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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast / 393. This Is Why You’re Hopeless and Miserable | The Honourable Tony Abbott | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

393. This Is Why You’re Hopeless and Miserable | The Honourable Tony Abbott | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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In this episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Jordan Peterson sits down with former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to discuss various topics including Australia’s global reputation, challenges in maintaining prosperity and security, the impact of emissions obsession on energy, the need for responsible citizenship, and the role of faith and humility in life. They also delve into the importance of tradition, the significance of role models, and the current state of politics in the West.

Main Takeaways

Australia’s Challenges and Reputation

  • Australia faces challenges in maintaining prosperity and security, including recession, high inflation, and supply chain issues.
  • Australia has a global reputation for being free, fair, and a good mate to other countries.

Energy and Emissions Obsession

  • Australia has a particular problem with energy due to emissions obsession, despite having abundant resources like coal, gas, and uranium.
  • Canada and Australia share an emissions obsession, which is harming their economies without making a significant difference to global emissions.
  • Efforts to scuttle the oil and gas industry in favor of renewables in countries like Canada are a bad idea, given their vast reserves of natural resources.
  • Green policies in countries like Germany have failed on both economic and environmental fronts, with electricity becoming more expensive and unreliable while emissions per unit of electricity have increased.
  • Nuclear power is the only form of emissions-free 24/7 base load power, but those who are most insistent on reducing emissions are often hostile towards nuclear power.

Climate Change and Environmentalism

  • Climate apocalypse claims have an anti-industrialism and anti-humanism basis.
  • Anti-humanism is expressed through claims of there being too many people on the planet and a sustainable population of only 500 million.
  • The new religion of opposing carbon dioxide is reducing all human problems to one issue.
  • Helping the world’s poor raise their income to $5,000 a year would make them spontaneously attend to environmental issues.
  • Environmental devastation is found in poorer countries where people struggle to stay alive, while better-off countries can take environmental issues seriously.

Faith, Humility, and Purpose

  • Having faith in things that aren’t factual is necessary for human beings.
  • Prioritizing and creating a hierarchy of values is essential for decision-making.
  • Faith helps stabilize us psychologically and unites us socially.
  • We need an important purpose to our lives above simple survival and pleasure.
  • Personality is reflected in language and has five dimensions: extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness.

Politics and Leadership

  • Politics tends to attract people who are more likely to play a crooked game than other modes of interacting with the world, such as business, art, and culture.
  • Sticking to your guns and fighting for a good cause is better than quitting.
  • Netanyahu pursued radical measures aimed at transforming Israel economically and it worked, but it took 10 years to bear fruit.
  • The doctrine of minimal necessary force is a good one to follow in avoiding unnecessary enemies.

China and Global Security

  • China poses a significant challenge to global security and prosperity.
  • Australia has dealt with China by doing what is right, such as searching for MH370 and flying military jets through air defense identification zones.
  • The United States’ repeated statements that they would defend Taiwan may have sent a strong message to China, even though they have stressed that the posture of strategic ambiguity has not changed.


Australia’s Challenges and Energy Issues

Australia, known for its global reputation as a free and fair country, faces challenges in maintaining prosperity and security. These challenges include recession, high inflation, and supply chain issues. One particular problem Australia faces is its energy situation, driven by an emissions obsession. Despite having abundant resources like coal, gas, and uranium, the country’s energy policies prioritize renewables, leading to economic harm without significant global emissions reduction. This contrasts with countries like Germany, where green policies have failed on both economic and environmental fronts. Nuclear power, the only emissions-free 24/7 base load power, is often opposed by those advocating for emissions reduction. However, countries like France have successfully generated a significant portion of their electricity from nuclear power without major accidents, proving its safety and reliability.

Climate Change and Environmentalism

The discussion also touches on climate change and environmentalism, highlighting the anti-industrialism and anti-humanism basis of climate apocalypse claims. Some argue that there are too many people on the planet and advocate for a sustainable population of only 500 million. However, the focus on reducing carbon dioxide emissions is seen as reducing all human problems to one issue. The conversation emphasizes the importance of helping the world’s poor raise their income to $5,000 a year, as this would naturally lead them to attend to environmental issues. It is noted that environmental devastation is often found in poorer countries where people struggle to survive, while better-off countries have the luxury of prioritizing environmental concerns.

Faith, Humility, and Purpose

The role of faith, humility, and purpose in life is explored, with the understanding that having faith in things that aren’t factual is necessary for human beings. Prioritizing values and creating a hierarchy is essential for decision-making and stability. Faith helps stabilize us psychologically and unites us socially. It is argued that having an important purpose beyond survival and pleasure is crucial for a fulfilling life. The discussion also touches on personality traits and how they are reflected in language, specifically extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness.

Politics, Leadership, and China’s Challenge

The conversation delves into politics, leadership, and the challenge posed by China. It is noted that politics tends to attract individuals more likely to play a crooked game compared to other areas of interaction. The importance of sticking to one’s principles and fighting for a good cause is emphasized. The example of Netanyahu’s radical measures in transforming Israel’s economy is discussed, highlighting the time it takes for such measures to bear fruit. The doctrine of minimal necessary force is suggested as a strategy to avoid unnecessary enemies. The challenge posed by China to global security and prosperity is acknowledged, with Australia taking a principled approach in dealing with China’s actions. The role of the United States in defending Taiwan and the potential impact of their statements on China are also examined.


This episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast” covers a wide range of topics, including Australia’s challenges and global reputation, energy issues and emissions obsession, climate change and environmentalism, the role of faith and humility in life, politics and leadership, and the challenge posed by China. It emphasizes the need for responsible citizenship, the importance of tradition and role models, and the significance of maintaining faith in the essential goodness of being. The conversation offers insights into navigating complex issues and finding purpose in a rapidly changing world.

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