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Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. It is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.

Popular episodes

Birthstory | Radiolab

You know the drill — all it takes is one sperm, one egg, and blammo — you’ve got yourself a baby. Right? Well, in this 2015 episode, conception takes on a new form — it’s the sperm and the egg, plus: two wombs, four countries, and money. Lots of money. 

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Numbers | Radiolab

First aired back in 2009, this episode is all about one thing, or rather a collection of things. Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, chances are you rely on numbers every day of your life. Where do they come from, and what do they really do for us? This

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Radiolab – The Good Samaritan

Tuesday afternoon, summer of 2017: Scotty Hatton and Scottie Wightman made a decision to help someone in need and both paid a price for their actions that day — actions that have led to a legal, moral, and scientific puzzle about how we balance accountability and forgiveness.  In this 2019

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Toy Soldiers | Radiolab

Back in February of 2021, anyone who knew anything thought the War in Ukraine would be over in a few weeks. Russia simply had more bodies to fight with and more steel to kill with.Fast-forward to today, however, and the war is anything but over. Ukraine has held and regained

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Radiolab – The Wubi Effect

When we think of China today, we think of a technological superpower. From Huawei and 5G to TikTok and viral social media, China is stride for stride with the United States in the world of computing. However, China’s technological renaissance almost didn’t happen. And for one very basic reason: The

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Recent Episodes

The Living Room | Radiolab

We’re thrilled to present a piece from one of our favorite podcasts, Love + Radio (Nick van der Kolk and Brendan Baker).  Producer Briana Breen brings us the story: Diane’s new neighbors across the way never shut their curtains, and that was the beginning of an intimate, but very one-sided

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Our Stupid Little Bodies | Radiolab

Sometimes a seemingly silly question gets stuck in your craw and you can’t shake the feeling that something big lies behind it. We are constantly collecting these kinds of questions from our listeners, not to mention piling up a storehouse of our own “stupid” questions, as we lovingly call them.

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Stochasticity | Radiolab

First aired way back in 2009, this episode is all about a wonderfully slippery and smarty-pants word for randomness, Stochasticity, and how it may be at the very foundation of our lives. Along the way, we talk to a woman suddenly consumed by a frenzied gambling addiction, hear from two

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Zeroworld | Radiolab

Karim Ani dedicated his life to math. He studied it in school, got a degree in math education, even founded Citizen Math ( to teach it to kids in a whole new way. But, this whole time, his whole life, almost, he had this question nagging at him. The question

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Numbers | Radiolab

First aired back in 2009, this episode is all about one thing, or rather a collection of things. Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, chances are you rely on numbers every day of your life. Where do they come from, and what do they really do for us? This

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A 4-Track Mind | Radiolab

In this short episode, first aired in 2011, a neurologist issues a dare to a ragtime piano player and a famous conductor. When the two men face off in an fMRI machine, the challenge is so unimaginably difficult that one man instantly gives up. But the other achieves a musical

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Boy Man | Radiolab

Could puberty get any more awkward? Turns out, yes. Patrick Burleigh started going through puberty as a toddler. He had pubic hair before he was two years old and a mustache by middle school. All of this was thanks to a rare genetic mutation that causes testotoxicosis, also known as

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Shrink | Radiolab

The definition of life is in flux, complexity is overrated, and humans are shrinking. Viruses are supposed to be sleek, pared-down, dead-eyed machines. But when one microbiologist stumbled upon a GIANT virus, hundreds of times bigger than any seen before, all that went out the window.  The discovery opened the

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The Interstitium | Radiolab

In this episode we introduce you to a part of our bodies that was invisible to Western scientists until about five years ago; it’s called “the interstitium,” a vast network of fluid channels inside the tissues around our organs that scientists have just begun to see, name, and understand. Along

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Funky Hand Jive | Radiolab

Back when Robert was kid, he had a chance encounter with then President John F. Kennedy. The interaction began with a hello and ended with a handshake. And like many of us who have touched greatness, 14 year old Robert was left wondering if maybe some of Kennedy would stay

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