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The Peter Attia Drive / #242 – AMA #44: Peter’s historical changes in body composition with his evolving dietary, fasting, and training protocols | The Peter Attia Drive

#242 – AMA #44: Peter’s historical changes in body composition with his evolving dietary, fasting, and training protocols | The Peter Attia Drive

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In this episode of “The Peter Attia Drive,” Peter Atia and Nick Stenson discuss Peter’s historical changes in body composition through dietary and exercise changes. They delve into how Peter’s nutrition and exercise have evolved over the past 12 years and how it has impacted his body composition. The episode provides valuable insights into patient case studies and how they review their dexascans and blood work. The full video of the podcast is available for subscribers, showcasing images and percentiles of changes in body fat, visceral fat, ALMI, FFMI, and more.

Main Takeaways

Peter’s Dietary and Exercise Protocols

  • Peter discusses his experience with ketosis, time-restricted feeding, periodic prolonged fasts, high protein, low protein, endurance training, and strength training.
  • Changes in nutrition and exercise can significantly affect body composition.
  • Peter’s journey showcases the impact of a ketogenic diet, swimming, weightlifting, and carb restriction on his body composition.
  • After adapting to the ketogenic diet, Peter experienced a low body weight and improved health metrics.
  • The speaker is currently on a ketogenic diet and incorporates regular bike rides into his routine.

Importance of Dexa Scans

  • Dexa scanning is the gold standard for measuring body composition, accurately dividing tissue into bone, fat, and other (mostly muscle) categories.
  • Visceral fat, a compartment of fat outside of subcutaneous stores, can lead to serious health issues if exceeded.
  • Bone mineral density is measured by Z scores and T scores, helping diagnose osteopenia or osteoporosis.
  • ALMI and FFMI are metrics used to determine muscle mass for a person’s height, with patients aiming to be north of the 75th percentile based on age and sex.
  • Historical dexascans are crucial for monitoring changes in body composition over time.
  • Hydrostatic dunk tests may not always provide accurate body fat percentage readings.

Real-World Case Studies

  • Patient case studies provide valuable insights into the impact of dietary and exercise changes on body composition.
  • The speaker, who is also a patient, shares their personal experience and showcases the results of their dexascans over the past 11 years.
  • Discordance between ALMI and FFMI can occur, with FFMI sometimes representing a higher percentile than ALMI.


Peter’s Journey and Impact of Dietary and Exercise Changes

Peter Atia and Nick Stenson explore Peter’s historical changes in body composition through various dietary and exercise protocols. They discuss the impact of a ketogenic diet, swimming, weightlifting, and carb restriction on Peter’s body composition. The episode emphasizes the importance of monitoring changes in nutrition and exercise to achieve desired body composition goals.

The Significance of Dexa Scans and Case Studies

The podcast highlights the significance of dexa scans in accurately measuring body composition, including bone mineral density, fat mass, lean mass, and muscle mass. Patient case studies provide real-world examples of how dietary and exercise changes can affect body composition. The discordance between ALMI and FFMI is explored, shedding light on the complexities of measuring muscle mass.


This episode of “The Peter Attia Drive” offers valuable insights into the impact of dietary and exercise changes on body composition. By sharing personal experiences and patient case studies, Peter Atia and Nick Stenson provide listeners with practical knowledge and motivation to optimize their own body composition through informed choices.

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