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The History of Rome / 178 Not With A Bang But A Whimper | The History of Rome

178- Not With A Bang But A Whimper | The History of Rome

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In this episode of “The History of Rome” podcast, titled “Not With A Bang But A Whimper,” we witness the events leading up to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The episode explores the power struggles, alliances, and betrayals that ultimately led to the end of an era. As we approach the conclusion of the podcast, we reflect on the journey through Roman history and anticipate what comes next.

Main Takeaways

Political Intrigue and Power Struggles

  • Rickermer, a powerful figure in Rome, plans to oust the Eastern appointed Emperor and replace him with someone more pliable.
  • A secret message from Leo to Enthemias is discovered, leading to a plot to kill Rickermer and Oliberius.
  • Enthemias rushes to defend the city, but word quickly spreads about the coup.
  • Forces from Gaul march to aid both sides, resulting in a battle where Enthemias is defeated.

Shifting Alliances and Succession

  • Eliberius becomes the new emperor after Enthemias’ death, supported by the Italian nobility and Vandal King Gensaric.
  • Rickermer’s death creates favorable circumstances for Gensaric.
  • Gundabat takes over after Rickermer and O’Lebrius’ deaths.
  • Glycarius becomes emperor in 473, backed by Constantinople.

Invasion Threats and Negotiations

  • Julius Nepos plans to oust the usurpers in Italy, supported by Leo and Constantinople.
  • Visigoths and Ostrogoths pose a threat to Italy, but they do not join forces to invade.
  • Glycarius surrenders to Nepos without resistance, marking the end of his reign.
  • Nepos negotiates a peace deal with the Visigoths to maintain a contiguous territory.

The Fall of the Western Empire

  • Orestes rises to power and proclaims his son, Romulus Augustulus, as emperor.
  • Julius Nepos objects to Romulus Augustulus’ claim and maintains his own claim to the throne.
  • Orestes’ mistakes lead to a revolt, and Odoacer executes Orestes and exiles Romulus Augustulus.
  • The Western Roman Empire comes to an end in 476 AD.


Political Intrigue and Power Struggles

In this episode, we witness the political intrigue and power struggles in Rome. Rickermer, a powerful figure, seeks to overthrow the Eastern appointed Emperor and replace him with a more compliant ruler. A secret message from Leo to Enthemias is discovered, leading to a plot to kill Rickermer and Oliberius. As the coup unfolds, Enthemias rushes to defend the city, but reinforcements from Gaul arrive to aid both sides. Ultimately, Enthemias is defeated, leaving only four emperors remaining.

Shifting Alliances and Succession

The alliances and succession of emperors continue to shift throughout this episode. Eliberius becomes the new emperor after Enthemias’ death, gaining support from the Italian nobility and Vandal King Gensaric. Rickermer’s death creates favorable circumstances for Gensaric, while Gundabat takes over after Rickermer and O’Lebrius’ deaths. In 473, Glycarius becomes emperor with the backing of Constantinople.

Invasion Threats and Negotiations

The threat of invasion looms over Italy as Julius Nepos plans to oust the usurpers with the support of Leo and Constantinople. The Visigoths and Ostrogoths pose a significant threat, but they do not join forces to invade Italy. Glycarius surrenders to Nepos without resistance, marking the end of his short reign. Nepos then negotiates a peace deal with the Visigoths to maintain a contiguous territory.

The Fall of the Western Empire

The fall of the Western Roman Empire unfolds in this episode. Orestes rises to power and proclaims his son, Romulus Augustulus, as emperor. However, Julius Nepos objects to Romulus Augustulus’ claim and maintains his own claim to the throne. Orestes’ mistakes lead to a revolt, and Odoacer executes Orestes and exiles Romulus Augustulus. This event marks the end of the line of Western emperors and the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD.


As we approach the conclusion of “The History of Rome” podcast, we witness the final chapters of the Western Roman Empire. The episode highlights the political intrigue, shifting alliances, and invasion threats that ultimately led to its downfall. While the Western Empire crumbles, the Eastern Empire endures under the leadership of Leo and Constantinople. The legacy of the Roman Empire and its impact on history will continue to be explored in the upcoming epilogue of the podcast.

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