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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #317 — What Do We Know About Our Minds? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#317 — What Do We Know About Our Minds? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of the “Making Sense with Sam Harris” podcast, Sam Harris interviews Paul Bloom, a psychology professor and author, to discuss various topics including AI, free speech, mental health, and living a good life. They delve into the recent developments in AI, the impact of social media, the complexities of the human mind, and the challenges of navigating the information landscape in the digital age.

Main Takeaways

Concerns about AI and Misinformation

  • Recent developments in AI have raised concerns about AI risk and alignment.
  • The rapid improvement of AI has alarmed experts who expected safeguards to be in place as AI approached human-level intelligence.
  • The development of AI without fully understanding its implications has magnified the near-term risk of unintended consequences and malicious uses of narrow AI.
  • The misuse of AI-generated fake information could render the internet unusable, leading to a cult of entanglement with misinformation on the part of billions of people globally.
  • Even if we solve the misinformation problem, the question remains: what will we want when all valid information can be produced by machine?

The Importance of Nonfiction Books and Audio Content

  • AI is improving at providing accurate answers to specific questions.
  • However, reading nonfiction books is still important to gain a deeper understanding of the author’s perspective.
  • Podcasts and audiobooks are becoming more important for people to disconnect from screens and connect with the real world.

Insights from Psychology and Fiction

  • Psychology has interesting things to say about questions that matter, such as living a good life and the impact of AI.
  • Many of psychology’s findings are not as robust as previously thought.
  • Good novels and TV series can teach us more about life experiences than psychology textbooks.
  • Learning about human life through fiction is valuable and can provide insights that psychology textbooks cannot.

The Complexity of the Mind

  • The mind is complex and multifaceted, and we may never have a complete theory of it.
  • We know a fair amount about different components of the mind, such as memory, personality, language, motivation, and sex.
  • We know the mind is the brain and how the brain gives rise to intelligence.
  • We know how to bring the brain to intelligence, but not how the brain gives rise to consciousness.
  • Mental life is a product of natural and cultural evolution, and not all interesting stuff is accessible to our consciousness.

The Impact of Social Media

  • Social media magnifies the problem of misinformation and can distort our perception of reality.
  • Misinformation on social media can lead to a lack of fact-based discussions and a siloing of information.
  • Social media can bring out the worst in people, create extreme views, and consume mental energy.
  • The business model of maximizing ad revenue is largely at fault for the negative impacts of social media.
  • It’s important to step back and take stock of the negative impacts of social media and find effective ways to address them.


Concerns about AI and Misinformation

Recent developments in AI, particularly the rapid improvement of AI models like GPT-4, have raised concerns about AI risk and alignment. Experts are alarmed by the lack of safeguards as AI approaches human-level intelligence, which magnifies the near-term risk of unintended consequences and malicious uses of narrow AI. The misuse of AI-generated fake information could render the internet unusable, leading to a global entanglement with misinformation. Even if we solve the misinformation problem, the question remains: what will we want when all valid information can be produced by machines?

The Importance of Nonfiction Books and Audio Content

While AI is improving at providing accurate answers to specific questions, reading nonfiction books is still crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of an author’s perspective. Podcasts and audiobooks are becoming increasingly important for people to disconnect from screens and engage with the real world, offering alternative ways to consume information and broaden their knowledge.

Insights from Psychology and Fiction

Psychology has valuable insights into questions that matter, such as living a good life and understanding the impact of AI. However, many of psychology’s findings are not as robust as previously thought. Good novels, TV series, and fiction in general can teach us more about life experiences than psychology textbooks, as they capture the substance of human experience and provide unique insights that go beyond what psychology can offer.

The Complexity of the Mind

The mind is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that may never be fully understood. While we have knowledge about different components of the mind, such as memory, personality, language, motivation, and sex, there is still much to discover. We understand how the brain gives rise to intelligence, but the question of how it gives rise to consciousness remains elusive. Mental life is a product of natural and cultural evolution, and not all aspects of our minds are accessible to our consciousness.

The Impact of Social Media

Social media platforms amplify the problem of misinformation, distorting our perception of reality and leading to a lack of fact-based discussions. They can bring out the worst in people, create extreme views, and consume mental energy. The business model of maximizing ad revenue is largely responsible for the negative impacts of social media. It is crucial to recognize and address these negative impacts, finding ways to mitigate misinformation and foster a healthier online environment.


This episode of the “Making Sense with Sam Harris” podcast explores various topics, including AI, psychology, fiction, and the impact of social media. It raises important questions about the risks and implications of AI, the value of nonfiction books and audio content, the unique insights provided by fiction, the complexity of the human mind, and the challenges posed by social media. By delving into these subjects, Sam Harris and Paul Bloom encourage listeners to think critically about the role of technology, the pursuit of knowledge, and the impact of digital platforms on our lives.

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