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The Peter Attia Drive / #248 ‒ OUTLIVE book: A behindthescenes look into the writing of this book, motivation, main themes, and more | The Peter Attia Drive

#248 ‒ OUTLIVE book: A behind-the-scenes look into the writing of this book, motivation, main themes, and more | The Peter Attia Drive

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In this episode of “The Peter Attia Drive” podcast, Peter is joined by co-author Bill Gifford to discuss the behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Peter’s new book, “Outlive, The Science and Art of Longevity.” They delve into the motivation, main themes, and challenges faced during the six-year writing process. From the book’s original working title to the cover design and the evolution of the content, Peter and Bill provide fascinating insights into the making of “Outlive.”

Main Takeaways

The Writing Process and Book Creation

  • Peter Atia’s new book, “Outlive, The Science and Art of Longevity,” is out on March 28th.
  • The book took over six years to write, with a lot of planning, research, writing, and editing.
  • The book covers a lot of details around the longevity process, with explanations for why certain things were included and others omitted.
  • The podcast has been a crucial part of the book’s creation, as it provided a forcing function for Peter to learn and prepare in-depth for interviews and AMAs.

Behind-the-Scenes of Book Cover Design

  • The book’s original working title was “The Long Game,” later changed to “Outlive.”
  • The title “Outlive” was chosen for its evocative nature and was never questioned by Peter and Bill.
  • The cover art of the book was designed to be elegant, timeless, and not too busy.
  • Rodrigo Correll, a revered book designer, was chosen to design the cover art.
  • Rodrigo created 30 different cover designs within three days, all evoking the concept of longevity and living better.
  • The chosen cover features a keyhole-like design with blue, green, yellow, and pink colors, which means different things to different people.
  • The cover also includes a subtle theme of archery, which is a metaphor throughout the book.

The Evolution of the Book’s Content

  • The book’s creation process involved multiple versions and changes in editors and publishers.
  • The author’s first section received a lukewarm response from the publisher and agent.
  • The author was advised to bring in a co-author to help make the book more accessible to the lay person.
  • The writing process involved knowing all the details but ultimately deciding what to leave out.
  • The book is divided into three parts: setting up the structure of the book, scientific underpinning, and putting it into practice.
  • The book now includes information on emotional health, which was not present in earlier versions.

Lessons Learned and Future Plans

  • Writing the book helped the author evolve his practice of medicine with patients by streamlining and figuring out how to get to the point sooner.
  • The author may consider writing another book in the future, but it would require having something important to say and being at a different place in life where writing wouldn’t require sacrificing nights and weekends.
  • The author’s motivation for writing the book was more of a want than a need, but he came to peace with his demons and found his why at the end of 2020.
  • The editing process involved multiple rounds of proofreading and line edits.
  • Recording the audiobook was a daunting task, but the author has zero regrets and is glad with the way it turned out.


The Creation of “Outlive”

Peter Atia’s new book, “Outlive, The Science and Art of Longevity,” is the culmination of over six years of planning, research, writing, and editing. The book covers various aspects of the longevity process, with explanations for the inclusion and exclusion of specific details. The podcast played a crucial role in the book’s creation, pushing Peter to learn and prepare extensively for interviews and AMAs. The behind-the-scenes story of the book’s creation, including the challenges faced and the evolution of its content, is discussed in this episode.

The Art of Book Cover Design

The book’s cover art was meticulously designed to be elegant, timeless, and visually appealing. Renowned book designer Rodrigo Correll was chosen to create the cover, resulting in 30 different designs that captured the essence of longevity and living better. The chosen cover features a keyhole-like design with various colors, symbolizing different meanings to different people. The subtle theme of archery, a metaphor throughout the book, adds depth to the cover’s symbolism.

The Evolution of Content and Lessons Learned

The book’s content went through multiple versions and changes in editors and publishers. The author’s initial section received mixed feedback, leading to the decision to bring in a co-author to make the book more accessible. The writing process involved knowing all the details but carefully selecting what to include, resulting in a three-part structure that covers the book’s scientific underpinnings and practical applications. Lessons learned from writing the book helped the author refine his medical practice and communication with patients.

Future Plans and Reflections

While considering the possibility of writing another book in the future, the author acknowledges the need for an important message and a different life situation to undertake such a project. The editing process involved multiple rounds of proofreading and line edits, ensuring the book’s accuracy and readability. Recording the audiobook was a challenging yet rewarding experience, with the author ultimately satisfied with the outcome. The book’s creation, despite facing obstacles such as changes in publishers and the COVID-19 pandemic, turned out to be a blessing in disguise.


“The Peter Attia Drive” podcast episode provides an inside look into the creation of Peter Atia’s new book, “Outlive, The Science and Art of Longevity.” From the writing process to the book cover design and the evolution of its content, listeners gain valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs of bringing the book to life. With its focus on longevity, “Outlive” aims to educate readers in an accessible and engaging manner, combining science, art, and practical strategies for living a longer and healthier life.

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