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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #346 — The Best Kept Secret In History? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#346 — The Best Kept Secret In History? | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris,” Sam Harris discusses the potential psychedelic origins of Christianity with author and lawyer Brian Murerescu. They delve into the mysteries of ancient Greek rituals, the use of psychedelics in antiquity, and the connections between early Christianity and pagan traditions. The conversation explores the transformative power of psychedelics and their influence on religious and spiritual practices throughout history.

Main Takeaways

The Ancient Greek Mysteries and Psychedelics

  • The mysteries of Eleusis and Illusus were transformative and secretive experiences, involving rituals and the consumption of a ritual potion.
  • There is evidence to suggest that the ancient Greeks may have consumed a psychedelic potion in their holiest ceremonies.
  • The book “The Road to Illusus” by Karl Ruck explores the potential role of psychedelics in the mysteries of Illusus.
  • The mysteries of Eleusis and Illusus had a profound impact on ancient Greek culture and philosophy.

The Influence of Psychedelics on Early Christianity

  • Early Christianity had similarities to ancient mystery religions, with a focus on personal spiritual journeys and direct knowledge of the divine.
  • The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Corpus shed new light on early Christian beliefs and practices.
  • The Gospel of Thomas, found in the Nag Hammadi texts, portrays Jesus as a guide to personal salvation, similar to ancient Greek mysteries.
  • The pagan continuity hypothesis suggests that pre-Christian rights and practices carried over into the Paleo-Christian era.

Parallels Between Dionysus and Jesus

  • Dionysus, the Greek god associated with wine and madness, has parallels with Jesus, particularly in the concept of consuming their flesh and blood.
  • The central promise of Christianity is consuming Jesus’ flesh and blood to gain eternal life, paralleling Dionysian initiates’ rituals.
  • The concept of theophagy, eating the god to become the god, is ancient and shared by both Dionysian initiates and Christians.
  • The cannibalistic nature of the Christian promise may seem surprising, but it has deep roots in ancient religious traditions.


Ancient Greek Mysteries and Psychedelics

Sam Harris and Brian Murerescu explore the mysteries of Eleusis and Illusus, ancient Greek rituals that involved transformative experiences and the consumption of a ritual potion. They discuss the potential role of psychedelics in these rituals, drawing on Karl Ruck’s book “The Road to Illusus.” The mysteries of Eleusis and Illusus had a profound impact on ancient Greek culture and philosophy, shaping the spiritual beliefs and practices of the time.

Influence of Psychedelics on Early Christianity

The conversation shifts to the influence of psychedelics on early Christianity. Sam Harris and Brian Murerescu discuss the pagan continuity hypothesis, which suggests that pre-Christian rights and practices carried over into the Paleo-Christian era. They explore the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Corpus, which shed new light on early Christian beliefs and practices. The Gospel of Thomas, found in the Nag Hammadi texts, portrays Jesus as a guide to personal salvation, similar to the role of ancient Greek mystery initiates.

Parallels Between Dionysus and Jesus

The parallels between Dionysus, the Greek god associated with wine and madness, and Jesus are examined. Sam Harris and Brian Murerescu discuss the concept of consuming the flesh and blood of Dionysus and Jesus, symbolizing a pact around madness and the promise of eternal life. They highlight the ancient and prehistoric roots of theophagy, the act of eating the god to become the god, which is shared by both Dionysian initiates and Christians. The cannibalistic nature of the Christian promise may seem surprising, but it reflects deep connections to ancient religious traditions.


Through their exploration of the potential psychedelic origins of Christianity, Sam Harris and Brian Murerescu shed light on the interconnectedness of ancient Greek rituals, early Christian beliefs, and the transformative power of psychedelics. They challenge traditional narratives and invite listeners to consider the profound influence of mystical experiences throughout history.

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