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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #326 — AI & Information Integrity | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#326 — AI & Information Integrity | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris,” Sam Harris interviews Nina Shick, an expert on generative AI and state-sponsored disinformation. They discuss the challenges of regulating AI, the problem of fake videos and hyper-personalization of information, possible disruptions in the labor market, and the positive aspects of AI. They also delve into the civil liberties issues posed by deep fakes, the need for regulation, and the impact of AI on society.

Main Takeaways

Regulating AI and Deep Fakes

  • The challenge of regulating AI is discussed.
  • Regulation is a possible solution to deep fakes, but it is seen as a bad word for at least half of society and is in collision with free speech.
  • Generative AI is becoming more profound than just miss and disinformation and is almost a tipping point for human society.
  • Regulation of AI is difficult because it’s vast and nascent, and we need to break it down into its constituent parts.
  • Deep fakes pose a civil liberties issue as AI can clone anybody with the right training data to recreate their biometrics.

The Impact of AI on Information Integrity

  • Deep fakes, AI-generated content, emerged in 2017 as a malicious use case for non-consensual pornography.
  • AI-generated video of people saying and doing things they’ve never done before is now possible.
  • Generative AI and large language models have the ability to scale misinformation and disinformation.
  • The development of deep fakes and other fake material poses a significant threat to information integrity.
  • There has been less focus on combatting disinformation through text compared to visual components.

AI’s Potential and Implications

  • AI has tremendous economic value and potential for scientific research and insight generation.
  • AI is a profound technology that needs to be regulated because it will change the entire framework of society.
  • Big Tech companies have strategically pivoted to make use of AI a core part of their strategy.
  • The development of AI poses a real threat to the further career of our species, and regulation is necessary to address this.
  • AI has the potential to cure illnesses like cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Hyper-Personalization and Multimodal Models

  • Hyper-personalization leads to a curated reality where everyone sees something different.
  • Negative manifestations of hyper-personalization include girlfriend bots and chatbots fulfilling sexual fantasies and potential for grooming and radicalization.
  • Multi-modal models can combine different digital media to create a more immersive experience.
  • Entertainment industry is excited about the ability to create an audience of one for fans of a particular franchise.
  • Hyper-personalization has potential in the medical field, with chatbots being used as assistants or friends for people with mental health issues.


The Challenge of Regulating AI and Deep Fakes

Nina Shick and Sam Harris discuss the difficulties of regulating AI and the civil liberties issues posed by deep fakes. While regulation is seen as a solution, it clashes with free speech concerns. Generative AI is becoming more profound and poses a tipping point for human society. Breaking down AI into its constituent parts is essential for effective regulation.

The Impact of AI on Information Integrity

The emergence of deep fakes and AI-generated content has raised concerns about information integrity. Deep fakes can create convincing fake videos, while generative AI and large language models can scale misinformation and disinformation. The focus on combatting disinformation through visual components needs to be balanced with text-based solutions.

AI’s Potential and Implications

AI holds tremendous economic value and potential for scientific research and insight generation. However, its development also poses threats to the future of humanity. Regulation is necessary to address these risks and ensure AI is used for positive purposes, such as curing illnesses like cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Hyper-Personalization and Multimodal Models

Hyper-personalization creates a curated reality where individuals see different information. This can have negative manifestations, such as girlfriend bots and potential for grooming and radicalization. On the positive side, multimodal models offer immersive experiences and have applications in entertainment and personalized medical treatment.


The development of AI and its impact on information integrity and society necessitate careful regulation. Balancing the potential benefits with the risks is crucial to ensure AI is used ethically and for the betterment of humanity. Addressing deep fakes, hyper-personalization, and the challenges of regulating AI requires collaboration between policymakers, technologists, and society as a whole.

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