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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #329 — What Happened to the Republican Party? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#329 — What Happened to the Republican Party? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris,” Sam Harris engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Brett Stevens, a columnist for the New York Times and author of “America in Retreat.” They delve into the strange evolution of the Republican Party, discussing topics such as attitudes towards Putin, Tucker Carlson’s influence, the war in Ukraine, and the tension between concerns about misinformation and free speech. They also explore Trump’s capture of the Republican Party, criminal charges against him, and the future of conservatism in America.

Main Takeaways

The Republican Party’s Transformation

  • Discussion of the strange change in the Republican Party.
  • Republicans used to be anti-Putin before the ascendancy of Donald Trump.
  • Republicans see Putin as a model of truculent nationalism and admire his anti-Muslim perception.
  • Tucker Carlson’s leaked texts reveal he reviled Trump behind the scenes, despite cultivating an audience in Trump’s personality cult.
  • Carlson’s audience doesn’t seem to care about his hypocrisy and lack of integrity.

The War in Ukraine

  • Discussion of Putin’s popularity among some on the right and the weirdness of the conversation surrounding Ukraine.
  • Ukraine needs moral and geopolitical support from the US to defend against authoritarian aggression.
  • Defending embattled democracies is vital for global security.
  • The claim that Ukraine’s potential NATO membership provoked Putin is false.
  • Ukrainians are determined to win the war and reclaim all the territory.

Misinformation, Free Speech, and Public Health

  • Experts and elites have embarrassed themselves in their claims to certainty, as seen in the public health messaging during COVID.
  • Populist discontent with experts and institutions is driven by a sense that everyone’s opinion is equal and experts are untrustworthy.
  • Efforts to get rid of misinformation may not serve the ultimate cause of truth.
  • Public messaging about major concerns can be difficult due to misinformation and half-truths.
  • The closure of schools across America during the early phases of the COVID pandemic caused terrible damage to young children that will take years to repair.

The Role of Media and Journalism

  • Media’s role is to be fair-minded, thoughtful, and transparent tellers of the news.
  • Biased media creates a perception of mistrust and drives people to alternative sources of information.
  • The Hunter Biden laptop story was not given appropriate hearing in a timely way, leading to false claims of election theft by Trump supporters.
  • Mainstream media should apply an equivalent standard to all stories, regardless of political affiliation.
  • Timing of news stories can impact their effectiveness and influence on public opinion.


The Republican Party’s Transformation

Brett Stevens and Sam Harris explore the strange transformation of the Republican Party, noting how Republicans used to be anti-Putin before the rise of Donald Trump. They discuss the admiration some Republicans have for Putin’s truculent nationalism and anti-Muslim perception. The leaked texts of Tucker Carlson, a prominent conservative commentator, reveal his private revulsion towards Trump, raising questions about his integrity and the loyalty of his audience.

The War in Ukraine

The conversation then shifts to Ukraine, with Stevens emphasizing the need for moral and geopolitical support from the US to defend against Putin’s aggression. They debunk the claim that Ukraine’s potential NATO membership provoked Putin and highlight the determination of Ukrainians to win the war and reclaim their territory. The implications of Ukraine’s struggle extend beyond its borders, as it serves as a test case for authoritarian aggression and global security.

Misinformation, Free Speech, and Public Health

The discussion delves into the challenges of combating misinformation, particularly in the context of public health messaging during the COVID pandemic. The experts’ insistence on certainty and their failure to acknowledge their limitations have fueled populist discontent and mistrust in institutions. The closure of schools during the pandemic is highlighted as a damaging consequence, with long-term effects on children’s well-being. The importance of considering trade-offs and avoiding censorship in the pursuit of truth is emphasized.

The Role of Media and Journalism

The conversation concludes by examining the role of media and journalism. The need for fair-minded, transparent reporting is emphasized, as biased media contributes to mistrust and drives people towards alternative sources of information. The mishandling of the Hunter Biden laptop story is discussed as an example of media’s influence on public opinion and the importance of applying equivalent standards to all stories, regardless of political affiliation.


Through their conversation, Sam Harris and Brett Stevens shed light on the transformation of the Republican Party, the complexities of the war in Ukraine, the challenges of combating misinformation, and the role of media and journalism in shaping public opinion. Their discussion serves as a reminder of the importance of critical thinking, open dialogue, and a commitment to truth in navigating the complexities of contemporary politics.

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