses such as food, utilities, shelter, and transportation.

Overcoming Financial Hardship

A couple is facing financial hardship despite making a high income. They have significant debt, including a mortgage, credit cards, and loans. The husband lost his job, and they have realized they need to make drastic changes. They need to sell their car and make other sacrificial changes to get by. The wife may need to work full-time to help with the financial situation. The couple needs to address their debt and make long-term changes to their lifestyle. They are facing a wake-up call and need to reevaluate their financial decisions.

Merging Finances and Paying Off Debt

Hayden from Lansing, Michigan, shares the impact of the hosts’ advice on his family’s finances. Hayden and his wife have merged their finances after keeping them separate, and they are seeking guidance on how to manage their finances together. They have made significant progress in paying off debts and are looking for advice on merging their finances in the best way possible. The hosts commend Hayden for the progress he and his wife have made and encourage them to continue making positive life changes. Combining finances and being on the same page removes stress and creates unity in a marriage. Taking on massive change in various aspects of life, including finances, requires commitment and action.

Handling a Lawsuit Settlement

Simone, a caller, is 25, unemployed, and about to receive around $3 million after a lawsuit settlement. Simone is seeking advice on how to handle the settlement money. The advice is to follow the baby steps plan: pay off debt, establish a fully funded emergency fund, and avoid getting into debt again. The emergency fund should cover six months of expenses, and it’s important to avoid car loans and credit card debt. It’s suggested to cut up the credit cards and make financial decisions using personal funds. Beyond debt and emergency funds, it’s important to consider purchasing a reliable car and reasonable housing, which can be paid for in cash. Assemble a dream team including an insurance broker, lawyer, accountant, and real estate agent to handle financial aspects. Connect with trusted professionals at for financial guidance.

Real Estate and Mortgage Considerations

A couple is considering selling a rental property to pay off the primary mortgage and achieve financial stability. The rental property brings in about $24,000 a year, and paying off the mortgage would free up $4,000 per month. The interest rates on the primary home are high at 5.5%, resulting in a mortgage payment of around $4,000. The plan is to use the equity from the rental property to pay off the primary mortgage. The goal is to achieve financial stability and reach millionaire status. The idea of long-distance landlordship is not feasible, and selling the property is being considered. While the rental income is beneficial, the idea of being mortgage-free is appealing.

Contentment and Financial Stability

Living off a lower salary can be feasible if it allows for contentment and financial stability. The younger generation, particularly Gen Z, is prioritizing contentment and the kind of life they want to live. It’s important to consider whether a lower-paying job aligns with one’s passions and long-term trajectory. Making lifestyle changes to accommodate a lower-paying job may be necessary to pursue one’s calling. Understanding one’s financial situation is crucial when making decisions about student loan debt.

Managing Debt and Making Financial Changes

A couple is struggling with debt and determining the worth of their car and how to manage their income. They discuss their son’s education and the need for him to work full-time while studying to manage their financial situation. The couple is advised to work hard, create a budget, and pay off their debts to change their lives. It’s suggested that with a monthly income of $100,000 and a $40,000 debt, they could pay off the debt in about six months by throwing $6,000 a month at it. The couple is encouraged to find extra jobs and side hustles to increase their income. They are offered a free session with financial coaches to help them set a path forward.


By following the proven plan provided by “The Ramsey Show,” listeners can gain valuable insights and guidance on managing their finances, increasing their income, overcoming financial hardship, merging finances, handling lawsuit settlements, considering real estate and mortgage options, finding contentment and financial stability, and managing debt. The hosts emphasize the importance of taking control of one’s life and making positive changes to achieve financial goals.

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