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The Peter Attia Drive / #254 – AMA #47: Cold therapy: pros, cons, and its impact on longevity | The Peter Attia Drive

#254 – AMA #47: Cold therapy: pros, cons, and its impact on longevity | The Peter Attia Drive

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In this episode of “The Peter Attia Drive,” Peter Attia explores the topic of cold therapy and its potential impact on longevity. He discusses the different types of cold therapy, their benefits and drawbacks, and the current understanding of their effects on the body.

Main Takeaways

Cold Therapy Types and Effects

  • Cold therapy has three main types: showers, cold plunges, and cryotherapy.
  • Exposing the body to cold temperatures may have potential mood-altering effects and could be a treatment for depression.
  • Claims suggest that cold therapy can activate brown adipose tissue (BAT) for metabolic health.
  • Exercising in the cold has potential downsides.

Differentiating Cold Therapy Methods

  • Whole body cryotherapy involves standing in a tube that blasts liquid nitrogen inside, with temperatures ranging from minus 160 to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Cryotherapy is less subjectively colder than cold water immersion, which is much more accessible and only requires a tub and ice.
  • Cold water immersion has more literature on its benefits compared to cryotherapy.

Effective Cold Therapy Protocols

  • There is no consensus on what an effective cold therapy protocol should look like.

Membership Benefits and Contact Information

  • Membership benefits include access to in-depth exclusive content, comprehensive podcast show notes, and discount codes for endorsed products.
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  • Download the full AMA on the member-only podcast feed.
  • Follow Peter Attia on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with ID peteratiamd.
  • Leave a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred platform.


  • The podcast is for general informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice.
  • No doctor-patient relationship is formed, and the use of information is at the user’s own risk.


The Effects of Cold Therapy

Cold therapy, including showers, cold plunges, and cryotherapy, has gained attention for its potential mood-altering effects and its possible use as a treatment for depression. Additionally, it is believed that cold therapy can activate brown adipose tissue (BAT) for improved metabolic health. However, exercising in the cold may have downsides that need to be considered.

Different Types of Cold Therapy

Cryotherapy, which involves standing in a tube that blasts liquid nitrogen inside, offers extremely cold temperatures ranging from minus 160 to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, cold water immersion, which requires a tub and ice, is more accessible and has more literature supporting its benefits compared to cryotherapy.

Effective Cold Therapy Protocols

Despite the growing interest in cold therapy, there is currently no consensus on what an effective cold therapy protocol should look like. Further research is needed to establish guidelines and best practices for implementing cold therapy.

Membership Benefits and Contact Information

By becoming a member, listeners can access exclusive content, detailed show notes, and discount codes for endorsed products. To enjoy member-only benefits, visit The full AMA can be downloaded from the member-only podcast feed. For updates and engagement, follow Peter Attia on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with the ID peteratiamd. Listeners are also encouraged to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or their preferred platform.


It is important to note that the podcast is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Listeners should consult with a healthcare professional before implementing any information discussed in the podcast. The use of information is at the user’s own risk, and no doctor-patient relationship is formed through the podcast.


Cold therapy offers potential benefits for mood alteration, metabolic health, and longevity. However, further research is needed to understand the most effective protocols and guidelines for implementing cold therapy. By becoming a member, listeners can access exclusive content and stay updated on the latest findings in this field. It is important to approach cold therapy with caution and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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