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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #335 — A Postmortem on My Response to Covid | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#335 — A Postmortem on My Response to Covid | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris,” Sam Harris addresses controversies surrounding his views on COVID and the misrepresentation of his beliefs. He explores the challenges of communicating complex ideas in the age of social media and the importance of trust in institutions and expert consensus. Harris also discusses the origins of the pandemic, the role of vaccines, and the need for a balanced approach in addressing public health issues.

Main Takeaways

Controversies and Misrepresentation

  • Sam Harris has been off social media for nine months but occasionally receives tweets about controversies related to his views on COVID.
  • Harris has been appearing on other people’s podcasts with different audiences, even if they are hostile to him, to communicate something of value to their audience.
  • Clips from these conversations are being shared on social media, often taken out of context to misrepresent Harris’ beliefs.
  • This misrepresentation has caused prominent people, friends, and former friends to think the worst of him.
  • Many people are too busy and lazy to consume anything but clips, which can lead to inaccurate and self-explanatory interpretations.
  • Many clips can be trusted because they are made by fans and they really do help amplify a person’s actual message.

Harris’ Views on COVID

  • There seems to be a consensus out there, right of center, that Harris got COVID wrong, disastrously, and for some reason he has refused to admit this.
  • The first difference is that COVID was a public health emergency, around which there was tremendous uncertainty.
  • Given this situation, the most responsible thing to do, in Harris’ view, was to defer to whatever consensus could be found among experts, until that consensus changed.
  • COVID was a moving target with many unknowns in the beginning.
  • The mainstream position on COVID was generally as close to the truth as we could get.
  • The speaker’s belief in the mainstream position on COVID explains his behavior.
  • Criticism of the speaker’s views on COVID has grown strange and includes conspiracy theories.
  • The speaker’s positions on COVID have been taken out of context to create absurd and baffling clips.
  • Brett Weinstein has engaged in a dishonest smear campaign against the speaker.

Vaccines and Vaccine Mandates

  • Sam Harris argues that bodily autonomy cannot always supersede the need for vaccine mandates, especially in the case of a dangerous pathogen and a safe, effective vaccine.
  • Sam Harris argues that vaccine mandates may be necessary in certain situations.
  • A dangerous pathogen and safe, effective vaccine can prevent a catastrophe.
  • Smallpox was eradicated with a vaccine.
  • Misconceptions about Harris’ views on COVID-19 are circulating online.
  • Harris is not defending a paranoid response to COVID-19 or the excesses of the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Profit motives of drug companies can lead to perverse incentives and conflicts of interest.
  • No obvious alternatives to capitalism for encouraging human ingenuity in medicine.
  • Government has a role in funding research and creating a guaranteed market for rarely used medicines.

Origins of the Pandemic and Response

  • The origins of the pandemic didn’t matter much at the beginning, but evidence tends to vanish and waiting indefinitely to figure out the origin of COVID may not have been the best decision – Sam Harris.
  • Practices around studying dangerous pathogens require rethinking – Sam Harris.
  • USAID suspended DeepVision program, which was a misguided project of finding undiscovered mammalian viruses – Sam Harris.
  • It’s important to understand what happened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and whether there’s been a cover-up – Sam Harris.
  • Disparity in experiences during the pandemic existed at every level of the wealth hierarchy – Sam Harris.
  • Elon Musk’s behavior during the pandemic may have been influenced by the realization that electric cars and rockets are among the things one is least able to build from home – Sam Harris.
  • Some people were censored or demonetized on various platforms for going against public health orthodoxy, while others like Alex Jones deserved it for spreading lies and causing harm.
  • The pandemic exposed differential exposure to economic pressure, with some struggling more than others and feeling like second-class citizens.
  • There was a difference in how countries handled lockdowns, with the US having stronger protections of free speech than other countries like New Zealand and Australia.


Controversies and Misrepresentation

Sam Harris has faced controversies and misrepresentation of his views on COVID due to clips from his appearances on other podcasts being shared on social media. These clips are often taken out of context, leading to misunderstandings and misrepresentation of his beliefs. While some clips are made by fans to amplify his message, others have been edited to create absurd and baffling narratives.

Harris’ Views on COVID

Harris believes that in the face of tremendous uncertainty during the COVID pandemic, it was responsible to defer to the consensus among experts. He argues that the mainstream position on COVID was generally as close to the truth as possible, given the evolving nature of the virus. However, criticism of his views has grown strange and includes conspiracy theories. He also addresses the dishonest smear campaign against him by Brett Weinstein.

Vaccines and Vaccine Mandates

Harris argues that vaccine mandates may be necessary in certain situations, especially when dealing with a dangerous pathogen and a safe, effective vaccine. He highlights the success of vaccines in eradicating diseases like smallpox. While acknowledging the profit motives of drug companies and the need for government intervention in certain areas, he emphasizes the importance of encouraging human ingenuity in medicine.

Origins of the Pandemic and Response

Harris discusses the importance of understanding the origins of the pandemic and the need to rethink practices around studying dangerous pathogens. He raises concerns about potential cover-ups and the impact of the pandemic on different socioeconomic groups. He also reflects on the response to the pandemic, including censorship, economic disparities, and differing approaches to lockdowns.


Sam Harris addresses controversies surrounding his views on COVID, emphasizing the importance of accurate representation and understanding the complexities of the pandemic. He advocates for trust in institutions and expert consensus while acknowledging the need for critical evaluation and improvement. Harris highlights the significance of vaccines, the origins of the pandemic, and the ethical considerations surrounding vaccine mandates. Ultimately, he emphasizes the need for balanced approaches and a functioning society built on trust and cooperation.

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