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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #332 — Can We Contain Artificial Intelligence? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#332 — Can We Contain Artificial Intelligence? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris,” Sam Harris speaks with Mustafa Suleiman, co-founder and CEO of Inflection AI, and venture partner at Greylock. They discuss the progress made in artificial intelligence (AI), the risks associated with AI development, and the importance of containment. Suleiman also shares his concerns about superintelligence and the potential for a misinformation apocalypse. The conversation touches on various topics, including synthetic biology, robotics, labor disruption, and cooperation with China.

Main Takeaways

Progress in AI and Achievements

  • DeepMind, Suleiman’s former company, made significant progress in AI.
  • Achievements include Atari DQN, AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and AlphaFold.
  • DeepMind’s success revitalized interest in AI and led to the emergence of other companies.

The Risks of AI and Containment

  • The risks associated with AI development and the containment problem are discussed.
  • Containment is important to ensure AI remains accountable to humans.
  • Concerns about superintelligence may distract from more pressing problems.

Impact of AI on Work and Leisure

  • The changing norms of work and leisure due to AI advancements are discussed.
  • Labor disruption is a concern as AI replaces human intelligence.
  • AI models are becoming creative and empathetic.

Other Topics Discussed

  • The conversation touches on synthetic biology, robotics, productivity growth, and conflict and cooperation with China.
  • Technology has a compressive effect, leveraging what we can do.
  • The concept of containment is about ensuring technologies remain accountable to humans.


Progress in AI and Achievements

Suleiman discusses the progress made in AI by DeepMind, highlighting their achievements in Atari DQN, AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and AlphaFold. These breakthroughs revitalized interest in AI and led to the emergence of other companies in the field.

The Risks of AI and Containment

The conversation delves into the risks associated with AI development and the importance of containment. Suleiman emphasizes the need for AI to remain accountable to humans and cautions against being overly focused on superintelligence, which may distract from more immediate concerns.

Impact of AI on Work and Leisure

Suleiman and Harris discuss the changing norms of work and leisure due to advancements in AI. They explore concerns about labor disruption and the replacement of human intelligence by AI models that can now exhibit creativity and empathy.

Other Topics Discussed

The conversation touches on various topics, including synthetic biology, robotics, productivity growth, and conflict and cooperation with China. Suleiman highlights the compressive effect of technology and the importance of ensuring technologies remain accountable to humans through the concept of containment.


In this episode, Mustafa Suleiman provides insights into the progress made in AI, the risks associated with its development, and the importance of containment. The conversation sheds light on the changing landscape of work and leisure, as well as the potential impact of AI on various industries. While the risks and challenges are acknowledged, there is optimism about the potential for AI to drive productivity and enhance human capabilities. It is crucial to address the concerns and ensure that AI remains accountable to humans as it continues to evolve.

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