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The Peter Attia Drive / #272 ‒ Rapamycin: potential longevity benefits, surge in popularity, unanswered questions, and more | David Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D. and Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D. | The Peter Attia Drive

#272 ‒ Rapamycin: potential longevity benefits, surge in popularity, unanswered questions, and more | David Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D. and Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D. | The Peter Attia Drive

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In episode #272 of “The Peter Attia Drive” podcast, host Peter Attia delves into the topic of Rapamycin and its potential longevity benefits. He is joined by guests David Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D., and Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D., both experts in the field. The discussion explores the discovery of Rapamycin, its impact on lifespan, dosing protocols, and ongoing clinical trials. They also touch on the effects of Rapamycin on various aspects of health, including the immune system, muscle mass, and brain function.

Main Takeaways

Rapamycin and Longevity

  • Rapamycin is a potential longevity therapeutic that positively impacts every aspect of health span that is measured in complex animals.
  • The potential frequency and dosing of Rapamycin in humans is still being explored.
  • A veterinary clinical trial of Rapamycin is underway to understand its real-world impact on aging in dogs.

Understanding Rapamycin

  • The discovery of Rapamycin dates back to the 60s and 70s, and its development as an organ transplant immunosuppressant hindered its exploration for other uses.
  • Rapamycin inhibits the mTOR pathway, which plays a crucial role in aging and longevity.
  • The pathways of Rapamycin that drive its impact on lifespan are still being studied.

Effects of Rapamycin on Health

  • Rapamycin has potential benefits for muscle mass preservation, immune function, and reducing chronic inflammation.
  • It may improve vaccine response in older individuals and have positive effects on brain disorders like mild cognitive impairment.
  • Rapamycin’s impact on cancer risk and epigenetic changes is still being investigated.

Clinical Trials and Future Research

  • Ongoing clinical trials are exploring the effects of Rapamycin in companion animals, such as dogs, to understand its impact on health-span metrics.
  • There is a need for further research on dosing protocols, biomarkers, and the potential benefits of other mTOR inhibitors.
  • Rapamycin shows promise as a drug that can mimic the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise.


The Potential of Rapamycin for Longevity and Health

Rapamycin, a drug that inhibits the mTOR pathway, has garnered attention for its potential to extend lifespan and improve health span. The discovery of Rapamycin dates back several decades, but its clinical development was initially focused on organ transplant immunosuppression. However, recent research has shed light on its impact on various aspects of health, including muscle mass preservation, immune function, and reducing inflammation. Ongoing clinical trials, such as the Dog Aging Project, are exploring the effects of Rapamycin on companion animals to better understand its potential benefits for humans. While there is still much to learn about optimal dosing protocols and the mechanisms underlying Rapamycin’s effects, it holds promise as a potential therapeutic for promoting healthy aging.

The Complex Pathways of Rapamycin and mTOR

Rapamycin’s impact on lifespan and health span is intricately tied to its inhibition of the mTOR pathway. This pathway plays a crucial role in aging and longevity, and Rapamycin’s ability to modulate it has been linked to various health benefits. However, the specific pathways through which Rapamycin exerts its effects are still being elucidated. Researchers are studying the intricate biochemical and cell biological processes involved in mTOR regulation and its downstream effects on aging. Understanding these pathways is essential for developing targeted interventions and optimizing the potential benefits of Rapamycin.

The Need for Further Research and Clinical Trials

While Rapamycin shows promise as a potential therapeutic for aging-related conditions, there is still much to learn. Researchers are actively exploring optimal dosing protocols, biomarkers to assess its effects, and the potential benefits of other mTOR inhibitors. The ongoing clinical trials, such as those in companion animals and non-human primates, provide valuable insights into Rapamycin’s real-world impact. Additionally, understanding the potential side effects and long-term effects of Rapamycin is crucial for its safe and effective use. Further research and collaboration among experts in the field are needed to fully unlock the potential of Rapamycin for promoting healthy aging.


Rapamycin holds promise as a potential therapeutic for extending lifespan and improving health span. Its impact on various aspects of health, including muscle mass preservation, immune function, and inflammation reduction, makes it an intriguing area of research. Ongoing clinical trials and further research are needed to fully understand the optimal dosing protocols, mechanisms of action, and potential benefits of Rapamycin. As scientists continue to unravel the complexities of aging and the mTOR pathway, Rapamycin may emerge as a valuable tool in promoting healthy aging and improving overall well-being.

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